We are prize but We have to go approach a girl paradox


Senior Don Juan
Aug 28, 2023
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There is something I don't understand and I wanted to ask.
I was very fat and now I am losing weight. Even though I am in a small city (there seems to be no social environment), I am studying at medical school and I will become a doctor. This will mean that I will earn $2400 in Turkey where the minimum wage is $520.
My height is 185 cm. So, if my weight is correct, I can have a beautiful physique.
Even though I have some problems socially, I'm trying to fix it (Unfortunately, I can't socialize with people very much. As I said, I don't have an environment where I can go and meet people. We mostly try to establish a network by meeting my friend's friends, etc.)

I told you all this because I was trying to improve myself. When I look at Redpill or other philosophies, they all say improve yourself and get rewarded.
But if I'm not very rich or famous, I'm still the one trying to pick up girls.
At this point, aren't they still the reward?

I really don't understand and I'm about to go crazy (going crazy was actually general, not just related to this topic :D).
Somehow I can't get any girl I want. Even if someone wants me, I don't like it.


Feb 14, 2024
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"We are prize but We have to go approach a girl..."

We don't HAVE to do anything... Each man has many choices available to him, some of which include:

-Reading books/attending seminars and classes on strengthening your social acumen, then practicing what you've learned on a daily basis

-Spending a few hundred hours on YouTube, poisoning your brain with Red Pill content, the same way so many chicks gorge themselves on Shallon Lester and Ana Bey videos, then mistake everything these broads say for The Inerrant Word Of God

- Concocting rationalizations for not succeeding, like "I can't socialize with people very much", and "I'm not very rich or famous", BEFORE you've even made an effort

-Groaning over your current life circumstances("I don't environment where I can go and meet people. We mostly try to establish a network by meeting my friend's friends, etc"), rather than taking advantage of the opportunities you DO have, few as they may be. Ya never know... Doing so (taking advantages of the few opportunities you currently have)may lead to an increase in the amount of opportunities available to you, including opportunities to relocate to another corner of the globe with a wider array of social networks


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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Do Pirates not actively approach sailing vessels in open waters?


Senior Don Juan
Aug 28, 2023
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"We are prize but We have to go approach a girl..."

We don't HAVE to do anything... Each man has many choices available to him, some of which include:

-Reading books/attending seminars and classes on strengthening your social acumen, then practicing what you've learned on a daily basis

-Spending a few hundred hours on YouTube, poisoning your brain with Red Pill content, the same way so many chicks gorge themselves on Shallon Lester and Ana Bey videos, then mistake everything these broads say for The Inerrant Word Of God

- Concocting rationalizations for not succeeding, like "I can't socialize with people very much", and "I'm not very rich or famous", BEFORE you've even made an effort

-Groaning over your current life circumstances("I don't environment where I can go and meet people. We mostly try to establish a network by meeting my friend's friends, etc"), rather than taking advantage of the opportunities you DO have, few as they may be. Ya never know... Doing so (taking advantages of the few opportunities you currently have)may lead to an increase in the amount of opportunities available to you, including opportunities to relocate to another corner of the globe with a wider array of social networks
I used to fill my brain with the content you mentioned. Then I realized that the person who took the girl I liked didn't even know anything about redpill.. But he has a great body..
And rest assured, I'm trying. As I said, I'm here for university. I'll be a doctor in 4 years. Med school in Turkey is 6 years.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
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Approach like you're buying a used car. Negotiate like you don't need it.

You can't just fake being the prize. Your self-esteem has to meet your requirements. That means that you have to work hard to make yourself into what you need to be.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 28, 2023
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Sounds like you might have more success batting for the other side
Sorry but. I couldn't understand. I don't speak English good.
One day, while I was talking to the girl, she showed me a pair and said, "Men and women should look good together."
The girl is a serious athlete. She has a body like a model, but I had a belly..


Senior Don Juan
Aug 28, 2023
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Approach like you're buying a used car. Negotiate like you don't need it.

You can't just fake being the prize. Your self-esteem has to meet your requirements. That means that you have to work hard to make yourself into what you need to be.
I understand this but I don't understand that.
Yes, I will act like I don't need it, but there are already 20 other buyers around. If I don't buy the car, someone else will. In this case, what difference does it make to act like I'm selling myself?
I understand this but I don't understand that.
Yes, I will act like I don't need it, but there are already 20 other buyers around. If I don't buy the car, someone else will. In this case, what difference does it make to act like I'm selling myself?

In Book of Pook he talked about patience. I wanted to be patient and be like a prize and now the girl is with someone else.


Sep 10, 2014
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You can improve yourself. Simply start talking to everyone you see.

Say Hello. Make a comment about what a great day it is. Make a comment about something going on in the environment, like I can't believe how busy this place is!

Just random small talk. Not to try and pick up anyone and not only to women you are interested in, literally to anyone. Ugly women, guys, old ladies, store clerks, etc.

