Men generally have a realistic approach to dating and are more than willing to date women in their league or a few notches below. It's modern women who have absurd standards.
I agree, somewhat, but not fully. I work around the public a lot, and even down here with the sub par women we have I still notice guys with women you wouldn't think they should be with. I mean guys who are fat (not obese) shorter, or just not that good looking with decent looking women HB6 and above. Just today I saw an HB8.5-9 with a fat guy (not obese, but overweight) and she was clearly way above him and he didn't look rich, and she was a few years younger too. Also saw an HB7 with a similar guy today. Again, not obese but just the dad bod. The fleamarket I work at I see thousands of people pass through of all ages so I get a good sense.
There is no reason a guy unless he's obese, super ugly can't at least date HB6 because I see it a lot.
The main problem is relying on OLD and everyone has a warped view because of it. Women on OLD have a ridicules standards, must make at least 100k a year, over six foot, etc.
Again, when I go on OLD I just don't see many girls HB7 and above on it, especially under 28. The few girls who are HB7 and above on OLD are getting bombarded from guys of all ages and walks, chad, tyrone etc.
If only 10 percent of the women (real profiles) are HB 6.5 and above on OLD all you need to do is do the math.