Unfortunately, BigJimbo May Be Spot On.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2010
Reaction score
Just a Shot Away said:
Wow, Eastern European girls will marry rich American guys in exchange for money and citizenship? I'm shocked. This is big, big news.

Yep, Big Jimbo's message (America is trash, Ukraine is paradise) was completely spot-on. Awesome deduction.
Funny. FP is a very well-respected policy magazine. Guess what. The Vice-President of America says that Ukrainian girls are the BEST! Yes, he said it. Hey, he is straight like me. I am guessing that you are a confused teenage boy in America with mommy issues. Most American guys like old women because of a lack of a decent mother figure in their life. Mothers in America like to f--- more than raise their sons.


Don Juan
Oct 16, 2010
Reaction score
It's funny, I live in the UK, and see an increasing amount of older guys in their late 40s-60s with these younger Thai models - and they are so hot! Always make an effort to look nice and wear smart sexy clothes. And you can bet that when the guy comes home after a long day at work, she'll be there with a smile and ask how he is, be attentive etc.

I used to wonder why they'd resort to looking overseas for a partner, but as I got into relationships myself and spoke to other guys, it became clear.

Many western women, especially younger ones, have this kind of inflated opinion of themselves, like even HB4s and HB5s!! For example, when their guy gets in, they will probably just want to offload all their sh1t and worries onto their guy as soon as he comes in through the door. It's all about them, and how crap their lives are (they don't know how easy they've got it)

Hell, I'm tempted to get a foreign bride now!


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2010
Reaction score
f283000 said:
Brothers you got other options as well not just eastern europe. Don't forget latin women who also want to meet you!

I can understand the guys that order brides. If I started making 6 figures annually I would quit the game and order me one too. Check out some of the girls from calimatchmaker's myspace (Colombia). I mean how could you not want to order

this gal

or this gal

or this one

Here's the photo album of the girls of cali matchmaker's myspace

Check out the afc's with the girls. I'm sure all these guys are successful and have bank they just need game
Romance tour photos? Uh, well Okay. I take your proof and raise it!
Eastern Ukraine. Those eyes of his say, "F--- You and your NFL! Big Jimbo Got It Right!" Your father's are now officially booking flights with me to Ukraine. The look on that dude's faith is priceless. You can't fake that look. A kid in a candy shop. I am all for Romance Tours if it makes guys look like that.

Latin American females are spoiled. Too many local guys chase after them.

I have never heard of an East European guy going to Latin America and getting a wife. The reverse is VERY common in places like Russia and Ukraine. The superstar Cristian Noboa is a legend already in Kazan. The star for Ecuador found love in Russia. A sweet story. He is a good looking guy (for Russia). She is a very lucky girl. They have kids now. Latin American guys LOVE the girls. That is the problem with bringing in players from those countries. They all get locked in on girls and not sport!

Trust me guys. There are some stunning and sweet girls waiting for guys who visit. Some are scammers. Some are crazy. And some are amazing! They are people. The difference is genetics, society, and YOU! Spend a few days "in country" and you notice that the local guys are lacking in many things that females want. That includes the very wealthy guys. Funniest thing, is that so many beautiful girls NEVER get attention from males. If you look at a girl for more than a second she often turns her head and starts to blush. It is just unheard of for guys to chase after girls.

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
BigJimbo said:
Romance tour photos? Uh, well Okay. I take your proof and raise it!
Eastern Ukraine. Those eyes of his say, "F--- You and your NFL! Big Jimbo Got It Right!" Your father's are now officially booking flights with me to Ukraine. The look on that dude's faith is priceless. You can't fake that look. A kid in a candy shop. I am all for Romance Tours if it makes guys look like that.

Latin American females are spoiled. Too many local guys chase after them.

I have never heard of an East European guy going to Latin America and getting a wife. The reverse is VERY common in places like Russia and Ukraine. The superstar Cristian Noboa is a legend already in Kazan. The star for Ecuador found love in Russia. A sweet story. He is a good looking guy (for Russia). She is a very lucky girl. They have kids now. Latin American guys LOVE the girls. That is the problem with bringing in players from those countries. They all get locked in on girls and not sport!

Trust me guys. There are some stunning and sweet girls waiting for guys who visit. Some are scammers. Some are crazy. And some are amazing! They are people. The difference is genetics, society, and YOU! Spend a few days "in country" and you notice that the local guys are lacking in many things that females want. That includes the very wealthy guys. Funniest thing, is that so many beautiful girls NEVER get attention from males. If you look at a girl for more than a second she often turns her head and starts to blush. It is just unheard of for guys to chase after girls.
BJ is right. I've been to places like Sicily etc. The women in Sicily come out at night. I went to an outdoor nightclub in a small city area and the only thing that sucked was the place closed at 1am?? Odd. I also noticed alot of people standing around and not dancing. Weird, as I thought they'd be more into dancing in Europe. Anyway. The women we're unbelievably GORGEOUS and easily APPROACHABLE and talked, laughed etc. Had a friend from there interpert for me.

