If two people are attracted to each other and they both know it, then sex comes easily and naturally.
The problem is that guys are so used to dealing with women that are making things difficult and awkward that they begin to see that as normal.
yep. Happens in the approach too.
It's a bit like when one is still deep into PUA and they are getting rejected and they are like 'why?!! What did I do wrong? Did I neg her too late? Was my approach angle off?' etc etc. They don't realise that the problem is they are trying to 'seduce' someone who doesn't want to be seduced (by you).
As you say, it's easy to forget that when a girl is attracted, everything kind of takes care of itself! They WILL usually even escalate in some way if you fail too!
And again, from a cold approach perspective, it's a bit like the whole 'running out of things to say' issue. I used to give myself a hard time for this, but nowadays, I realise it's just a function of lack of attraction. Interested girls will take up the slack! I used to do so much work and waste effort in order to give her an 'emotional spike' and try to 'keep convos going' etc.
OP, in the old days, the gurus said to befriend these “naturals” and learn how they do things.
You can learn how to ACT like you are 6’8,” and then you will get the same results lol.
I remember writing a field report on reddit (possibly shared it here too) where my slayer friend was killing it and I was having a hard time, and the amount of cope from posters about how I need to copy what he was doing was so funny. Like, I mentioned how he was playing the fruit machines and girls were approaching him, and they were like ''He's not getting approached because of his looks! Girls literally don't care about looks!! It's because he's giving off non-needy body langauge by playing the fruit machines'.
What made it funnier was the same posters were the ones who probably gave me a hard time in a prior FR for not being proactive enough in the night and being too passive.
OP, as for your question, I guess the answer is yes, although it's not common. These guys are rare. Girls will do a lot of the work if they are very attracted. They're really not an entirely different species to us men despite what pua coaches try to tell you lol. I have two big time slayer chad friends. I don't think i've ever seen them get approached in the day time (although I know your friends situation is different being in college etc). Only at night. Only thing they get in the day are INSANE approAch invitations and IOI's etc