Don Juan
- Joined
- Feb 1, 2022
- Messages
- 22
- Reaction score
- 2
- Age
- 46
First time poster - long time lurker. Apologies ahead of time for the info dump. But I really do appreciate anyone subjecting themselves to it. It's been building for a few weeks and I need it out of my mind.
The Back Story
We are coworkers (different departments now). Feelings developed for 8 long months and then we dated for 7months. She told me she had bad PTSD/Anxiety from a rape, so I took my time with her along with the fact that I was slightly apprehensive about dating a coworker. To say I was ENAMORED with her the first 4 months would be an understatement - I thought I'd found me a long termer, but some odd behaviors began showing themselves and my foot dragging began. One week it all changed - suddenly she went very unresponsive to texts/calls whereas previously she'd respond at the speed of light. Intuition was screaming at me something was up. I instigated an argument. Told her I won't put up with that kind of thing. She cited her feelings had suddenly changed and that I didn't make enough time for us for her to be more comfortable. We parted ways.
I regretted every second of that argument and went on a hero's quest to rekindle what we had. Things were looking on the up and up over the next month and we made plans. Day of she flirted with me all morning over text and IG and then ............. she flaked. She proceeded to post to social media something about her "depression" and videos of getting drunk at a bar with her friend. I finally got her on the phone later that night to have her explain wth happened and I was not prepared for what I heard. It was a full on episode of some kind - chalk full of crying and re-living her rape trauma. She even warned me I wasn't gonna recognize who I was talking to.
My heart broke for her. I felt like it was my call to arms to be a better man and more vulnerable with her because I had COMPLETELY missed the boat with this stuff when we dated. The next morning I texted her to let her know how much I cared, that I was there for her, and that I was not going anywhere. Initially she really appreciated it then 24 hours later I get a text telling me she needs to be alone, to work on her toxic anger, and work on herself. It was mostly downhill from there - my efforts were rebuffed and I was walking on egg shells with a person I no longer recognized. She was very petty towards me and often cited that she hated how I was trying "now instead of before". Then during a lunch we had together in our office, she was acting weird, so I asked why and then she casually dropped it on me - "Oh it's my bipolar" like it was a bad cough or something. At that point I had spent 5 long months trying to get "us" back so sure add this to the mix too - it wasn't going to phase me.
I had been hearing things around the office about her dating an orbiter at our work - she basically had an intergalactic federacy of them. Then at her ensuing bday party I make one passing comment to someone about her being chummy with the orbiter. It got back to her. She went scorched earth on me the next day as a novel flooded into my text messages in what seemed like a matter of seconds. She told me it was none of my business if they were dating or not and then proceeded to talk to me in a way nobody I've ever dated has. I'm talkin' really low blow stuff and on top of that lobbed some crazy accusation that a friend of mine who she's never met sexually groped her at that bday party. There was no talking her down off any of this and then came the final shank - something bad would happen to me if I ever tried to reach out to her again and she didn't want to ever speak to me for the rest of her life.
I really didn't know what she was capable of at that point. Absolutely befuddled as to how it all deteriorated so horribly - I gave up. I moved on with my life fully expecting to never hear from her again. Life's f-d sometimes though - I mean my call to arms to be a better man marched my unsuspecting ass right into the gnashing teeth of her bipolar. THAT'S how I was rewarded for having a genuine personal awakening. For a while I was very resentful, especially for how long she kept that important nugget from me and gaslighting me into thinking I was the only one at fault. Chicken or the egg right? Was it really because I didn't make enough time for us or because she didn't tell me about her bipolar earlier enough to give me a chance to understand what I was really working with?
The "Now"
Ironically COVID and the ensuing "work from home" has given me the space I needed these last two years to get back to me. I've never reached out to her, but much to my disbelief she's reached out four times. Three of those were via work chat (separated by many months) and most recent was two weeks ago (a few days after her bday). They always start the same i.e. she's reaching out about insignificant work stuff and then we get to laughing about other things exchanging a few funny GIF's in the process.
The chats usually last 15-20mins, but I never talk about "us" not even the time she said she knows "we don't conversate anymore, but was dying to tell me something." Ummmm you basically threatened I should never talk to you again! Then again - people with bipolar have horrible blackouts so who knows what she remembers. I took it as a challenge to just be friendly and leave it at that. In this last chat she dropped the whole "hope your holidays were good". I mentioned I had thought of her the other day (her bday) and happy belated.
The remaining time she reached out was by text 12 months ago via a strange #. She claimed I should know who it was. A small part of me wondered if it was her - but then again my mindset was that it wasn't possible based on how it ended between her and I. She was showing off a cropped pic of the new boob job she got (something she swore she'd never do, but knew I liked big tits). She wanted to get off with me, but I couldn't tell if it was just via pics or actual sex. I told her we could, but she's gotta tell me who she was - she never did and I never heard from that # again. It wasn't until I was cleaning out my old phone a month ago when I stumbled upon old pics and sure enough clues officially tying her back to that sext.
I legitimately thought I was over all of this, but apparently there's still an exposed wire amidst the pile. Why though? Why reach out after the way it ended and the way she spoke to me? Is it because she doesn't know how to apologize? Unfortunately the cynical thought is she reaches out when she's feeling manic from her bipolar. But man, a part of me wonders "what if" I had just dropped her name in that text - where would it have led? Instead, I refused to let myself believe it could be her.
