Warning: long! Thoughts from the abyss after 2 years between posts and an LTR


Senior Don Juan
Dec 20, 2006
Reaction score
Northern Cali
UPDATE: 7/27

Thank you all once again for your replies. As now 3 weeks have passed since she broke up with me, your advice has resonated soundly and helped me manage this difficult time.

I'd like to quickly share some thoughts and updates for anyone who is interested, or who has learned something from the experiences and advice in this thread.

After she broke up with me, she had a trip planned to visit her family in her home state for 2.5 weeks. She broke up with me 10 days before this trip, so as you can imagine, it was a difficult 10 days to get through.

For the first few days, she was out CONSTANTLY with her new friends... coming home either at 2am (not drunk, thankfully) or not til the next day. Intentional or not, I'm extremely glad she gave me some space during this period, as I was extremely upset and likely to revert to AFC tactics in a misguided attempt to save our relationship. However, at the advice of my "real life" friends, as well as the excellent advice on this board, I stayed "no contact" with her. If she was home briefly, I did not talk to her or even make eye contact with her. After about 3-4 days of being out of my hair, she spent an entire weekend at home. During this time period, she started trying to talk to me more. Also during this period, I was just beginning to heal a tiny bit from this traumatic experience, and so was able to look at things from a pretty objective standpoint.

She stayed home the entire weekend, but I went out. Every fiber of my being wanted to stay home, to be around her, to hope that my presence would trigger her emotions into feeling like she'd made a horrible mistake. Logically, I realized this was horse crap of course, because my presence is what made her want to break up in the first place. So I went out a lot, way more than I usually do (or care to do, to be perfectly honest). When I was home, I was polite and brief if she had anything to say to me. I got home in the late afternoon on Sunday, and I noticed that she was trying to talk to me a little more. It was weird. I could hear the hesitance in her voice, almost like she was nervous or shy around me in a way, since I hadn't made an effort to talk to her in a week. She was trying to bring up harmless topics in conversation, just to start a conversation. I was polite, but still very detached and refused to be baited into a full fledged friendly interaction with her.

Things continued this way before she left for her trip. She initiated 100% of our limited interaction before she left. Before she left for the airport, she said bye to me out of nowhere, and gave me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. This left me for about 14 hours taking a U-turn towards AFC-ville. All sorts of thoughts started running through my head, including "it's working! Going no-contact has driven her crazy about me again, she regrets this whole thing, and she's going to come back from this trip with a huge apology".

Of course, that was nonsense. Her trip is almost over now and I have not attempted to contact her once, in any way... and neither has she attempted to contact me. Unfortunately, I was still checking my facebook (and therefore, her status updates) for the first part of her trip... I don't check anymore, because I don't need to see. She never usually posts this much ****, but she's constantly posting about being out at bars, with her friends, etc. It was making me sick. Such a shallow and transparent, childish action.

You see, I really fought through the clouds of emotion with my logical mind in regards to this breakup. I've never been burned so badly before, never felt so taken for granted, and never been so SHOCKED by the callousness with which someone I would have died for 6 months ago can suddenly cut you loose like a ribbon in the wind. But at the same time, I forced myself to logically evaluate our relationship on an objective level. I realized that I was putting WAY more into it than she was; that I had felt slighted for months by her dropping interest level, lack of sex, and seemingly unpredictable and volatile moods. My sense of dependency on this person that I invested my self worth and happiness in was out of control.

Being able to really understand that, coupled with a few amazing opportunities I have in my life right now to actually better myself as a person and expand in new and exciting ways, has really helped me to get over it. I'll be honest -- she still occupies all my dreams at night, and sometimes I find myself swinging wildly between vitriolic resentment and gripping nostalgia for the past. But overall, I have begun to emerge from this mess with a profound sense of realization about myself, who I can become, and what I should and deserve to demand out of life.

If anyone out there is reading this after getting dumped -- you WILL be fine. You don't realize it yet, but she just did you a huge favor.

See you all in the field.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 2, 2002
Reaction score

Thanks for the story and the updates.

From your initial post I can see where you went wrong and where you did just fine.

Cutting off family, friends, activities, goals etc. was a BIG mistake. I don't think even so much as far as her view of you but your overall happiness in the end. Remember, during that time you were still the provider. Problem is she wasn't happy. That was a clue that she had different deep internal goals in life that went beyond the both of you.

As someone posted earlier. Being in a serious LTR is about more than the physical and the dates, trips, gifts, money, etc. It's about shared life goals, beliefs and values that transcend the immediate physical and material.

Further, consider what the 'stage' was like this relationship existed on. After 6 months of conversing she moved out to a place where she knew nobody and it was for SCHOOL, not to only live with you.

