If we are talking about what causes attraction, you can make a long list and then try to rank order it, but I believe it is looks. To put that more accurately, appearance. Attraction even for women I believe is mostly visual and to a lesser extent auditory, how your voice sounds and to an even lesser extent what you say. That's not to say what you say isn't important but unless you talk about really negative things or such, the content is mostly pass or fail and how you appear makes the difference.
Appearance encompases personality, style and a whole lot of other things. You could try to separate out which facet of your apearance that is most important but you are being judge on the totality of your appearance by women, so I don't see it as that separable.
If you have a lot of wealth and fame, I'm talking like being a TV, movie or proverbial rockstar, and not just some guy who makes up to a few $100k, then that is an attractor that trumps looks and appearance.