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Vaccines got full FDA approval


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2015
Reaction score
I think the PhD thing is legit.
So what you have in terms of vax hesitancy (and the same thing can be loosely said for Trump supporters) is a coalition between the
low-educated common sensors and the high-educated bullsh1t detectors, with the somewhat-educated people who are in the middle belonging to the other side. And a big source of the somewhat-educated group's cohesion is a common disdain of the low-education group for ego purposes, while being blind to the higher-educated group above them.
Yes. I'd be inclined to agree with your assessment. While I can't say that I found the study to be very well intentioned, rigorous or
beyond criticism as you noted, there may well be and probably is something to what they discovered. Presumably one is both selected for and acquires some sort of capacity to research a topic, if one successfully completes a PhD. The non-completion rates for PhDs are themselves very high.

Moreover, medical interventions are a very serious matter. This is where there is an interesting overlap with medical workers, many of
whom also require high levels of education, though I've been told that much medical training is not that critical in orientation. However, they are, by the same token, much closer to the coalface and so have much more direct contact with the injuries and deaths arising from these vaccines. Everyday one seems to see more accounts of the number and severity of the adverse reactions surfacing, particularly in the United States. Here, in Australia, we hear practically nothing as our medical doctors, for instance, have largely been muzzled by their regulator (AHPRA) and we are behind the vaccination curve as it were.

"The PhD finding is not surprising. Given how most PhDs live their lives the difference in getting the vaccine vs not getting it may be viewed as negligible. That pro vaccine "arguments" broadly fall into one of three logical fallacies there is reasonable skepticism as to the motivation behind them. The three basic fallacies used are: appeals to authority, appeals to sentiment and ad hominem attacks.

Additionally, those with PhDs are hopefully trained to not be fooled by logical fallacies and those that have no university "education" have not been brain washed to mindlessly find them compelling (at least that's what 10 years enlisted in the military showed me)."
"I mean its pretty straight forward - A) They are the group which should be least likely to fall for the propaganda B) Should be the group most likely to know about repurposed drugs to help avoid the vaccine. C) Knows the risk by covid is very low and if you already had it then you shouldn't get the vaccine, since it provide only risk and no reward then."
I wasn't aware that these pre-print sites had comment sections, so thankyou for drawing my attention to that. The ones you selected all have merit, although I want to focus on parts of the first and the last.

The last, particularly succinctly, although also perhaps rather too simply, sums up important aspects of the situation in general which have been important components in the rational decision making process advocated by the independent medical doctors and physicians (eg. McCullough, Malone, Kory) who have done the most to fight the astonishing wave of disinformation and misinformation about SARS-2-Covid put out by governmental agencies, professional associations, the mainstream media, big tech, big pharma, politicians etc right across the world.

Where can you find this rational, critical (as you noted) 'reflection' in any of these so-called sources of information about SARS-2-Covid? On this, the first comment about the ceaseless emotional manipulation, logical fallacies and appeals to authority (for instance, to other politically or industry captured agencies) etc is precisely on point.

Just listen to any of the above, truly outstanding, individuals (which I have to note are all American doctors, although their are others who are not) and tell me how there is any comparison whatsoever with the above official so-called sources of information about SARS-2-Covid? By this, I do not just mean technically, but also, and perhaps more importantly, given just how ugly this has become, in terms of their grasp of the significance and application of the most fundamental principles of western medical ethics (informed consent etc).

I'm not really familiar with that much, as this is way outside of my usual fields of expertise or interest. However, the following is the
best single account that I have encountered of both the context of and how truly disastrous the whole response to SARS-2-Covid has been. It's long (about 2 hours) and not much of an interview but McCullough is ridiculously articulate and passionate about what he stands for. It is also somewhat historical at this point, but, as anyone who has been awake will know, the fate of ivermectin has been just a replay of what happened to HCQ.

Anyway, if anyone one knows of a better or even comparable account, I'd love to know about it. As @LARaiders85 said on this site somewhere, it is really just a matter of nuance.
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Master Don Juan
May 31, 2019
Reaction score
It's kind of been ruled out at this point that the virus came from a lab. When you look at the structure of the virus it makes it highly unlikely that it was human made despite Trump's best efforts to influence the american people in that way, but conspiracy theories are much more exciting to read about.
Nowadays you will always find what you're looking for on the internet if you look hard enough, it's called confirmation bias. It's dangerous though because it might confuse you with actual facts from reliable peer-reviewed sources.


Master Don Juan
Mar 30, 2019
Reaction score
It's kind of been ruled out at this point that the virus came from a lab. When you look at the structure of the virus it makes it highly unlikely that it was human made despite Trump's best efforts to influence the american people in that way, but conspiracy theories are much more exciting to read about.
Nowadays you will always find what you're looking for on the internet if you look hard enough, it's called confirmation bias. It's dangerous though because it might confuse you with actual facts from reliable peer-reviewed sources.
Did you ever watch the video I posted and read the article+document posted too before writing that? :whistle:

Or did you just skip the whole thing, ignored it and just wrote that the lab leak is not true?

despite Trump's best efforts to influence the american people
This has nothing to do with Trump, just for the record. He just acted like a parrot relaying many what others have said/pointed out almost a year ealier.
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Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
Reaction score
It's kind of been ruled out at this point that the virus came from a lab. When you look at the structure of the virus it makes it highly unlikely that it was human made despite Trump's best efforts to influence the american people in that way, but conspiracy theories are much more exciting to read about.
Nowadays you will always find what you're looking for on the internet if you look hard enough, it's called confirmation bias. It's dangerous though because it might confuse you with actual facts from reliable peer-reviewed sources.
Why would you ever expect to find peer-reviewed sources for the lab leak hypothesis? That's like expecting an article on the JFK asssassination in a scientific journal like nature.