The Back Story
We are coworkers (different departments now). Feelings developed for 8 long months and then we dated for 7months. She told me she had bad PTSD/Anxiety from a rape, so I took my time with her along with the fact that I was slightly apprehensive about dating a coworker. To say I was ENAMORED with her the first 4 months would be an understatement - I thought I'd found me a long termer, but some odd behaviors began showing themselves and my foot dragging began. One week it all changed - suddenly she went very unresponsive to texts/calls whereas previously she'd respond at the speed of light. Intuition was screaming at me something was up. I instigated an argument. Told her I won't put up with that kind of thing. She cited her feelings had suddenly changed and that I didn't make enough time for us for her to be more comfortable. We parted ways.
I regretted every second of that argument and went on a hero's quest to rekindle what we had. Things were looking on the up and up over the next month and we made plans. Day of she flirted with me all morning over text and IG and then ............. she flaked. She proceeded to post to social media something about her "depression" and videos of getting drunk at a bar with her friend. I finally got her on the phone later that night to have her explain wth happened and I was not prepared for what I heard. It was a full on episode of some kind - chalk full of crying and re-living her rape trauma. She even warned me I wasn't gonna recognize who I was talking to.
My heart broke for her. I felt like it was my call to arms to be a better man and more vulnerable with her because I had COMPLETELY missed the boat with this stuff when we dated. The next morning I texted her to let her know how much I cared, that I was there for her, and that I was not going anywhere. Initially she really appreciated it then 24 hours later I get a text telling me she needs to be alone, to work on her toxic anger, and work on herself. It was mostly downhill from there - my efforts were rebuffed and I was walking on egg shells with a person I no longer recognized. She was very petty towards me and often cited that she hated how I was trying "now instead of before". Then during a lunch we had together in our office, she was acting weird, so I asked why and then she casually dropped it on me - "Oh it's my bipolar" like it was a bad cough or something. At that point I had spent 5 long months trying to get "us" back so sure add this to the mix too - it wasn't going to phase me.
I had been hearing things around the office about her dating an orbiter at our work - she basically had an intergalactic federacy of them. Then at her ensuing bday party I make one passing comment to someone about her being chummy with the orbiter. It got back to her. She went scorched earth on me the next day as a novel flooded into my text messages in what seemed like a matter of seconds. She told me it was none of my business if they were dating or not and then proceeded to talk to me in a way nobody I've ever dated has. I'm talkin' really low blow stuff and on top of that lobbed some crazy accusation that a friend of mine who she's never met sexually groped her at that bday party. There was no talking her down off any of this and then came the final shank - something bad would happen to me if I ever tried to reach out to her again and she didn't want to ever speak to me for the rest of her life.
I really didn't know what she was capable of at that point. Absolutely befuddled as to how it all deteriorated so horribly - I gave up. I moved on with my life fully expecting to never hear from her again. Life's f-d sometimes though - I mean my call to arms to be a better man marched my unsuspecting ass right into the gnashing teeth of her bipolar. THAT'S how I was rewarded for having a genuine personal awakening. For a while I was very resentful, especially for how long she kept that important nugget from me and gaslighting me into thinking I was the only one at fault. Chicken or the egg right? Was it really because I didn't make enough time for us or because she didn't tell me about her bipolar earlier enough to give me a chance to understand what I was really working with?
The "Now"
Ironically COVID and the ensuing "work from home" has given me the space I needed these last two years to get back to me. I've never reached out to her, but much to my disbelief she's reached out four times. Three of those were via work chat (separated by many months) and most recent was two weeks ago (a few days after her bday). They always start the same i.e. she's reaching out about insignificant work stuff and then we get to laughing about other things exchanging a few funny GIF's in the process.
The chats usually last 15-20mins, but I never talk about "us" not even the time she said she knows "we don't conversate anymore, but was dying to tell me something." Ummmm you basically threatened I should never talk to you again! Then again - people with bipolar have horrible blackouts so who knows what she remembers. I took it as a challenge to just be friendly and leave it at that. In this last chat she dropped the whole "hope your holidays were good". I mentioned I had thought of her the other day (her bday) and happy belated.
The remaining time she reached out was by text 12 months ago via a strange #. She claimed I should know who it was. A small part of me wondered if it was her - but then again my mindset was that it wasn't possible based on how it ended between her and I. She was showing off a cropped pic of the new boob job she got (something she swore she'd never do, but knew I liked big tits). She wanted to get off with me, but I couldn't tell if it was just via pics or actual sex. I told her we could, but she's gotta tell me who she was - she never did and I never heard from that # again. It wasn't until I was cleaning out my old phone a month ago when I stumbled upon old pics and sure enough clues officially tying her back to that sext.
I legitimately thought I was over all of this, but apparently there's still an exposed wire amidst the pile. Why though? Why reach out after the way it ended and the way she spoke to me? Is it because she doesn't know how to apologize? Unfortunately the cynical thought is she reaches out when she's feeling manic from her bipolar. But man, a part of me wonders "what if" I had just dropped her name in that text - where would it have led? Instead, I refused to let myself believe it could be her.
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