You were, whether you both recognized it or not, a vehicle for her while she relocated. Yes she and you both had an attraction but both of you let that attraction blind the true issue underneath everything. That being, your larger life goals and different pretenses under which your lives where currently being lived under.

Your relationship didn't need to be anything more than what it was: Physical and Fun. She could have easily lived in the dorms and you both dated casually or be somewhat serious while you figured out whether or not it was actually going to work. This would have allowed you to keep your distance while still being togeather, thus giving you the space and freedom to stay happy and her the space and freedom to meet new people.

The emotional connection would have been far easier to sever.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 20, 2006
Reaction score
Northern Cali
radiodude said:

Thanks for the story and the updates.

From your initial post I can see where you went wrong and where you did just fine.

Cutting off family, friends, activities, goals etc. was a BIG mistake. I don't think even so much as far as her view of you but your overall happiness in the end. Remember, during that time you were still the provider. Problem is she wasn't happy. That was a clue that she had different deep internal goals in life that went beyond the both of you.

As someone posted earlier. Being in a serious LTR is about more than the physical and the dates, trips, gifts, money, etc. It's about shared life goals, beliefs and values that transcend the immediate physical and material.

Further, consider what the 'stage' was like this relationship existed on. After 6 months of conversing she moved out to a place where she knew nobody and it was for SCHOOL, not to only live with you.

You were, whether you both recognized it or not, a vehicle for her while she relocated. Yes she and you both had an attraction but both of you let that attraction blind the true issue underneath everything. That being, your larger life goals and different pretenses under which your lives where currently being lived under.

Your relationship didn't need to be anything more than what it was: Physical and Fun. She could have easily lived in the dorms and you both dated casually or be somewhat serious while you figured out whether or not it was actually going to work. This would have allowed you to keep your distance while still being togeather, thus giving you the space and freedom to stay happy and her the space and freedom to meet new people.

The emotional connection would have been far easier to sever.
Radiodude -

Thank you for your well thought out reply. It is obvious that you read the entire story, because your words are spot on.

You're right that cutting off my usual activities to try and compensate for her unfamiliarity with the area was a horrible idea. It directly contributed to my sense of overwhelming investment in this girl.

I know a couple people have mentioned the whole "LTR is based on more than just sex" thing, and I completely agree. I'm sorry if I made it sound like our whole relationship was based off of wild monkey sex -- I only mentioned it so much because (a) I had never had sex with any girl that much before, and (b) never had sex with a girl I was that attracted to before. So our sex life was definitely a huge boon of our relationship in my eyes, but certainly not the only one. I left out all the sappy **** that transpired on all those trips, etc, that led to us becoming very very close. But, suffice to say, our relationship was based on a lot more than the material and sex. At least at first it was.

I think you're right - moving in together put undue stress on the relationship that didn't manifest itself for almost two years. It's unfortunate, but hindsight is 20/20, right?

I'm amazed at how well I am recovering from all of this. I have really started to realize how much the emotional aloofness and constant walking on eggshells at the end of our time together upset me. I should never have had to put up with that even for a couple of months. This whole experience has been a complete system shock, and I can confidently say I have learned much that I will take with me in the future.


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2007
Reaction score
Wow did I just hear a Saved by the Bell Analogy! Lol.

Anyways, what you're feeling is pretty normal after someone you were crazy about. One poster said that you still have those "love chemicals". He's exactly right, your brain is delusional and you think to yourself that you will never meet someone like that again, that you will never meet a girl that will let you fck her like that, a girl that will let you do all that crazy stuff...

Well, let me tell you, from first hand experience, you will!! How do I know this? Cause I lived it! I was in a very similar situation last year, turned into a major AFC and truly believed that i would never meet a girl like that again. Dude I was so wrong...It's those love chemicals that are fing with your brain. You have to fight them cause they will turn you AFC!

Anyways, it sounds like your recovering fine. Again, I still don't think there's anything you could of done, yea you could of prolonged the relationship if you never turned AFC, but it was eventually going to run its course. Also, Bro, follow your the advice of your own quote! Life is way too short, life is about experiencing new things. Go out there and meet all different kinds of girls. And believe me, I know, you're going to fck girls that are even hotter and crazier than ur ex! haha cheers!


Senior Don Juan
Dec 20, 2006
Reaction score
Northern Cali
Sandow said:
Anyways, it sounds like your recovering fine. Again, I still don't think there's anything you could of done, yea you could of prolonged the relationship if you never turned AFC, but it was eventually going to run its course. Also, Bro, follow your the advice of your own quote! Life is way too short, life is about experiencing new things. Go out there and meet all different kinds of girls. And believe me, I know, you're going to fck girls that are even hotter and crazier than ur ex! haha cheers!
My thoughts exactly these days! Thanks so much for the support man, it really means a lot. I am feeling better every single day.