Nope I haven't. I think it is obvious I don't drag along feeling of injustice and rejection.
Ha ha, fair enough, but it did also seem like you were a bit inexperienced as I was browsing through this thread. I’m not even gonna pretend like I know you or your personal life, or how many girls you’ve been with, but may I inquire as to why you’ve never married?
Not that there is anything wrong with it, but you seem to be at that age where people look at you and wonder why you’ve never been married. There is a guy in my company, I consider him a friend, we also went out clubbing a bunch of times in the past, and he’s 38 now and never been married. Pretty cool guy, very intelligent (probably too intelligent for his own good, I wonder if you’ve ever pondered this as well, as guys that have the capacity to act foolish and just relax and joke around and not overthink sh*t tend to do much better with girls than those super intelligent guys who can literally sit there and come up with a sound, logical explanation for just about anything, including why some girl is not good for them.)… anyway, back to the guy from work. Super smart and actually extremely good looking also, most girls at the company say that he’s the best looking guy there, out of a close to 1000 people at our location.
However, there is just something there that I just can’t explain. I’m not even gonna pretend to go into it and try to describe it, but it is something different about him separating him from rest of the guys and I can almost see it in the look in his eyes. I wonder if that’s why he never settled down. I actually asked him once why he never got married and he was like “umm, I dunno, I guess it just never happened”.. he did tell me that he was somewhat old fashioned.. when I was running free and single a few years back, he saw the success I was having and would many times ask me what I’m doing and how I can juggle all the girls and what if I get “caught”. I looked at him a bit surprised, as he obviously didn’t realize that I was not “in a relationship” with these girls but was simply having fun and sex with them. We would have “moral” discussions on what he thought was right and how things “should be” and what not… yet he choose to ignore the facts that were literally slapping him in the face as I was picking up numbers and girls everywhere we went.
Anytime he would ask me for advice he would go into how he “likes some girl” but is not sure what exactly she wants, if she wants a relationship or not, bla bla, I’m like “umm, have you fu*ked her yet”,, and he would be like “well.. no not quite yet, I’m not sure if that’s all she’s looking for or she expects us to be in a relationship if that happens, and I don’t know if I wanna commit to her yet until I get to know her better….. blab la bla” I’m like “DUDE… buddy!!! You’re WAYYYY overthinking this..” lol… “you need to hit that asap, and go from there, otherwise she might just find another dude that she can actually get laid with lol” once you’ve got her good, then YOU can decide what YOU want to do, and she will either go along with it or not…”
Ok, I’m not sure why I can’t make a post short, I’m trying I promise. Bottom line is, you’re clearly an intelligent guy, maybe even too intelligent, like I said. Sometimes all that intelligence can hold you back and guys need to be able to just be guys, joke around, be “stupid and silly” and connect with girls that way on an emotional level, by making them feel emotions. You can also definitely use your wisdom if you can incorporate it into story telling .. interesting story telling that you can run on girls to build quick rapport with them and try to get in the sack.. but over the long hall, you’re better off being playful with them than being too much of an intellectual. One of my friends came to my work event once where I made a speech at one point and he came to me later and was like “dude, holy sh*t, you sounded so damn smart, what the hell, that’s awesome I got goosebumps” lol. Well, the reason he’s saying that is that because when he’s actually hanging out with me in person with my friends, I’m being a super cool guy, sports fan, player, telling stories, joking around, taking life NOT SERIOUSLY at all, jumping off high cliffs into the lake or river, being one of the loudest guys around, hitting on girls 24/7, having sex with girls anywhere I can get them, flirting with tons of girls, getting belligerently drunk at a bar and walking into a women’s bathroom and end up meeting girls there also (hey heyyy the coincidence lol), down to do just about ANYTHING, to the point where I had a solid reputation of being truly “down for whatever”, taking random trips anywhere at anytime, making out with girls anywhere I meet them, sometimes within seconds.. and all in general, being a complete idiot half the time… lol.. that’s me outside of work.. at work I manage people and am a leader, I still have my sense of humor but I do not curse ever at work and always very professional. I never have ANYONE from my work on any sort of facebook page EVER,, just a personal rule,, because if they saw my single life at the time, and the pictures, they would be flabbergasted lol.. Even though on work trips I have had a week and a half long trip one time where I ended up screwing 4 different girls and was seen with all of them by a few coworker friends, so I did get a “little bit” of a reputation after that lol.. ok,, gotta stop typing..
In the nicest way I can say it, you’re a very smart guy, but it just a little ironic you’ve never been married yet are offering some pretty generalizing opinions on marriage and different guys on here that were married. I’ve known plenty of married guys, even real ALPHA males, that ended up in divorces. I could probably keep writing for another 100 pages on that but I’m not. Bottom line is, you’re teaching a entrepreneurship course in college, but have never owned a business or managed one. Have you at least had some long term girlfriends? Once again, I do agree with a lot of things you said, but I also didn’t agree with some, which is ok. But we have had a few weird characters on this site that used to go out of their way to bash men and make every excuse they can for women. Not saying you’re one of these, but I’ve seen plenty of GREAT men in my life that had a fall because of spoiled, *****y, ungrateful bit*ches.. I love women, and I love my current lady, but man I’ve seen girls mess up guys so bad, guys I was close with, and KNEW that they were great, awesome people. It wasn’t always the alpha thing either, trust me..
Thanks for your story about your father by the way. And I agree, I truly think I would have been less of a problem child had I been more accepted by my dad. I always wanted to go out and do things and be active and play sports and get in playful tussles and play war games, but dad never liked any of it and just felt it was inappropriate and a waste of time and that I should go home and study lol. I’ll never forget my first fight in school, right after that winter break in 7th grade.. I was trying to get in a conversation with one of my buddies when this other guy from class gave me a slight shove as to butt out of their conversation lol.. I beat the living crap out of him in front of everyone in the school yard and EVERYONE was like “oh my Godddd, “ teachers were saying “sexysuave did that?? No, no way, not sexysuave” ahahah, ever since then, I was always in trouble. I almost felt like I had to make up for lost time.. same with girls.. anytime I got out of a relationship with a girlfriend, I went on a serious rampage lol.. In high school I only really had to fight a few times, as people don’t really mess with you when you beat a few people up.. and you sort of become a cool bad ass lol.. combine it with playing sports, and it’s a receipe for success for you, but not so much for your parents… on the basketball playground, I’ve beat a coupe of dudes, but also, I’ve gotten really beat twice.. I mean,, really beat lol part of my tooth chipped off and blood all over me.. but one time it was a 6 foot 8 guy that I puched out first cause I got pissed at something, and then he gather him self and whooped me and the second time by a group of 4 mexicans, cause I apparently f*cked one of the guys girlfriend lol.. she didn’t even tell me she had a bf though ..
I’m glad you’re past your phase of attacking thugs on the street lol that’s nuts!