I swear to GOD I was considering leaving the U.S to live there, met a few older guys who ran the club there from Brooklyn NY. (Most likely they were "hiding" as they hadn't and had no plans going back to the U.S. I got the impression they had to get out of "dodge" for legal reasons. lol)

Back to the women. These girls ALL looked like Playgirl/ Penthouse magazine covergirls. It was INSANE. And they would all STARE at me like I was the hottest guy there. I mean dead stare into my eyes and hold it smiling. I was talking to a few and they are very friendly and got Facebook ad's and numbers. Even though I can talk my a$$ off I literally admit I lost my nerve a few times they were so gorgeous and didn't wave or approach. Amazing time there and they were all local girls going to the club to socialize. Waaaaay different then clubs in the U.S and highly intelligent and talkative.

You've got to go out if you ever visit Italy you've got to go out at night. I've never experienced women so more intelligent and hot as hell in my life. You'd be blown away at the difference. Amazing.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
Reaction score
f283000 said:
romance tours? So those are not order brides?

Can you tell me more about romance tours?
never mind! I confused romance tours with sex tourism


here's romance tours
Romance Tours, are tours usually arranged by a mail-order bride agency or other cyber matchmaking service, that men take in search of a relationship, girlfriend or even a marriage [1]. Upon arrival at their destination, the men and potential brides are thrown a large "meet-and-greet" social to get to know one another and hook up with as many people as possible. Many of the women are looking for a husband in a safe and fun-filled setting [2].

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
f283000 said:
Brothers you got other options as well not just eastern europe. Don't forget latin women who also want to meet you!

I can understand the guys that order brides. If I started making 6 figures annually I would quit the game and order me one too. No more clubbing, no more paying for dates, no more sarging, no more approaching. Check out some of the girls from calimatchmaker's myspace (Colombia). I mean how could you not want to order

this gal (what a body wow)

supermodel material

mmmm great body

she can dance for me anytime

Here's the photo album of the girls of cali matchmaker's myspace

Check out the afc's with the girls. I'm sure all these guys are successful and have bank AND PROBABLY HAVE BEEN BURNED BY AMERICAN WOMEN that's why they went down to Colombia. They just need a litle game

This guy seems happy
Gotta agree with you partially on this post f28000. I may go to Columbia this year to visit with my brother and his wife. Her parents are from there but she was born here. They met YEARS ago in a regular Amercian nightclub and dated for 10 years before now being married about 6 I believe. Nicest person in the world. Love her to death. Parents are great and we always have fun with them. Great family.

They always say they want to take me there. They said the women would go crazy for me in Columbia. He's been there several times and says the women are freaking gorgeous. ALOT are extremely nice and talkative.

I met one who came to visit with their cousin a few years ago. We were at a New Years party at the uncles house and she was the cousins girlfriend. This girl was SMOKING. I was acting like a lunatic having fun and this girl couldn't stop following me and trying to dance with me. She kept calling for me and I danced with her a bit and had to stop. I was getting a freakin massive boner. I told my brother in private he had to keep that girl away from me or I was going to fvck her A.S.A.P. I actually felt bad for the boyfriend (the cousin) he was just sitting there and sshe was blatantly right in front of him calling me and grabbing me in front of the whole family. Pretty insane.

I DO however feel once most ANY foreign women become Americanized and see "greener" pastures all the "romance" and "love" will go right out the window for most of those guys. the pictures seem like arrainged green card or "marriage" meetings for desperate American men. wit hthe looks of most of those women. they won't be staying wit hthose guys for long unless they are wealthy as hell. IMO.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
Reaction score
Naughty Ninja said:
I DO however feel once most ANY foreign women become Americanized and see "greener" pastures all the "romance" and "love" will go right out the window for most of those guys.
The key is that when you're ready to settle down marry a foreign woman that wasn't born here (and preferably has never set foot outside her country). Sure she might end up getting americanized and ruined but the chances of marriage survival are higher with foreign born women than american ones.

Another thing is picking the right woman. You need to make sure you are not just making your decision based on looks but personality as well. Try to find a girl with a heart of gold that is not likely to turn into a total b|tch in a few years. Try to find a girl with the qualities that make a good wife.

