When you fall into love or out of love with a person, it's not the person, but the "idea" of the person.
Think about that.
How many guys break up with a girl they've been with for YEARS, pine for her over several months, and after enough BAD treatment, they FINALLY get over her?!
How many women want CERTAIN aspects of a guy that's in line with AN IMAGE THEY? They may SAY they want a certain type of guy, but having NEVER had it, how can they know?
When you find a girl who has big boobs, dresses sexy, is intelligent and wild in bed, you're falling in life with the 'idea' of who she is.
To test this reality...think of any girl you've dated...has there been a point where it changed?
...perhaps over a long enough period of time, you couldn't tolerate the bad treatment and finally, FINALLY, you moved on, because now you see her as bad.
...or, a girl you dated recently, you're neutral on, until she goes and does something EITHER VERY sex, or unsexy.
It's happened quite a bit to me, and it leads me to EXPLAIN alot. We don't fall for reality, our mind has us fall or fall out of favor with the idea concocted in our brains. When you break up with a girl, her one BAD action hasn't been sufficient to override ALL THE GOOD she's done. It's inconsistent with your IDEA or IMAGE of her. Yet, over time, you will gravitate toward the next image.
It's called being "aware" of your image, and what you're conveying to people. It's conveyed from your innerself, because 93% of what you are is communicated through nonverbal cues.
I. Firstly, whenever you break up with a girl, next her and so forth, keep in mind image/idea versus reality. Put this in a matter of scope. Was the transgression REALLY that bad, or are you overreacting? Did she cheat on you, or just forget to call? Can you go a day without talking to her?
In the grand scheme of things, flaking isn't the end of the world. It will piss you off, and show little interest, but things do happen. Likewise, don't fall in love so quickly just because she says one right thing. It will take a series of events to cement a new image in your brain.
II. Secondly, first impressions. All she knows of you is what she'd see the first time. Even if you're different than how you come across on the first interaction, she won't know that. We're largely visual people, because we have to make split second decisions, dealing with what we see is easiest.
If you're first impression is meak/weak or bad, she has no other images to go upon. Unless you match her ideal, which is possible, but not likely, it is important to remain within yourself and establish it right from the start to gain max leverage. Then you do follow-up actions remaining consistent to your first image. Break that cycle and you weaken your position.
III. Thirdly, this is why your concept of love is so messed up, because the 'idea' has been sold to you, never made a decision on what it is you feel about love. Many would get wishy washy about it. You can't. Read what's going on. Wake up! See what's truly going on!
When considering, image, consider that for your own self preservation, and to gain leverage on her. Most people fall in love when they're apart, NOT when they're together. When you're apart, you're thinking about and feeling all the things you did while you were together, and that's what enables the mind to create such an obsession, to create such a demand on the body for the repeated sensation. When you're apart, you can COMPARE life WITH, and life WITHOUT you, or her. The idea reinforces itself, it grows or dies.
It also helps to understand HOW this works, as you can use it to progress a relationship. Since reality tends to be only a perception for most of us, from our varying vantage points, based on mood, etc, using image helps one create whatever reality you desire, present anything you want to a person, and have them feel/believe whatever it is you want. It's not really being fake, since they're already being fake with themselves. It's giving them what they want.
Think about that.
How many guys break up with a girl they've been with for YEARS, pine for her over several months, and after enough BAD treatment, they FINALLY get over her?!
How many women want CERTAIN aspects of a guy that's in line with AN IMAGE THEY? They may SAY they want a certain type of guy, but having NEVER had it, how can they know?
When you find a girl who has big boobs, dresses sexy, is intelligent and wild in bed, you're falling in life with the 'idea' of who she is.
To test this reality...think of any girl you've dated...has there been a point where it changed?
...perhaps over a long enough period of time, you couldn't tolerate the bad treatment and finally, FINALLY, you moved on, because now you see her as bad.
...or, a girl you dated recently, you're neutral on, until she goes and does something EITHER VERY sex, or unsexy.
It's happened quite a bit to me, and it leads me to EXPLAIN alot. We don't fall for reality, our mind has us fall or fall out of favor with the idea concocted in our brains. When you break up with a girl, her one BAD action hasn't been sufficient to override ALL THE GOOD she's done. It's inconsistent with your IDEA or IMAGE of her. Yet, over time, you will gravitate toward the next image.
It's called being "aware" of your image, and what you're conveying to people. It's conveyed from your innerself, because 93% of what you are is communicated through nonverbal cues.
I. Firstly, whenever you break up with a girl, next her and so forth, keep in mind image/idea versus reality. Put this in a matter of scope. Was the transgression REALLY that bad, or are you overreacting? Did she cheat on you, or just forget to call? Can you go a day without talking to her?
In the grand scheme of things, flaking isn't the end of the world. It will piss you off, and show little interest, but things do happen. Likewise, don't fall in love so quickly just because she says one right thing. It will take a series of events to cement a new image in your brain.
II. Secondly, first impressions. All she knows of you is what she'd see the first time. Even if you're different than how you come across on the first interaction, she won't know that. We're largely visual people, because we have to make split second decisions, dealing with what we see is easiest.
If you're first impression is meak/weak or bad, she has no other images to go upon. Unless you match her ideal, which is possible, but not likely, it is important to remain within yourself and establish it right from the start to gain max leverage. Then you do follow-up actions remaining consistent to your first image. Break that cycle and you weaken your position.
III. Thirdly, this is why your concept of love is so messed up, because the 'idea' has been sold to you, never made a decision on what it is you feel about love. Many would get wishy washy about it. You can't. Read what's going on. Wake up! See what's truly going on!
When considering, image, consider that for your own self preservation, and to gain leverage on her. Most people fall in love when they're apart, NOT when they're together. When you're apart, you're thinking about and feeling all the things you did while you were together, and that's what enables the mind to create such an obsession, to create such a demand on the body for the repeated sensation. When you're apart, you can COMPARE life WITH, and life WITHOUT you, or her. The idea reinforces itself, it grows or dies.
It also helps to understand HOW this works, as you can use it to progress a relationship. Since reality tends to be only a perception for most of us, from our varying vantage points, based on mood, etc, using image helps one create whatever reality you desire, present anything you want to a person, and have them feel/believe whatever it is you want. It's not really being fake, since they're already being fake with themselves. It's giving them what they want.