The goal is to become better by practicing doing what you need to do and continue doing it until it becomes natural to you.

All you have to do is literally do it. Every day you have an opportunity to talk to at least 10 people. Make it your goal tomorrow to talk to 2, then increase it by 1 every day until your goal is to talk to very single person you encounter.

Not long convos, not anything serious, just light small talk and learning how to naturally hold a conversation with someone. That is the building block forr everything else. The reason why so many people struggle is because they try to build the 5th floor of the building before they build the first 4 and the foundation. The foundation has to be laid first because that is what everything else will be built on top of.

Think of it like Medical school. They don't just throw you in a room on your first day nd tell you to diagnose and treat a patient do they? Hell no. At least I hope not. You get to that point incrementally by building up the skills you need to be able to do that successfully. But then once you have them, it's not a big deal to do it on a regular basis because you actually have those skills at that point and can build off them and use them. Sure, you might have more challenging patients at times but the process is still the same. It's no different with women or really anything else you want to learn to be good at in life.


Master Don Juan
Aug 21, 2022
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It only seems like a paradox but it's not.
If you pay attention when you're around women, you'll notice that they make the invitation for the guy to approach. It's what on this forum is called IOIs (Indicators Of Interest), things such as putting themselves in his proximity, lingering looks, smiling, asking for help and so on.
In Book of Pook he talked about patience. I wanted to be patient and be like a prize and now the girl is with someone else.
Being the prize doesn't mean all girls will fall at your feet. Whoever tells you to do this and that and you can have any girl you want is lying to you.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Being the prize doesn't mean all girls will fall at your feet. Whoever tells you to do this and that and you can have any girl you want is lying to you.
This is true, I can only get like 93% of all women. :cool:


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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It's just the male gender role, which is the more active one that makes things happens.
Plus what @sharkfinale said.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
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The answer is you don't approach with any intention other than just simply being pleasant or witty or genuine

Men approach women and expect them to be ready for sex within 15 seconds

It doesn't work like that

Also your height and weight do not matter as much as how you are able to handle yourself in a conversation with her

I was at a singles event last night there was a guy there about 6ft 3 quite handsome but awkward as fvck

Girls were literally going up TO HIM and then walking away 5 mins later because he was so boring

I am 5ft10 I went home with a girl slept with her and got a couple of instagrams & numbers

That's the difference good conversation and presence can make


Don Juan
Feb 21, 2019
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It’s quite simple:

1) We, as men, have to take the initiative. And this is amazing. You get to choose what you want. Although it’s true you can’t win every woman, it’s most likely true that attraction is not a choice. Therefore if you are a man of value who has game, you are ready for life of abundance, as long as you take action.

2) Move to a big city.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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"We are prize but We have to go approach a girl..."

We don't HAVE to do anything... Each man has many choices available to him, some of which include:

-Reading books/attending seminars and classes on strengthening your social acumen, then practicing what you've learned on a daily basis

-Spending a few hundred hours on YouTube, poisoning your brain with Red Pill content, the same way so many chicks gorge themselves on Shallon Lester and Ana Bey videos, then mistake everything these broads say for The Inerrant Word Of God

- Concocting rationalizations for not succeeding, like "I can't socialize with people very much", and "I'm not very rich or famous", BEFORE you've even made an effort

-Groaning over your current life circumstances("I don't environment where I can go and meet people. We mostly try to establish a network by meeting my friend's friends, etc"), rather than taking advantage of the opportunities you DO have, few as they may be. Ya never know... Doing so (taking advantages of the few opportunities you currently have)may lead to an increase in the amount of opportunities available to you, including opportunities to relocate to another corner of the globe with a wider array of social networks
Yes, youtube is a game changer because there is allot of personalized video options and they even make recommendations to you based on your viewing habits. If you just want a woman talking to you on a screen then you have like a zillion options, news, ASMR vids, plus you can watch them anywhere. You can watch it in the washroom, in the bed, at work, on the train/subway, VR headsets, whenever and whereever. Endless content options on demand. However, I have kept away from the videos and am focusing more on real life interactions with real women. If they meet a minimum threshold of social stimulation I make sure I don't watch any of these crutch-videos on youtube. There has been no triggering issues at the office that would drive me to watch these videos either.

Red-pill content generally, as a subset of available content is too boring for me to engage in personally to any length of time. How can you listen to a similar topic over and over again without it becoming boring.


Feb 14, 2024
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However, I have kept away from the videos and am focusing more on real life interactions with real women

It's about f-cking time, hoss. Hurray for you!!!

"How can you listen to a similar topic over and over again without it becoming boring?"

Chalk this up to the same psychological phenomenona which compels millions of viewers the world over to still tune into SVU, this many decades since it debuted. Or to participate in discussions such as these

There's oftentimes a masochistic thrill to immersing ourselves in sheer, unyielding misery... Think of this as the human equivalent to hogs gleefully rolling around in gallons of their own excrement for days on end