First and foremost, thoughts and prayers out to all of the families to the people who were slain in this tragic accident. I'm getting to the age (damn I'm getting old) where I am thinking of having a little mini me running around here. when i found out about this, the first thing I thought about was what if i had a kid there? i wouldn't know what to do, i'd loose it. It's one thing to loose your child over his or her stupid decisions. if you child does drugs and somehow ends up dead, that's hard enough. If your child is in the study hall preparing for his english exam and gets shot in the back of the head for no reason, what are you supposed to do?
Regardless of what you want to say, how you want to cut it, this comes down to a guy, loosing it because of a woman. The only difference between him and most guys is he had another level of "loosing it" in him then most.
One thing I will note however, is this tragedy reminds me how ****** up America is as a country.We suck
Listen to the media... The media, or the people in it, are so tied in to their own agenda that nothing can get done.
First thing I see after this is Dr. Phil getting on TV and blaming Video Games on this tragedy... okay dr phil. give the kid some respect. He is a freakin senior at Virginia Tech University. If you are going to tell me that a video game had that much influence over him, we really are in trouble.
Then the Guns people coming out and saying "yeah, if EVERYONE had guns, this wouldnt' have happened. The Anti-Guns people come out and say "if NO ONE had guns this wouldnt' have happened"
Yeah but he did have a semi automatic weapon and they didn't. this isn't the make a wish foundation. Our Constitution gives us the right to bear arms, if you don't like it, get up and move to another country (which I am considering doing)
I don't think it applies in this situation but you know what I find funny, is, that this isn't something you just wake up and decide to do. You know how much terment it normally takes to drive a person to kill 31 people and then turn the gun on himself? how many kids talked about him everyday, teased him, mocked him because he is korean, I can see it now, i'm about their age, I know how kids can be, and you do too. Small **** jokes (see above), people going around asking him can he do their nails, he has probaby heard it all, day in and day out. And one day, something just snapped in him. Then the same people who, instead of imbracing him into our country and being nice, showing him around, are teasing and harassing him, then wonder "how could this have happened" and "he was a loner"... you made him one.
what I am getting at is, people are a product of their situtations and surrounding areas. Do you honeslty think this guy was just born thinking "when I grow up, I'm going to kill 31 people!" He's ovbiously, or was an intelligent kid. Sometimes it's hard to be smarter than people that surround you.
And BTW, the site was better back "in the day"... much much better