Depends on the environment, amount and quality of your foreplay, and how turned on she is. Generally, you must have FOREPLY and put her AT EASE, and relaxed. She may be excited, but if she feels comfortable with you, and the environment (unless she's and exhibitionist or a Hooker)is acceptable, she'll get her motor running guaranteed. But you can't get impatient with her.
YOU NEED to be "the guy" that does it for her.
And the GUY that does it for her is PATIENT.Get it?
Be patient, and make ALL the right moves.
Do it right, every time.
Sounds like a DJ slogan dunnit?
And as far as your nose, you're insinuating that she's smelly?
That sucks.
Only thing I can suggest is try some scented oils, or if you're tactful enough
you can politely suggest she clean up before your lovemaking.
Hell, offer to wash her pvssy if you have to.
But you MUST do oral on her. It is required.