Danger said:
So is a dead unwanted baby (unwanted by the mother at least) better than a live unwanted baby? For whom exactly is it better? Surely not the child?
I agree that having a parent who is unprepared is a bad thing, but are you suggesting that it is better for the baby if the baby is not alive?
It is a dilemma. I am strongly against abortion, however I wouldn't impose my believes on other people - not because I doubt it or think that it is relative or anything, I am 100% sure it is the right/correct/good way- simply because I believe that freedom is more beneficial than forced morality. And that prohibition won't solve it anyway. Those who want abortion will scrape it out the same way people shoot heroin.
I think you have a gross assumption that all divorces are due to angry households. I believe that many divorces are simply done because it makes economical sense for the wife. If she can have the children, the money, and a new man who she is sexually attracted to, why on earth would she NOT do it?
She does not do it because of what she already has - your money and the children. I doubt the reasons are economical (Extreme examples of gold diggers aside.). It is the sexual attraction which they are missing. It is our "deficiency" and therefore it hurts. Good news is we can better ourselves...they can't in most cases due to aging....and being lazy and fat
Imagine, courts would by default put children to men. Can you imagine the bliss? Children to care for, juggling between them, work and dating? No amount of alimony would compensate that, unless we wouldn't have to work
By your logic, prior to no-fault divorce, there must have been a LOT of messed up children who grew up in very angry households where the parents hated eachother but just couldn't divorce. Do you think this is true? My experiences tell me very different.
Past generations, brought up in whole families were not exactly the culprit of emotional stability either. Freud, Jung and others made careers out of that, after all. Two world wars full of very angry people, communism etc. But I honestly can't prove the connection as you can't the opposite ;-)
I agree with you, the whole unhappy family is better than divorced. Possible turn to hostility aside, which is I agree not typical,
I again believe that freedom of choice is more beneficial and indeed natural than forced good.
Despite legions of pissed of rejected husbands - who were caught unprepared- new generations are quite vary of the responsibility coming with freedom and they don't marry and don't have children unless they are more sure. Which is beneficial and natural....more mature parents - happier children, population is not artificially exploding (no state sponsored canon fodder). And look at this forum...guys ask how to be a love and respect worthy man - as opposed to getting beer balls, knocking her up and live happily ever after, because she can't divorce you. You get my drift.
Nobody is suggesting such a thing. Again, I am merely pointing out that everything at this point benefits the woman, sometimes at the expense of the child, sometimes at the expense of the men. But never at the expense of women. You seem to be avoiding this statement, but do you not find that as a contradiction to your assertation that all things are done for the benefit of the children?
I just don't see the huge benefit women get out of it. Surely they pity the situation and would prefer to stay happily married and again no amount of alimony(in most cases) can compensate that. Also in most cases both parents are reasonable and they do make reasonable agreement on alimony and children. It is a mess but no one is complaining.
Frankly, the fathers, I do see to complain, trash and shout 'murder', are in most cases just hurt egos. If they could swallow their pride and for a second see the reality and actually act like men and stop the duel - diffuse it, accept the rejection whatever- , they would be surprised how the women would be open to agreement. Again extreme examples of angry crazy b1tches aside.
I don't know how else to explain it. Just because women are better at nurturing it does not make them the better parent. For example, I know plenty of mothers who are great at nurturing and protecting their child from being harmed, but are terrible at scolding or reprimanding them. Why? Because it goes against their maternal instincts of protecting the child.
It doesn't mean they are more capable of helping them learn, of correcting mistakes, of guiding them to make the right decisions, of teaching them what accountability and cause and effect mean.
Well, 0-4 year olds are not so hooked up on parenting as they are on nurturing. That is all I say.
Make no mistake I do appreciate fathers parenting but when you have to choose....nurturing is more important and as the article you posted correctly said, distant fathers are more about spoiling the child than parenting....understandable for they don't have 24/7 though.
Women have boobs for milk and can tolerate crying a lot more than a man. That's great, but it doesn't make them a better parent by a long shot.
For 0-4 year olds it makes them actually the parent of the year :-D
For later like when puberty starts, and especially in case of boys, they do very lousy job indeed, no doubt. That's maybe why children look up their distant fathers in this age.