What do you think of this man's wife hating his gaming hobby?


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
cordoncordon said:
I don't know, if I was a kid and I saw my dad playing on average 2-3 hours of video games a day, I would think that was pretty fawking strange. I can't imagine my dad ever doing such a thing, or myself for that matter. Video games are great for an escape now and then, or a fun time for a night playing with your friends or some other couples. But to do that every day, 1-3 hours a day, as a grown man with family responsibilities? Very strange to me. I would say the guy is addicted.
one of my dad's friends when i was growing up had a nintendo wore the thing out. i woudl beg to go over his house all the tine beucase he had mike tyson's punch out and we would play it and ****. his kids turned out to be pretty ****ty

i mean, how can i tell my son to cut the TV off and do his homework before playing his video games if i can'tm help with dinner, clean the house/ wash the car/ spend QT with the misses before cutting the video games on. that's hypocritical

(typing this while playing dead space 3)


Mar 10, 2010
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The Wacky Races
Is Deadspace 3 good? I got to a point in DS 1 where you sit on this friggin cannon and I couldn't shoot all the damn asteroids... so I just ended up leaving it there. Mini-games suck.

Anyway, if DS 3 has co-op, I'd be really interested in playing through that with my wife, I LOVE co-op games.

My buddy and I started up a Minecraft server at his house, while we were out adventuring and collecting sh1t and building houses, our wives sat around making a zoo and filling it with animals. We came home and slaughtered them all for meat! :D Minecraft rules.
If you like video-games, get an asian girl... simple as that. I prefer the 'little sister' type girls, asian chicks always want to be included and will do anything with you, just to be 'doing it with you'. I usually just regulate her to 'follow me here, cover me and please don't die'. Girls tend to like very simple games, their minds can't comprehend the type of information FPS games or RTS games require. Guys know just what to do and when to do it, not to get shot, that kind of thing...girls... will run right into the middle of the field and get blown away instantly. That said, my wife will sit for hours and do logic puzzles and play games like BAD PIGGIES until she finishes every last bit. She's played through Plants Vs Zombies and all its mini-games. They tend to like cerebral games where they are put on an equal playing field. Women tend not to like games that require ruthlessness, death or killing. Dance Dance Revolution seems to be a favorite of the women around here.

BUT, My wife loves when she gets to play arcade-gun games with me, usually she fvcks things up and dies early but she likes trying. Then she'll walk down the street making machine gun noises with her 'hand' gun. Its cute, how can you not like that.

https://s5-us4.ixquick-proxy.com/do...74ce3c0d6fdd746669cf5c88f&ts=MTM2MzUwNDIwMA== <-- the one with the red background in the maid uniform looks exactly like her.

Fvck american women, they suck... if you are a nerd, go to Asia.


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2012
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living in the middle of effing nowhere
LiveFreeX said:
Is Deadspace 3 good? I got to a point in DS 1 where you sit on this friggin cannon and I couldn't shoot all the damn asteroids... so I just ended up leaving it there. Mini-games suck.

Anyway, if DS 3 has co-op, I'd be really interested in playing through that with my wife, I LOVE co-op games.

My buddy and I started up a Minecraft server at his house, while we were out adventuring and collecting sh1t and building houses, our wives sat around making a zoo and filling it with animals. We came home and slaughtered them all for meat! :D Minecraft rules.
If you like video-games, get an asian girl... simple as that. I prefer the 'little sister' type girls, asian chicks always want to be included and will do anything with you, just to be 'doing it with you'. I usually just regulate her to 'follow me here, cover me and please don't die'. Girls tend to like very simple games, their minds can't comprehend the type of information FPS games or RTS games require. Guys know just what to do and when to do it, not to get shot, that kind of thing...girls... will run right into the middle of the field and get blown away instantly. That said, my wife will sit for hours and do logic puzzles and play games like BAD PIGGIES until she finishes every last bit. She's played through Plants Vs Zombies and all its mini-games. They tend to like cerebral games where they are put on an equal playing field. Women tend not to like games that require ruthlessness, death or killing. Dance Dance Revolution seems to be a favorite of the women around here.

BUT, My wife loves when she gets to play arcade-gun games with me, usually she fvcks things up and dies early but she likes trying. Then she'll walk down the street making machine gun noises with her 'hand' gun. Its cute, how can you not like that.

https://s5-us4.ixquick-proxy.com/do...74ce3c0d6fdd746669cf5c88f&ts=MTM2MzUwNDIwMA== <-- the one with the red background in the maid uniform looks exactly like her.

