It's just like other red pill stuff about women, effort, and investment of time. all can do it at least in USA. still many blue-collar ways to beat those numbers and white-collar many ways. Wanting to get it and not getting it, is like watching porn instead of meeting women.
nothing is easy, but it's possible and will be done if effort.
it takes about 10x average local income to be considered awesome just because of money. The difference between 100 and 200 is nill. The difference between 100 and 700 is a big deal. But 700 doesn't work if the woman works in or lives in a place that the average guy is 250...
Yes, woman I was seeing had a friend that was dating a scaffolder who'd worked his way up to owning his own firm. Seemed to be doing ok as had newish X5M and bought his g/f a new/nearly new Merc C class with a personal plate within a year of knowing each other (hilariously the plate was some variation of BOSS). Girl I was seeing told me about this and how he bought her some shoes or handbags for £2kish as well. At first I let just laughed, then when she mentioned it again I tactfully said its a bit extreme - partly in a way to covertly say, don't expect the same from me.
She also shown me some 2-3k handbags she likes a few times and no doubt was expecting me to be like her friends boyfriend. Didn't even annoy me, theres no chance I'd ever spend that on g/f, especially not one I'd only been seeing a few months.
Plus she was talking about houses she was apparently viewing around 750-1 mill mark. She had good job but no way could afford them alone.
No doubt thought she was being subtle/testing me, but piecing everything together, didn;'t paint herself in good light. No way I'd tie myself down to someone like that, no doubt would jump ship if your income went downhill, or men end up working themselves to death with fear of losing their partner if they can't maintain the lifestyle they've grown accustomed to.
Whilst there are no doubt expert gold diggers who can keep a fascade for years, I think being on this site, having awareness of female nature, and paying attention to how they are, you can work out their motivations over time. You have to be honest with your overall 'smv' as well. If yoou're with a 8 or 9, socially a bit awkward not overly phsyically attractive and/or a lot older why would they be with you? Also, no one is forcing you to spend extravagant money on them. Obviously if you have kids together or get married it can become a legal matter, then it becomes difficult to protect your wealth.
If you're physically attractive and have money, you will be more attractive to women, but still don;t need to spend loads on them. Particularly if you're just looking to have fun and not get tied down in typical long term relationships.
I previously spent a lot of time in THailand around bar girls so seen how they operate, try to suck men in, play their western boyfriends/husbands who live in another country for most of the year. It's pretty obvious to me. I struggle to see how anyone on this site can be drawn in by gold diggers if you keep your eyes open.