Well it's both. Before I was pissed off that I couldn't move out. In reality, I'm eating fast food twice a day, smoking a pack of cigs a day, and probably wasting money in other places. So the rent may even be in my current income, and I may be at ramen-noodle paycheck to paycheck my own pad living now. I don't know. I've been kind of a lazy bastard, except I am seeking out new work and everything. And it seems like my authority is increasing at work, something's going on.
My Dad says, do not worry about me. Even if I ask him he'll say "don't ask me. Just give me advanced warning. It's not your responsibility to worry about me." But obviously I'm concerned.
It's been him and me, just the two of us ever since I was six years old, so I feel like I'm going through some advanced maturing here on the board. The more I discuss it the more I realize how important it is---I have to leave the nest.
But in the mean-time, I'm just going to take it day by day and not worry too much about the when, like you said, that's pointless. I just have to know it's on the way, and I'll get there.