There is considerable bias and politics even in peer-reviewed journals. Any dissenters from the common view are considered "fringe" and dismissed away, and then we claim the science is "settled" - that's not how it works.


Master Don Juan
Mar 30, 2019
Reaction score
Its a Nano bioweapon. Im convinced. Next is the bank takeover and the monitoring of everything you purchase thats even if you get permission.
Funny and ironic that you mentioned that. I just got this emailed to my inbox today from BullionStar; a Singapore based gold bullion broker.:
Read it and make up your mind in what you think.. :up:


Master Don Juan
Mar 30, 2019
Reaction score
That is there goal. Its all tied into this fcked up social credit scoring system.
No more privacy.
I'd believe that is why they push so hard for vaccine passports because they are in themselves a social credit score and once everyone has it then you just add the rest, just like China has done. Probably why they are pushing people so hard to take the vaccine and attempt to scare people so they will submit in fear of covid and dying.

They wanted more control/power and the virus was the ultimate perfect excuse for implementing it.

Just a personal theory tho, which of course I cannot prove. However; I just don't give flying f'uck anymore about their scarecrow.

I'm not afraid of this and their scare tactics.. In fact I choose not to be afraid and submit to their bullsh'it.

Latest science on the subject over the past few months that has been published tell that the best defense against the virus is to have strong healthy immune system by eating right (E.g. healthy food), exercising and taking healthy vitamins etc. Like it always been with all disease really. If you're an elderly person/or sick then yes; you probably will need an extra protection layer as a vaccine.

All restrictions are now gone here in Sweden and Denmark and on the 30th this month all nightclubs (Last restriction there was in Sweden) are normally open again. Imma gonna celebrate it with getting some booty calls from the clubs ha ha

However I am deeply concerned about our freedom rights and privacy rights are taken away. It is a serious issue, because without those two functions of a free society it always leads to tyranny and misery. History has proven that over and over again.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2019
Reaction score
Did you ever watch the video I posted and read the article+document posted too before writing that? :whistle:

Or did you just skip the whole thing, ignored it and just wrote that the lab leak is not true?
The latter. I don't see why i should spend 43 minutes of my precious time on a clickbait video that concludes (according to it's title) that the odds increase that the virus was man made, which is not even in the same universe as something proven, and then include links to a russian writer called "Tyler Durden" from a site called Zerohedge, which, according to wikipedia, "Over time, Zero Hedge expanded into non-financial analysis, including conspiracy theories and fringe rhetoric associated with the US radical right, the alt-right, and a pro-Russian bias. Zero Hedge's non-financial commentary has led to a number of site bans by various global social media platforms, although its 2019 Facebook ban and 2020 Twitter ban were later reversed."

If you want me to change my mind about facts vs fiction atleast convince me with quotes from reliable sources and not a russian concpiracy theorist.

I'd also love to know the motives. Why would you release a virus into the wild that would effect your own population in a severe way? Isn't it kinda counter productive and beyond stupid to remove the easily influenced, less intelligent 'herd' portion of a population if you're looking for control and power?


Master Don Juan
Mar 30, 2019
Reaction score
Wikipedia is the worst place you can do to find facts there days as they are heavily leftist bias and censor anything, write any lies, twist, and turns they want. Even the Wikipedia founder have acknowledged and admitted that he has lost control over Wikipedia as an unpolitical and unbiased force.
Same goes for google which is horrible place to look for facts.

if you want a real wikipedia then buy an encyclopedia which actually has 100% verified facts is trustable and not options.

I don't see why i should spend 43 minutes of my precious time on a clickbait video
That's your choice. but if you don't watch it then you don't know and cannot either judge it. Then you just have your prejudices about it, but you don't really know anything.

Over time, Zero Hedge expanded into non-financial analysis
Zerohedge is one of the biggest and first go to places for financial data in the financial industry and is still to this day used by the whole banking and investor community as one of the best go to places for financial data, (Yes remember that political data is also financial data mind you). And lol what they write is a lie. "Tyler Durden" is the name and pseudonym for all contributors to the site. You can find the list of contributors on their website. Its not a Russian author. Ha ha wtf, they must be smoking something.
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Master Don Juan
Mar 30, 2019
Reaction score
They are all full of sh'ite. If you want the truth, follow the money trail.
(and yes see the damn video before you comment on it)


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
Reaction score
Wikipedia is the worst place you can do to find facts there days as they are heavily leftist bias and censor anything, write any lies, twist, and turns they want. Even the Wikipedia founder have acknowledged and admitted that he has lost control over Wikipedia as an unpolitical and unbiased force.
^^^ according to Fox News.