Originally posted by I_Only_Live_Once
Yeah but I think that race has to do to how different a person is to some extent. This has to do with not just their race, but their own culture and who they hang out with, which for most people, is friends who have similar backgrounds or ambitions.
There's another thread on here about "Christian girls", which is sort of what I'm talking about in terms of differences between types of people.
I just got out of a serious (but only four-month) relationship with an Asian girl, and I must say, I observed in her some bizarre trends that I can now see growing amongst other Asian young adults today. One of these is a strong set of mixed feelings towards their parents - even quite a bit of antipathy.
Case in point: my gf never told me she loved me, even though I knew she did, knew that we were exclusive, knew that she was physically attracted to me and liked having sex with me, looked out for my well-being, etc. A lot of this, I came to realize, was a reaction against her parents, who had always been very, very strict and overbearing with her. They demanded that she be an overachiever, and when she did as they asked, she didn't get the credit she deserved. In the meantime, her parents' relationship crumbled, and her mom ended up moving to the East Coast to live with her older ("favorite", my gf always added under her breath) daughter.
So, to put it bluntly, she had some really conflicting emotions about her Asian heritage and her parents. She said she was proud to be Chinese and was part of a number of cultural groups on-campus, but at the same time, she hated her experience growing up with it. I have a lot of Asian friends, and they seem to have similar feelings, although most of their experiences weren't QUITE as bad as my gf's.
Anyway, this isn't meant to dissuade you from persuing Asian chicks, (far from it; although it was short, my relationship with this girl was the best one I've been in, hands down) but it
is meant to caution you; if you see this trend emerging, tread cautiously, because she's bound to have some pent-up anger.