Video on why nightlife is dying


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2019
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Women used to have to get dolled up and head out in public to receive the validation so many of them crave. Now they can sit home in their pajamas with a bag of cheetos and get 100x the validation online with zero effort. And if the women aren't going out there's no reason for the men to go out.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Women NEVER have a problem getting laid. :rolleyes:
This is generally true, though there are some exceptions worth mentioning.

This is true for women under age 50 who are able bodied and not severely overweight (slightly overweight doesn't hurt a woman's chances too much in youth and middle age). Most women who fit this description won't find too much difficulty in getting laid. When they do have difficulty, it is usually because they are too selective.

There are cases where women 50+ struggle to get laid. There's a trend of female sex tourism (Google it) with women 50+ going to exotic locations to have sex. This is mainly aging White United States, Western European, Canadian women seeking sex with non-White men in tropical locations.

There are also women who have physical problems related to sex after 50. Vaginal dryness and vaginal lining changes can make sex uncomfortable.

Even elite 50+ women sometimes struggle. In January 2024, there was an article about nearly 55 year old Jennifer Aniston having issues dating. She's likely too selective.

There's some evidence that this was already occurring at the begging of the last decade
This thread was a good find. A lot of the things complained about with nightlife venues in 2023-2024 were already happening in 2010-2011 when this thread was active. The original poster made a very good first post. The trends got worse. Swipe apps and Instagram bolstered trends started with dating websites getting de-stigmatized in the mid-2000s and Facebook. The introduction of smartphones in 2007 was a real game changer for in-person socialization and the effects were noticeable by 2010.

I turned 21 in 2004. In 2004 and 2005, people had cell phones but they were rather basic. They were mainly for mobile calls and a little bit of texting. Texting on the old style flip phones and candy bar style phones of the late 1990s - mid/late 2000s was much more challenging. People only texted in real urgent situations or when a nightlife venue/stadium was too noisy for voice conversation.

In reading that thread, what I realized is that men finally caught up with the trend.

I remember going out in 2011 when I had just relocated to my current city and had noticed changes in nightlife venue game as compared to 2005 when I had just graduated college and relocated to a new city. The changes in 2011 game compared to 2005 game were very noticeable. 2011 is also when I started to shift more of my game to a daygame model based on reading the newly released "Day Bang" book from Roosh.

2024 nightlife game is different from 2011 nightlife game.

Women used to have to get dolled up and head out in public to receive the validation so many of them crave. Now they can sit home in their pajamas with a bag of cheetos and get 100x the validation online with zero effort. And if the women aren't going out there's no reason for the men to go out.
Yes. So true. The women have to look for a few moment to have good pics/videos for the swipe apps &/or Instagram.

Swipe apps and Instagram can get a woman so much more attention now than going out to nightlife venues 3 nights per week in 2005.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
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This thread was a good find. A lot of the things complained about with nightlife venues in 2023-2024 were already happening in 2010-2011 when this thread was active. The original poster made a very good first post. The trends got worse. Swipe apps and Instagram bolstered trends started with dating websites getting de-stigmatized in the mid-2000s and Facebook. The introduction of smartphones in 2007 was a real game changer for in-person socialization and the effects were noticeable by 2010.

I turned 21 in 2004. In 2004 and 2005, people had cell phones but they were rather basic. They were mainly for mobile calls and a little bit of texting. Texting on the old style flip phones and candy bar style phones of the late 1990s - mid/late 2000s was much more challenging. People only texted in real urgent situations or when a nightlife venue/stadium was too noisy for voice conversation.

In reading that thread, what I realized is that men finally caught up with the trend.

I remember going out in 2011 when I had just relocated to my current city and had noticed changes in nightlife venue game as compared to 2005 when I had just graduated college and relocated to a new city. The changes in 2011 game compared to 2005 game were very noticeable. 2011 is also when I started to shift more of my game to a daygame model based on reading the newly released "Day Bang" book from Roosh.

2024 nightlife game is different from 2011 nightlife game.
A user named spinaronnie wrote these words on that thread, back in '11: "The GAME has CHANGED fellas, and game material hasn't evolved to catch up with the profound changes in communications technologies as it has affected social dynamics in recent years"

Those same words can be adapted for our purposes today:

COVID was an Apocalypse... The world we as knew it in '19 came to an end, and a new one(Which we're living in now)began. The Red Pill and it's voracious appetite for overthinking the ever-living piss out of everything is no longer viable, not in a world where getting stuck in analysis paralysis is a one way ticket to psychological, spiritual, and economic destitution. Material that isn't action-oriented is less useful to us men than a no-nudity rider is to Sydney Sweeney's career


