Originally posted by PuertoRican_Lover
Cyrano, I think you missed the whole point of his story and the underlying point to my response...she had nothing to cry about because there was absolutely no foundation or reason for her to cry. What expectations did she have, that MVP was going to say yes? Why? There was nothing to support this conclusion. This is why MVP was in "'TOTAL SHOCK". And all the men here were in agreement to his normal reaction!
I got your point, but perhaps I wasn't direct enough in stating mine. I think we can all agree that the reasonable expectation of success here was slim. Even so, she must have been at least expecting at that effort she put into it to hold some sort of sway, because people don't make strategies with the initial expectation that nothing they are about to do has any chance of garnering the desired result.
You say that she had absolutely no reason to cry, but since when has breaking down into tears been a rational response to a situation? Even if it was, this is not a rational situation. This woman has been pining for MVPlaya and watching him from afar for a long time. She seriously invested herself into this. What 'rational' person would expect her to just say," Oh well, I tried, I guess you can't win them all. I guess I should just move on and forget this ever happened." It doesn't take a psychotic woman (though I will not preclude this as an option at this point) to break drown crying because a guy she likes doesn't like her.
My core issue with your statement is that it shows exactly how little you understand about women and psychology and here you've made it a Holy calling to show others the DJ way. If you yourself can't make such basic distinctions, how can you understand the broader issues involved and help other DJs on their journey to find their own promised land?
It just doesn't make sense! The only rationale for this is that MVP 'made up' the whole story!
I don't think he
could make that up and what incentive would he have to? None unless his emotional well-being is directly tied to the sympathy of others and I've seen enough of MVPlaya to know that's not the case. He's never displayed tendencies towards exaggerations or outright yarn spinning, though I could think of a particular someone who's demonstrated both tendencies on a regular basis and still asks openly why no one takes them seriously. *cough*PRL*cough*cough*
You should go see a doctor about that itch, and determine what ho gave it to you!
I was speaking in a metaphor. You sir are a frequent persistent annoyance to me. No matter how often I scratch or don't scratch, you're still here. Tell me, isn't there some other, more productive pursuit you could be following?
There is an old chinese saying that goes something like," Know neither yourself or your enemy and you will only know defeat. Know yourself, but not your enemy or your enemy but not yourself and you will be successful only half of the time. But if you know both your enemy and yourself, then you will be unstoppable." I won't say you're a complete imbecile, and you do come through with a few shiners every now and again. But for the most part the best I can say of you is that you know yourself, which taken alone is a wholly insufficient yardstick by which to measure life. Half-@ss is only half-way, and that's about as qualified as you get when responding, yet you persist in doing so anyway at any available opportunity. Keep this in mind for future referrence PRL, better to keep your mouth shut and be thought an idiot than to open it and remove all doubt.