An advantage? Maybe. I can't think of a way how though.
I'd never considered myself short, until one day everybody was talking about my friend Nate, calling him "Short Nate". It was pretty unanimous that he's short, nothing stuck out about that, but I said something to him about it later and he pointed out something that was actually fairly startling to me. He was no shorter than I am - 5'8". Yet of the 6 people there when we compared, not a single person ventured to say he might be as tall as me.
The percieved difference is caused by two things - how we both hold ourselves, and how we both dress. He wears large shirts that hang to his thighs, and slouches, lookig down as he walks. He gives an impression of shortness, like he's not trying to take up too much space.
I, however, like to hold my head up, good posture, and the way I dress seems to emphasize my heigth enough that few people ever have told me that I'm short. I'm not as short as you are, but other people of my heigth seem to hear it a lot more than I do.
Meanwhile, my roommate is 5'6" and he's dating a girl taller than I am - probably 5'10" or 5'11". And she's hot too. He's well built, after many years in the gym to stay in shape, and most girls find him attractive in spite of his height.
But you're insecure about your heigth. I'm willing to bet that your attempt to make it into an advantage would end up as a transparent effort to mask your heigth insecurity. Mentioning that you're short at all is just encouraging the thought in her head, and would probably just backfire by reinforcing the idea that you are short in her mind.