Does she come from a large family?:
If yes this is a good thing)
humble background?: A definite good thing if yes
can she cook? has she cooked for you?: Good indicator she will cook for you and your kids. One of the reasons for high obesity rates is that women no longer cook at home. It's also the reasons women that were hot in high school and early twenties are turning to fat pigs. This is because they stopped eating food cooked at home after they left their parent's house.
does she clean? how clean is her apartment? is it organized or is there stuff all over the floor?: I don't care how hot a woman is. If you go to her apartment and it's a total mess, if you go to her bathroom and there's hair in the sink she is NOT MARRIAGE MATERIAL. A marriage quality woman takes pride in her living space.
does she keep quiet when you talk? does she interrupt you when talking?: self explanatory
does she have a strong personality or does she let you lead?: self explanatory

all the above are good indicators of a good potential wife. Most guys marry based on looks rather than looks + marrying a woman with the potential of a good wife.

Marrying a woman from any westernized country is just life suicide. The statistics don't lie.
the pictures seem like arrainged green card or "marriage" meetings for desperate American men. wit hthe looks of most of those women. they won't be staying wit hthose guys for long unless they are wealthy as hell. IMO.
True but it's a safe bet that they'll live a happier life with these women than with the american women they probably divorced already.

These guys are rich afc's they can afford to get a woman and be happy for a while. To them it's an investment worth making not being alone.

Just a Shot Away

Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
BigJimbo said:
Funny. FP is a very well-respected policy magazine. Guess what. The
Vice-President of America says that Ukrainian girls are the BEST!
That's amazing. The VP also said "You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I'm not joking." So what? Joe freakin' Biden is all of a sudden the authority on the hottest chicks on Earth? You're unreal, dude.

I am guessing that you are a confused teenage boy in America with mommy issues.
If that were true, that would be a source of massive embarrassment for you considering I've been schooling you up and down these pages ever since you showed your face on this site. But no, I'm a grown man and the only thing I'm confused about is why you haven't been kindly asked to exit this site by the administration.

Most American guys like old women because of a lack of a decent mother figure in their life. Mothers in America like to f--- more than raise their sons.
Yeah you don't know s'hit about America, sonny. Men cheat on their wives and leave them in droves for 20 somethings every day. Ever see "To Catch a Predator" on Dateline? Stop talking out of your ass and go back to gawking at $30,000 cars parked in front of the only liquor store in Ukraine.

The Mad Ghost said:
1. He wasn't rich, Internet Hacker
2. She had prior citizenship 6 months earlier, according to the story
I want to see this story. Worst case scenario is the guy had solid game. Big Jimbo is still garbage and his rants have no bearing on this situation.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
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mikeyb said:
It's a little better but without an explanation as to why, it's not significant.
It would be great to understand why, and if you get out to these places a little you will have a pretty good idea, but I'd dispute your theorem on qualification of statistical outcomes .....

Also, 40% TO 20% isn't a small change, I'd like to get a similar change in the rate of return on my portfolio, double? Yeah, bring it.

Moving on, the women in these places are not trying to behave like idiots on TV or trying to be little penisless men, they are reveling in being a woman and enjoy the idea of being with a man.

To them we are essential to a balanced life and not something to be managed or put up with. As it should be.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 6, 2009
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA and State College, PA
Moving to another country to hook up with girls sounds like cheating to me. Plus, I would much rather live in America than an impoverished European country. The Eastern European girls I keep seeing posted here just don't do it for me; some of the latinas f283000 posted were cute, but in BigJimbo's pic only the girl in the middle was "hot" with the one on the right being average and the one on the left being barely f*ckable.

Maybe it's just me, but I'm more physically attracted to American girls. I'll admit I've never been to Europe or met many European girls, but I'd rather have an Americanized Asian girl or a shy, cute white girl; the hot asian girls tend to be b*tchy but the cute ones are still fairly submissive and approachable. It's not as though a girl's race has no bearing on her upbringing or personality simply because she's American or has been living in America for a while.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
Reaction score
Exhumed said:
Maybe it's just me, but I'm more physically attracted to American girls. I'll admit I've never been to Europe....

This is like a virgin extolling the benefits of various sex positions. Go check it out a bit, get back to me. Seriously. Spend 8 weeks in a decent country and your mind will understand.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2010
Reaction score
Naughty Ninja said:
BJ is right. I've been to places like Sicily etc. The women in Sicily come out at night. I went to an outdoor nightclub in a small city area and the only thing that sucked was the place closed at 1am?? Odd. I also noticed alot of people standing around and not dancing. Weird, as I thought they'd be more into dancing in Europe. Anyway. The women we're unbelievably GORGEOUS and easily APPROACHABLE and talked, laughed etc. Had a friend from there interpert for me.

