What are the type of things women do to "test" you?


Master Don Juan
Oct 7, 2001
Reaction score
Women who do any of those things are worthless ****s who don't deserve our attention.


Don Juan
May 2, 2002
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Ok, here's two tests I've been given by girls. The first one: a girl goes up to you and asks you to explain something to her and she deliberately acts somewhat thick-headed in order to test your patience.

The second one (a variation on what was mentioned before) where you'll be talking to her and saying "yes" to 3 or 4 things in a row, and then she'll say something reall stupid or nonsensical just to see if you will agree with what she said. This also tests your listening skills, because if you are REALLY listening to HER and not thinking about yourself, or what you are going to say next, you won't fall for it.


Senior Don Juan
May 6, 2002
Reaction score
Knoxville, TN, USA
What a bitter group about this. I don't do anything like what you all say. Either I'm waaayyy out on a limb, or I actually have something to contribute here.

I do something unexpected in response to tests. I often tickle women when they do this. It conveys a message "Say some silly test question and I'll tickle you. Then, I'll give you a totally irrelevant answer in my best attempt to be funny." It works pretty well. So does standing on my head in front of her in order to "think better". I encourage her to do the same. The first thing you know she thinks I'm crazy and we're both funny.

I've asked if I can use my lifeline. I've pretended to call my dad to ask if mom every did some similar lame test on him. I've asked for a pen and paper, looked very contemplative, and drawn a Tom & Jerry cartoon. I've asked for completely irrelevant power tools to solve a problem.

Lastly, for really irritating tests, I've indulged the common chick aversion to statistics and actual research. When I get a question like "Honey, how long do you think it will take until we know where this relatinship is going", I look up related links on the web about how long it takes according to Prof Soandso. Most women hate answers that involve statistics, math, or sports analogies. Tell her the situation is like the infield fly rule, or determining which NHL teams make the playoffs. Then go off on a tangent.

For tests like flirting with other guys, I think something similar to one dollar per pound approach mentioned earlier is good. Try telling the guy she's flirting with that if he can guess her weight and bra size he can have her for the night. Deer in car headlights or uncontrolled laughter.

Be funny. Be fast and funny if you can. Never let her see you sweat. Make her laugh if you can. That's what most tests are really about; can you make her happy, can you think on your feet, and can you deal with stress? Don't you think that's so Wyldfyre?


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Um, Chance...just how am I telling guys to cow-tow to women by advising them to simply refuse to take part in the drama and aggravation of one-upping each other?

Bottom line...if she tests you and you test her back she is going to test again, then you will, then she will, and then you, then her, etc, etc...

Do you catch the drift here? It's NOT worth the hassle and aggravation. Anyone who allows themselves to be pulled into that kind of nonsense has too much of a need for drama in their life for my liking. But what the hey...if a woman is a drama queen and the guy tries to out do her at her own game he's a drama king and they deserve each other.

And yes, women ARE reactionary. Doesn't matter if she has a valid reason to feel slighted or not...it's not going to change the fact that she feels she has been. When she feels slighted she is more likely to test...and whether the guy is in the wrong or not she is STILL going to behave the same way and there's not a damn thing you can do to control her behavior. All you can do is control how YOU react to it.

To the guy who asked what I thought about using humor...definitely...


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
I get the "You don't listen to me" test and the "You don't get it" alot of times in response to their flawed logic or emotions. Although I must say I strongly agree with Wyldfires statement about women being reactionary.

Once they are pissed off, it's kind of hard to turn around quickly.


Don Juan
Dec 18, 2004
Reaction score
lemme just say good work Fluffy Mutt.

being random and funny are the best ways to deal with some chicks, especially if they arent of the flakey type.

i believe that testing a girl back will just show that you are insecure and easily angered.

the random funny approach makes you more interesting and shows that you really don't care what she thinks of you, which is the fundamental of don juanism.


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2005
Reaction score
Re: What are the type of things women do to "test" you?

Originally posted by DarkDream

Right before going to a movie or other event where you can't talk, she says, "we need to talk, to see where this relationship is going."
'Didn't think it was going anywhere.'

Give her something to stew about during the movie - she'll wish she had picked a better time where she could have had an argument.

The whole point of a woman saying things like the above is so that you actually have to sit and spend time thinking about their question. Throw the ball back at her - do it cheerfully, and enjoy your movie.