It's a form of self delusion. It's not a very pleasant thing to look at things for what they are. Much easier to hold the belief that "people are inherently good", then use the "low quality" label to explain behavior they believe to be unacceptable.Tazman said:I don't understand the logic in claiming to "know" what the people around you do or will "ever" do.
Believing is one thing, but claiming to know absolutely what another person will do is impossible (unless you're physically joined at the hip).
And it eventually becomes a self reinforcing belief. People will peg you as being judgmental, so they won't share the intimate details with you. Only the pretty facade. Then they say "There! See! I told you so! She TOLD me that she's never cheated on anyone before and never would. She's a Q.U.A.L.I.T.Y. woman!"
If you think that you know even 1/10th of the details of any given woman's past you are living with your head in the sand.
"Instincts" huh? That sounds kind of strange coming from a guy who doesn't believe nature plays much of a role in things.jophil28 said:NO, it means that I mostly chose quality woman because I instinctively knew what 'style' is, and what qualities to look for in a prospect..
What is "successful"? A wife, a dog, and a white picket fence? Don't assume that my definition of success is the same as yours.From reading your unsuccessful war stories with women, it seems that you lack that particular skill.
Perhaps you need to reset your standards and expectations upwards.
Actually, with the exposure I've had to people from all walks of life I'm pretty damn good at sizing someone up quickly.
I have "high expectations". That's why I quickly file about 98% of the women I meet into the category of "completely undateable". The other 2% are usually in stable relationships. Usually.
Semantics are inconsequential. My point was that if you believe you REALLY know people, you are deluding yourself.More confused words. Lets call it by it correct name.
The phrase " manufactured reality " is a nonsense. Reality exists outside of ourselves and will remain after our death. Reality is NOT perception. or 'personal reality' or 'parrallel truths' or any other such drivel from post moderism.
What that guy created was self delusion or, as you correctly said, "illusion" .