DonJuan11 said:
Wow, if that's not the remarks of an eventual serial rapist and killer, I don't know what is.
that's what i thought too
if you work on things in the dj bible, you wouldn't be complaining about how society's evolution is stifling your relationships with women. don't blame an entire country for your lack of ability to get women and your lack of motivation to better yourself in all areas of your life.
back in the time when "women talked, dressed, and acted like ladies", most women didn't have premarital sex. basically, the majority of people were virgins until they were married. that's not the type of life i would ever want to lead. if anything, the way society is today is more flexible for having relationships with many women than it was before and more comfortable with people having highly sexually charged lives. even on tv shows back in the day, men and women slept in separate beds. that was the lifestyle that was promoted - a sexless life. i feel bad for anyone who spent their adulthood in that era.
i bet women are having a similar discussion...
"would america be better off if men acted the way they did before i was even born?"
" hold doors, properly court me ... date me to date me not just cus they want to have sex with me but cus they like me and want a real relationship" blah blah all on some freakin chick flick sh!t. most women know that all the majority of guys want now a days is sex, so they act accordingly (in the way they dress, act, whatever) to gain some degree of control in their relationships/interaction with men. being a dj is knowing how to counter their efforts of trying to gain control.
darth - one outfit won't magically make a girl attractive to you if you never found her attractive in the first place. the girl in the 80s video has a better face than that chick in the dress