Fvck american women, they suck... if you are a nerd, go to Asia.
deadspace 3 sucks....period

also i dont usually post here since im not mature but im gonna say something for the sake of others.i hope i dont get banned for this :D

it's good that you have a good wife man, i'm very happy for you .
as a general rule though ,asian girls are the same species as their US counterparts,cold , calculating and very bytchy.

i'm half asian and i've seen both sides of the fence,before coming to this website i tried chinese ,korean , japanese ,bhutanese, nepalese and indian girls...
they are all the same merchandise. they are more conservative and won't spread their legs as easily as an american , but in the end bytches are bytches.

sorry to say this but your wife probably married you foryour passport :yes:


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
i remember that part in dead space 1 yeah it's brutal but once you get past it teh game gets really interesting

dead space 3.. not as good as dead space 2 but still pretty damn good yes it has co op


Don Juan
Feb 26, 2013
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It depends on the games and time invested per returns. My buddy completely neglects his wife to play World of Warcraft. He takes vacation days so he can have uninterrupted game time.

His wife complains that she basically has to beg him to get off and have sex, and then its rushed so he can get back on the game.

He got in to it years after their marriage started. I have talked to him about it. I think there is a huge difference between an hour or two playing COD, and an MMORPG where you have to have a large group to make progress past a certain level. Its like he is dissapointing his online friends by having to get off the game to have sex with his wife. All of his accomplishments stem from the virtual world and not real life. He has no drive to advance his career, but let there be an expansion pack with shiney new loot? You will see a driven man.

Check out the stories on here http://wowwidows.livejournal.com/


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
it's funny this post came up, yetserday, today is the first time i am sitting down playing a game i really "got up" for and i'm having to make myself play it. the interest just isn't really there. even the new metal gear solid I love metal gear solid but meh.

think i'm growing out of games. nothing wrong with games. just think i've grown out of them. this isn't all that fun anymore i'd rather watch a really good TV series than play this. in fact that's what i'm going to do

Married Buried

Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2012
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My wife doesn't care if I play either... as for growing out of the games, I am growing out of the old ass xbox 360 and PS3.

Now this Christmas will be the new systems. It will be like being a kid again.


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2011
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What Bb said. I fiend on netflix now, mostly documentaries. Plus my fast twitch skills seemed to.have faded a bit as I age. Used to be beast. It woulda been fun to compete in my video game prime vs. these bucks nowadays. As for the women, they always will **** test you for playing but sometimes I had to step back and realize I was playing too much at the expense of.doing.stuff in my relationship. There's a balance. I don't think its healthy to play every day for 3 hours plus. Couple hours isn't TOO bad imo.


Mar 10, 2010
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The Wacky Races
Nobody harps on guys that play football with their boys or goto football games or the superbowl, but gaming isn't ok? I don't see how gaming is different from any other hobby: paint ball, archery, comics, cards, sports... Maybe if the guy were to play his games outside the house at a LAN party or something, the girls wouldn't complain as much. I don't know, I have no problems with my wife... it still stands, if your woman has a problem with your hobbies, your woman is the problem.

My wife is from the rice paddies dude, I live in China, my job is in China, if anything I married her for HER passport. :)

If you are dating Asian women in america you aren't dating Asian women.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
if you do anything "too much" women harp on it. girls i've dated who dont' go to the gym always ***** about me having to go to the gym so much / everyday. it's a problem beucase I'm never around / never have "free time". she wants to sit down and watch law and order with me i want to go to the gym and crank out my routine

no one is saying video games are evil. we are saying obsessively playing video games to the point of negation of your of your other duties, is evil

it' sno ****ing different than a broad that watches 5-6 hours of TV a day. you won't hear most guys ***** about it but it's quite unattractive and would never date seriously a girl that watches that much TV. my wife has a few as in like 3 she watches and if we are both not busy we will just sit and cuddle and watch something together to be doing something on netflix but women who just live in frnot of the TV **** that siht.

it's like, my TV habit is quite normal. I got shows that come on i'm going to watch live

breaking bad
mad men
boardwalk empire
law and order

those come on i'm watching them rigth then and there.

then i got my college football. I like college football so college football season i'm watching college football on saturdays. plus my horse racing but that's not really TV watching

anyway my point is like, i don't sit in front of the TV all day long watching TV. TV is way to unwind but that's myabe... 2-3 hours a week of TV I watch plus i am usuallyw atching something on netflix so let's say 5-6 hours a week.

but a person who spends that a DAY every DAY that's obsessive and unattractive.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
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LiveFreeX said:
Nobody harps on guys that play football with their boys or goto football games or the superbowl, but gaming isn't ok? I don't see how gaming is different from any other hobby: paint ball, archery, comics, cards, sports... Maybe if the guy were to play his games outside the house at a LAN party or something, the girls wouldn't complain as much. I don't know, I have no problems with my wife... it still stands, if your woman has a problem with your hobbies, your woman is the problem.

