the story in is sad
I pity him.
a man's compassion for a woman isn't a weakness, its a wonderful trait. Unfortunately, in this day and age, women believe guys who are nice can only be AFCs, even if they're REAL men (and if u ask me, a man's compassion and wanting to protect and lead his woman is the most powerful masculine trait).
My AFC experience? I'll tell u bout the one that pushed me over the edge. in my sea of AFCness, there were flashs of DJism, but I never took them seriously. I sunk further and further into AFCness.
I met a girl, and actually picked her up quite well, despite myself. one night, she told me bout her masturbating thinking of me, or something like that. anyhoo, I became a total AFC after that, telling her my views on love, waiting up till all hours of the night for her to sign on MSN so we could talk (was too late to call). I stayed up till 3 AM just to talk to her for a few mins while she checked her Emails one time. about a week or so later, it was a few days before New years eve, and she was going to a party with her family. she told me "oh, I wont drink, I hate alcohol". I sat with my buddy's on New years eve, drinking a beer, watching the tube, and smiling as the year came to an end, confident that my journey was over, and I'd met an exceptional girl. I thought I was going to marry this girl...
a few days later, she came home and "needed to talk" apparently, this wasnt a family party, it was a party with friends, and she had drunk heavily. one of the guys there took care of her while she had passed out, and they were now dating, effectively giving me the grand ol shaftola. I basically shut down. after ending the year on such a high note, and now this extreme shock at how things could change so fast, (pain, thy name is woman) I fell apart emotionally for the next few months. try as I might, I couldnt give up. I persevered and kept going though life when one day I stumbled upon an article by David Deangelo. I learned a whole different side of the "dating game". I crashed and burned with ****y and funny at the begining, since I was still bitter. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO GET WOMEN WHILE YOU ARE BITTER. through Deangelo's DVD series (one of them) I learned of Mystery and TD. I admired their technical grasp of the game, but as time went on, I got a weird vibe from them. I didnt know at the time, but I had decided, unconciously, then and there, that I did not want to become a social robot pumped with techniques. I learned of Senor Fingerz "Weapons of mass seduction" and follow his roots to SoSuave. I decided that inner game was the only game worth playing, and refused to associate with those who are seen as "PUAs" (as opposed to DJs, which are very different, contrary to endless debate on the subject). I had thought my journey was over that New years eve, such a long time ago, when I thought I had found my dream girl... But now I realize... through all my pain... that my journey was only beginning. And that I am destined to become one of the greatest DJs the world has ever seen!!
*cue dramatic music here*