I swear to GOD I was considering leaving the U.S to live there, met a few older guys who ran the club there from Brooklyn NY. (Most likely they were "hiding" as they hadn't and had no plans going back to the U.S. I got the impression they had to get out of "dodge" for legal reasons. lol)

Back to the women. These girls ALL looked like Playgirl/ Penthouse magazine covergirls. It was INSANE. And they would all STARE at me like I was the hottest guy there. I mean dead stare into my eyes and hold it smiling. I was talking to a few and they are very friendly and got Facebook ad's and numbers. Even though I can talk my a$$ off I literally admit I lost my nerve a few times they were so gorgeous and didn't wave or approach. Amazing time there and they were all local girls going to the club to socialize. Waaaaay different then clubs in the U.S and highly intelligent and talkative.

You've got to go out if you ever visit Italy you've got to go out at night. I've never experienced women so more intelligent and hot as hell in my life. You'd be blown away at the difference. Amazing.

I agree with you 100% about Italian women. They are gorgeous FEMININE women and many of them were checking me out. It might be because Italy is the last masculine country left in Western Europe.

Spain: Nothing
Greece: Nothing
Turkey: Nothing
Croatia: Nothing


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2007
Reaction score
Ukraine is one of the poorest, corrupt and run-down country of Europe. It's like you Americans imagine Russia, but a lot worse (actually Russia is not that bad) :D

If a girl from Ukraine gets the chance to live with a wealthy American, obviously thats the chance of her life! Same as if you marry a village girl from Peru, or something. For these girls it is natural to marry into a better living. Actually women used to to it everywhere in the past.

Now it does not mean they are selfish gold diggers. Many of these women will actually stay with the man, partly out of respect, partly out of traditional beliefs. And if he's not an ugly ass, then they'll even enjoy living with him.

So yes, maybe it's not "true love". The money matters, but many of these poor girls are not as cold-hearted as you like to rant about.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
The Mad Ghost said:
Was reading this story today.

Young hot Eastern European girl, 23, from Ukraine had met this guy over the internet, over here. She travelled all the way up to see him and within 3 weeks, she moved in with him. She had all her expectations of her dream job (working in a Casino) to fulfill the American Dream, but chose to give it up to be with him.

How many western women can you say would do that.

She's left her family, friends and loved ones, and is killing herself to be with this guy. The doode is or was a hacker, in his 40's, for a profession. I'm not saying these foreign women are 100% insurance for a traditional family, as they are liberal too, but to me, that is loyalty.
I wasn't gonna say anything but OP you drinking that "big Jimbo" kool aid, the truth is, the chick is trying to get a green card, I'd put my life on it!!!

In terms of Big Jimbo's absolutes on every women in America being fat, having HPV, no 10's, American guys are gay, if you really believe that then either your a nationalists like big jimbo trying to push that anti-American propaganda or you have lack of game and trying to compensate by blaming chicks, NEWSFLASH, every place has it's plus or minuses for women even eastern Europe!

Funny how Big Jimbo never posts how he "gets it in", a field report or advice on bagging chicks, yet Big Jimbo affectionately posts videos of some Asian guy making out with Russian chicks(Big Jimbo is that youuuuuuuuuuuuuu?)

yeah ok, whats up, shut up


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2010
Reaction score
I hate to do this...The dude is annoying, but he is right. It is the Asian Playboy - Winston Wu. :eek: . Seriously, he films EVERYTHING. Dozens of hours of him flirting with anything he sees. Balls of steel. He was lonely in America and BANG - He has a life for the first time in Eastern Europe. Also proves that with just a little HORRIBLE Russian you can open doors. And yes, his Russian is pretty bad. Again, the point is he GOT NOTHING in America. Look at him! He is one of you!

The Music Video :cool:

Live footage!

Always funny at the bitter dudes who laugh at him. Yeah, he is annoying...BUT...he has PROOF. Something that nobody else does. Sad that I can recognize many of the areas on his videos. :whistle:


Senior Don Juan
Apr 6, 2009
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA and State College, PA
BigJimbo said:
I hate to do this...The dude is annoying, but he is right. It is the Asian Playboy - Winston Wu. :eek: . Seriously, he films EVERYTHING. Dozens of hours of him flirting with anything he sees. Balls of steel. He was lonely in America and BANG - He has a life for the first time in Eastern Europe. Also proves that with just a little HORRIBLE Russian you can open doors. And yes, his Russian is pretty bad. Again, the point is he GOT NOTHING in America. Look at him! He is one of you!

The Music Video :cool:

Live footage!

Always funny at the bitter dudes who laugh at him. Yeah, he is annoying...BUT...he has PROOF. Something that nobody else does. Sad that I can recognize many of the areas on his videos. :whistle:
I'm now fairly certain you are the same person. Well played, it took me til now to figure it out.