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
There's some evidence that this was already occurring at the begging of the last decade
Great thread and I don't disagree at all the best years to go clubbing was 2006-2009 (that's when I was old enough) after 2009 it started to get worse but covid really killed it

I think in the future 3rd spaces will make a comeback(people hanging out in person) but I don't think clubs will and if they do it will be very niche i.e. raves, EDM, high end etc


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
A user named spinaronnie wrote these words on that thread, back in '11: "The GAME has CHANGED fellas, and game material hasn't evolved to catch up with the profound changes in communications technologies as it has affected social dynamics in recent years"

Those same words can be adapted for our purposes today:

COVID was an Apocalypse... The world we as knew it in '19 came to an end, and a new one(Which we're living in now)began. The Red Pill and it's voracious appetite for overthinking the ever-living piss out of everything is no longer viable, not in a world where getting stuck in analysis paralysis is a one way ticket to psychological, spiritual, and economic destitution. Material that isn't action-oriented is less useful to us men than a no-nudity rider is to Sydney Sweeney's career
The problem is all Game content now focuses on how to be a "High Value Man" this sounds good on paper but for 70- 80% of men it's not realistic. Most men will never make millions annually in their lives much less 100K a year (unless inflation goes up another 25% in 2 years but than 100K ain't shyt, you gonna need to make 300K) I'm not saying men can't do it cause we have men on this forum who do. The reality is money alone won't get you a woman. This is what the redpill wants men to do now in 2024 become high tricking simps. A lot of guys need to work on their mouth piece, and personality and hit the gym. Those tropes while outdated still remain true even in 2024!

The Redpill in 2024 is now a grift and a joke, I can't even take MGTOW seriously when you have men talking about going their own way yet 99% of their content on youtube and social media is about women. If it's truly about going your own way why isn't there more talks on how to attain finacial freedom except mentioning it? why isn't there talks about starting your own community or compound with applicable real life steps on how do it? etc.

To many keyboard jockies and not enough men putting boots to the ground to achieve their dreams/goals that's one of the biggest issues but it's all "wahmens" fault so I'll digress


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
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Great thread and I don't disagree at all the best years to go clubbing was 2006-2009 (that's when I was old enough...
Were those truly "the best years", or is this an example of The Nickleodeon Effect I.E. We outgrew what once SEEMED cool?

"I think in the future 3rd spaces will make a comeback(people hanging out in person) but I don't think clubs will and if they do it will be very niche i.e. raves, EDM, high end etc"

Not to mention
bringing about the beast foretold in Revelation
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Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
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The problem is all Game content now focuses on how to be a "High Value Man" this sounds good on paper but for 70- 80% of men it's not realistic
If we're talking becoming CEO of a Fortune 500 Company, then yeah... Most men won't achieve that. On the other hand, every man who's

-Eager to acquire marketable proficiencies

-Set concrete, pragmatically achievable goals

-Work diligently to achieve them

-Possibly go into business for himself

CAN achieve a high-quality life. While there are "systemic" reforms worth pursuing (Increasing access to vocational training, especially), the greatest challenge facing modern men, is quite simply, the widespread proliferation of entertainment pervading Post-Industrial nations. Take a look at how many folks(The majority of them young men)are religiously watching Midnight Edge's three hour videos VS the number of folks who've listened to
, or anything else which leaves them a bit wiser at the end of the day. Note how much cash most men can scrouge together for the latest version of XBox + shi-loads of video games, then claim "I can't afford to hire a career consultant, even though my brother-in-law is one, and has offered to give me a discount"

"The reality is money alone won't get you a woman"

No, it will get a fella things like a nifty home in a ritzy neighborhood, a refrigerator filled with nutritious grub, reliable transportation, a closet filled with sharp clothes, state-of-the-art medical care, etc etc. All of which are further up the list of priorities than access to the inside of some broad's panties

"The Redpill in 2024 is now a grift and a joke"

That so many of us mistook a Joel Silver popcorn flick from The 90s for reality is both sad and pa-hetic. This has undermined the male population's prospects for success in ways that Intersectional Feminism could never have imagined

"I can't even take MGTOW seriously when you have men talking about going their own way yet 99% of their content on youtube and social media is about women"

Yeah... These fellas were always cut from cloth similar to that of hipsters, hippies, and Nu Metal aficionados. Swearing they want nothing to do with a society they believe hates and has abandoned them in one breath, then in the next bemoaning the fact that this same society they claim to want no part of refuses to be nicer to/include them

"If it's truly about going your own way why isn't there more talks on how to attain finacial freedom except mentioning it?"

