But who's job is it to tell me? THE POLICE and they failed to tell me. Security cameras would even MORE SO ADMIT, that I did nothing wrong.
Here's the 99% truth. Did I touch a girls hand? Yes, I am admitting this, I touched her hand. I'm PRETTY SURE she did not ask me to stop doing it either. I think the truth is, is that I went up to one girl started talking to her. She started talking to me. But THEN this random broad who I apparently talked to before and touched her hand, scolded me on touching that girls hand, even though she didn't show discomfort. So I think it's the broad that came in and scolded me who told. It wasn't until AFTER THAT, that the guy ****blocked that one set and gave me a warning and it wasn't until AFTER THAT that the police came.
One of my big arguments against this is, the girl should actually have told me to stop it if she was so calledly "uncomfortable" with it. If a girl just sits there, smiles and doesn't say sh*t, how is it MY fault if you're feeling uncomfortable? Exactly. This is like if a guy slapped a girls ass, she smiles and then later the guy learns that someone reported him making her uncomfortable. So after that guy warned me, I approached a few more sets where all I did was talk to them and conversate with them, a little about my major, but I admit I DID TELL THEM ABOUT MY SITUATION. That's ME, I'm REAL, with girls, I say what's on my mind. And if they're listening, genuinely interested and aint telling me to go away IT IS NOT HARASSMENT.
Tell me, how is having a genuine conversation HARASSMENT. What I'm pretty damn sure of is NONE OF THE GIRLS I TALKED TO, REPORTED ANYTHING ABOUT HARASSMENT. One girl I talked to, just stayed there after I talked to her. Another girl I talked to, just kept sitting there after I talked to her. ANOTHER girl I talked to, WAS IN THE EXACT SAME PLACE WHEN THE OFFICER ESCORTED ME OUT. So it isn't the girl's who felt I was harassing them, it's the eye witnesses who have no idea what they're talking about.
In that last set, it wasn't the GIRL who felt uncomfortable, it was the OFFICERS who ASSUMED, I was making the girl uncomfortable, even though she wasn't rejecting kino and we had a genuinely nice conversation. Really though, all the proof they need to see to see that the ban is BS, is video footage.
I mean, what reason do I to harass girls? I mean, getting laid isn't even that big of a deal to me. Harassment is when a girl tells you to go away and you keep talking. NONE OF THESE GIRLS TOLD ME TO GO AWAY NOR WHERE ANY OF THEM UNCOMFORTABLE WITH ME TALKING TO THEM. When a girl tells me to go AWAY, I GO. I AM NOT THE GUY WHO STAYS IN SETS AFTER THAT. This just goes to show that it's bigger BS and that I'm banned for something I didn't do.