Next her. She isn't that into you.
You offered to do the right gentlemanly thing by walking her to her car. Any chick would go along with that, so why would she object? My guess is she wanted to avoid what would happen next, meaning, kissing you, which is what she saw happening if you walked her to her car. Just like a chick who says, "You don't have to walk me to the door" when you drop her off at home and gets out of the car herself.
Add that to how she was fidgety during the date. I'd say it's not that she hasn't had a man since August or that she's new to internet dating or any excuse other then she wasn't that comfortable being with you. Women can get nervous either if you're gorgeous and exceeded what they expected you to look like or if they really don't want to be there but feel stuck.
Then she texts you, I think, out of guilt. Just to make herself seem like a nice person.
This is the only way her behavior totally makes sense to me.
Some suggestions for you when it comes to online dating because stuff like this has happened to you before:
Don't make the first date a dinner date. Meet them over a drink or a cup of coffee or tea. Keep it short, about an hour long and then decide if you'd like to see them again. You want to avoid the mamas that come out for a free meal.
Don't make dates via texting. Pick up the phone and call and get them on the phone (don't request a date over VM), chit chat for five to ten minutes, make 'em laugh, then invite them out to some fun activity. texting permits them to dodge just like what she's doing. Then she can claim she never got the text. If you call and get them on the phone, they can't tell you they never got the call. We're disarming their technology by not using it accordingly.
A few hours later I sent her this...
I did have fun tonight. Are you doing anything this weekend?
Lets chat tomorrow night if you have the time.
Don't be in touch with her right after the date. Let her dwell on the date and wonder if there'll be another..
You asking her if she's free this weekend signals that you're free this weekend, and that signals that you have no other options going on. It'd be more helpful to you if you let their imagination wonder what you're doing with your weekends. Not only does that help ramp up their interest in you, you will then in time see how genuine their interest is when and if they ask you to take them out on the weekend.
I was a dating a girl recently and only took her out Sundays or weekday nights. Well, eventually she said to me, "What do I have to do to be in your top three?" Now, I never said anything to her about dating other girls or how many I was dating, all I ever said to her up front was that "we're free agents". See how it got in her mind? because she was interested and wanted to displace the competition she assumed was there.
Anyway, I threw the question back at her, instead of answering it directly. "You want to be in my top three?" I asked. Her reply was great! "Actually", she says, "I want to be Number One." That was on our third date (not counting the "coffee date").
I give you this story to illustrate how dangling yourself as a carrot really does elevate the interest that's there. I don't pursue, I don't chase. They chase me. But you have to give them the opportunity to chase otherwise they don't have to, see.
So if you avoid mentioning "are you doing anything this weekend" they wonder "WTF? Doesn't he want to see me again?" If you don't tell them what you would like to have happen "Lets chat tomorrow night" then they have the opportunity to wonder if you're ever going to call again (and saying, "if you have the time" is weak, brother. That's like excusing yourself to her, do you see that?) and who knows - maybe she'd call YOU instead. Let her chase.
Me, I wouldn't be in contact with a chick after a first date even if she called or texted or whatever. I'd rather have her think I'm out somewhere else. I want her to miss me. Oh, speaking of that, that girl I was telling you about? After a few more dates, she says to me, "Is it okay if I told you that when I don't see you, I miss you?" Ah! See, I listen to these things that come out of their mouths and take note. She MISSES me - and that makes her want to see me MORE. That's what I'm passing along to you. And after a few more dates she asked for a relationship. I told her I had to think about it. I was still evaluating her. A month later, I was cool it with it, I said okay. You may think good women are rare in the U.P., but even here around NYC, a pretty women in decent shape who treats you right and doesn't have any major issues, well, that's pretty rare too.