The few content creators on YouTube preaching such drivel (And yes, I mean you, Paul Elam, Sandman, Turd Flinging Monkey, Better Bachelor)have amassed sizeable fortunes via e-begging, and in some cases(such as Elam's) peddling "counseling services" of dubious merit. These folks are already themselves enjoying upper middle class lives, surrounded almost exclusively by folks who think just as they do... It's not surprising then that these financially set E-celebs don't give half a rat's dirty ass about the day to day difficulties of the typical American. They've been far removed from that for eons now

"why isn't there talks about starting your own community or compound with applicable real life steps on how do it? etc"

Again, the most prominent proponents of MGTOW are heavy recipients of all the perks an upper middle class existence has to over. They'd just as soon stick their faces into a running buzz saw, before they abandon their gated communities in Houston and Sherman Oaks for a compound in the wilds of Oregon

"To many keyboard jockies and not enough men putting boots to the ground to achieve their dreams/goals that's one of the biggest issues but it's all "wahmens" fault so I'll digress"

Yeah, as I've stated before, men today are in straits similar to those of the gay community found itself in after the disco and popper laden 70s came crashing to an end, with The 80s ushering in The AIDs epidemic. In a similar fashion, entirely too many of us retreated from reality and into fantasy worlds on social media during the late 10s, and we're soon going to be experiencing a tidal wave of finacial woe, brought on by the fact that none of us have anything to offer but an encyclopedic knowledge of Kathleen Kennedy's many blunders
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Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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In January 2024, there was an article about nearly 55 year old Jennifer Aniston having issues dating. She's likely too selective.
Wow, there are Chads that she JawMogs! :eek: :eek:


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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... a no-nudity rider is to Sydney Sweeney's career
She won't get many roles in rom-coms then. The formula for a rom-com is to have the standard stupid story for the chicks, but at least one good buck-naked scene that interests the chick's man in going to see it with her.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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Most men will never make millions annually in their lives much less 100K a year (unless inflation goes up another 25% in 2 years but than 100K ain't shyt, you gonna need to make 300K) ...
It's OVER for 299KCels.

Learning Curve

Master Don Juan
Feb 7, 2023
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You should see nightlife here in Cyprus.

Horrible. No places to go to especially in Nicosia, no clubs.

Everything has closed. Main reason is the economy going down and there is no more demand from people.

They prefer to stay home or do friend-night-outs at home.

I would suppose countries like Greece, have a big-night-life. But my country simply s1ucks.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
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She won't get many roles in rom-coms then
Not a worry, as Hollywood isn't really cranking out romcoms much at present... Whether or not Anyone But You breaking the bank will change that is questionable


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
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Everything has closed. Main reason is the economy going down and there is no more demand from people
Yep. Strengthen a nation's economy, and these secondary problems(Nightlife being nearly nonexistent)have a strange way of being drastically reduced


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Most men will never make millions annually in their lives much less 100K a year (unless inflation goes up another 25% in 2 years but than 100K ain't shyt, you gonna need to make 300K)
Right now, in 2024, a $100,000 annual salary doesn't mean anything for seduction.

We had a thread last year that $75,000 - $125,000 annual salary isn't that helpful for getting women and that was mainly focused on men in their 30s and early 40s in that income range.

I knew guys in the first half of the 2010s who were in the low $100,000 annual salary and it wasn't getting them far with women.

The reality is money alone won't get you a woman.
Money alone doesn't mean much in conventional dating. Money alone has the potential to get a man laid by paying directly for sex/sugar daddy game. Outside of that, money alone won't make much of difference unless you are around 95th-99th percentile of annual salary/net worth. That's why men who make in the $100,000 - $125,000 annual salary range don't see much of a difference. That's not even close to the upper echelon of income earners.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
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Money alone doesn't mean much in conventional dating. Money alone has the potential to get a man laid by paying directly for sex/sugar daddy game. Outside of that, money alone won't make much of difference unless you are around 95th-99th percentile of annual salary/net worth. That's why men who make in the $100,000 - $125,000 annual salary range don't see much of a difference. That's not even close to the upper echelon of income earners.
Money's comparable to an expensive suit. When draped over a louse like this , such finery won't be the pu-sy magnet it is when worn by Harvey Specter or Don Draper. A guy still has to learn the intricacies of not just what attracts women, but what makes a man compelling company more generally

This entire thread is the male equivalent of Lindy West and her imitators "Yes, but..."-ing all the tried and true counsel (Slim down, throw on make-up, wear sexy clothes and lingerie underneath, keep your body free of hair, learn what it takes to sexually satisfy a man, etc etc)given to women who desire a first-rate man