My wife is from the rice paddies dude, I live in China, my job is in China, if anything I married her for HER passport. :)

If you are dating Asian women in america you aren't dating Asian women.
I can tell you a big difference. When you are out playing sports? You are increasing your physical fitness level. You are staying in shape. You are aiding your health. When you sit on the couch and stare at a TV screen? You are not doing any of those things. You are dying. I am not saying playing video games once or twice a week is bad, it's not. It's quite fun. But every day for 2-3 hours a day? My God what a waste of time.

FYI I have been dating, now engaged to, an Asian woman (she moved here from Taiwan when she was 5) for 4 years. In fact we just got home from spending the day at the Tilted Kilt, drinking, carousing, and playing Golden Tee with our friends. :)

How about posting a pic of your Asian girl LFX?


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
Reaction score
you piss me off with your skinny asian wifey!

relax dude, there are 1 billion of'em around :D


Mar 10, 2010
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The Wacky Races
I'd love to, but while we are here in China, if I say the wrong thing...might result in a Chinese 'human flesh search'. I'm a little nervous about that. Also I work among extremely PC females sometimes who would love to flam-bay my ass, given the chance... its a pain, so must stay anonymous for my job. Had one fat american hunk of junk go off on me for 2 hours about saying the word 'fag' to a Chinese student... then she broke down and started to cry and went into the office to tell everyone how insensitive I am.

Married Buried

Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2012
Reaction score
LiveFreeX said:
I'd love to, but while we are here in China, if I say the wrong thing...might result in a Chinese 'human flesh search'. I'm a little nervous about that. Also I work among extremely PC females sometimes who would love to flam-bay my ass, given the chance... its a pain, so must stay anonymous for my job. Had one fat american hunk of junk go off on me for 2 hours about saying the word 'fag' to a Chinese student... then she broke down and started to cry and went into the office to tell everyone how insensitive I am.
Sounds like a great place to live.


Mar 10, 2010
Reaction score
The Wacky Races
If your over 30 in still play video games than something is wrong.
Mmm so when would it be ok then to have a hobby? What if I make enough money to support both my wife and I, plus we buy real estate every year... or land every few months... have our own side business and 'level up' at every opportunity... is it then ok? Please oh enlightened one, reveal to me the error of my ways.

Games taught me a lot about business, savings, pooling resources... anyone who has had the chance to play fable 2 knows that buying run down houses and fixing them up to rent helps you win the game faster. If you play X:Beyond The Frontier, you have to setup businesses/ factories and get logistics routes moving. If you want to play a pure business game that will teach you everything you need to know play CAPITALISM. I would never have acquired the skills on my own. Gaming gives you an outlet to make mistakes without serious consequence, something reality doesn't give you. If you play Settlers of Catan, you'll learn ways to negotiate and you'll see first hand how guys will openly hand over resources to women players based on sex alone. In World of Warcraft, if you pretend your a girl, guys will just hand over expensive weapons.

When I was 20, I set out to make my life as interesting as my D20 Modern Character sheet. I went about acquiring all the different skills like martial arts, scuba diving, rock climbing, archery and so on that makes me who I am today. There is a great deal of stuff you can learn and take away from games. When I'm not doing anything, I sit around and play board games or MAGIC: The Gathering with my friends, there is a lot of time where we get paid to just sit and wait. I don't know about you but I like to have something to fill my free time that doesn't consist of 'gaming women' or 'the gym'. Since when does this have to occupy all of your time?!?

A lot of my secondary business revolves around the video game generation and I also work with kids in my day to day job, guess what helps me relate to them. We run GAMES non stop in class for the kids to learn English, they don't learn anything by sitting in a desk all day. Games are simply play and play is training without fear of mistakes, its a fantastic way to learn.

By the way SPORTS are GAMES...