No, these things don't GUARANTEE anyone anything. They sure as hell increase your odds though, and frankly they benefit the individual exponentially
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Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Money's comparable to an expensive suit. When draped over a louse like this , such finery won't be the pu-sy magnet it is when worn by Harvey Specter or Don Draper. A guy still has to learn the intricacies of not just what attracts women, but what makes a man compelling company more generally

This entire thread is the male equivalent of Lindy West and her imitators "Yes, but..."-ing all the tried and true counsel (Slim down, throw on make-up, wear sexy clothes and lingerie underneath, keep your body free of hair, learn what it takes to sexually satisfy a man, etc etc)given to women who desire a first-rate man

No, these things don't GUARANTEE anyone anything. They sure as hell increase your odds though, and frankly they benefit the individual exponentially
I agree that it is better to have money than to not have money. I think a lot of white collar type guys with annual salaries in the 55th - 85th percentile (near the $75,000 - $125,000 range from that thread started in 2023) are discovering is that their annual salary is increasing their theoretical odds but not actually making much of a difference in practical terms.

In a standard nightlife venue setting, physical appearance matters more than money, especially for men under 40. Around middle age (somewhere around a man's mid-30s to early 40s), money starts to take on more importance in his overall seduction game.

It is a good idea to do things to increase odds.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
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I think a lot of white collar type guys with annual salaries in the 55th - 85th percentile (near the $75,000 - $125,000 range from that thread started in 2023) are discovering is that their annual salary is increasing their theoretical odds but not actually making much of a difference in practical terms
Yeah, even white collar guys still have to make tough decisions regarding what they do in their off-hours, the likes of which will either enhance or decrease their attractiveness. If you're a one-percenter who still hasn't rid him self of traits such as
, you're going to be unattractive to not only women, but unappealing to most people in general


Master Don Juan
Mar 7, 2022
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women.... and men don't care about relationships as much as they use to... by the time women cares, they are too old to entice men...

Chad pump and dump young women.
women get upset and no longer want to really date. average guys don't get the opportunity.. and when they do, the juice isn't worth the squeeze (average women have too high of an expectations from "dating" chad)

throughout history when people had enough food and shelter, people dated... so the economy is not the reason. many societies in non western world nations- they are still dating and having kids even if their economy is "worse".

many other non western nations have high cell phone use, but they are still dating and F'ing... so it's not the smartphone or the internet.

it's the relationship dynamic in the western nations. Average women want to date chads and are upset they ALL can't date chad so they sit arround hoping something will "work out" for them... but it wouldnt... this is the really reason we really don't go to clubs anymore.. hell, iirc online dating is also down.. just look at stock.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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Advice from the old lady:

No question that Gen Z especially is adversely effected by the evolution (devolution?) of nightlife but frankly some areas have always been terrible (Kansas City or Fresno or Omaha are stark examples in US) and I also think frame of reference makes a huge difference.

People in their 80s and 90s will tell you the Playboy clubs were the cat's meow from the 1960s in NYC, Miami, Chicago etc.

People in their 60s who were the cool kids will tell you Studio54 was IT back in NYC before it closed, and that disco was the craze.

I am mid 50s (Anniston's age) and found Limelight in NYC an amazing venue after the heyday of Studio54 passed, and there were other clubs all around in NYC, London, LA, Miami and other markets with more focused appeal. That was in the 1990s and early 2000s.

You wanted live music? You checked out Austin or Nashville (where the dance club scene was always terrible compared to say NYC or Miami) and that was always true. Even SF had solid clubs in the 90s, but that's when I was doing the most clubbing so my perspective reflects that.

Now your major DJs book big venues like stadiums. The rave scene had a major effect on dance clubs too as EDM came of age. If your venue wasn't enough of a mega club to host David Guetta or Tiesto or some of the other huge headliners with a million dollar laser light show? Forget it. You're obsolete. Now you've got major raves gone mainstream (like the Tomorrowland EDM "festivals") which take club venues out of the equation entirely. So ya. It's different.

I've had fun club experiences up through 2020. After the rise of bottle service, and agree that changed the layout & use of space in major clubs, almost none of whom have actual dance floors now in many areas.

There are still tango salons and Latin clubs and honky tonks where you can dance if that's your thing, but it's more niche and your geeky gamer guy doesn't have the desire or social wherewithall to succeed in those environments anyway.

My Gen Z son just got married, and although he has great social skills he's glad he's not out there in single land because its a shjtshow.

In some areas the older generations enjoy robust nightlife still. Where I live the nightlife scene from 40-70 is alive and well, but these people grew up through their youth going out to be social. So it's more normal to people my age.

There are cruises and other alternative things like skiing or golf or riding you can do too. To me the nice thing about the higher costs is that it presents an entry barrier to those who can't honestly afford an entertainment budget. Which keeps out the riff raff and always has.