UK Crime


Master Don Juan
Oct 6, 2004
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Originally posted by MetalFortress
Sounds like the UK is going to declare martial law in a year, at the rate this is going.
Not really. Just this guy is becoming my prime candidate for "soSuave drama queen".

Not Quite There

Senior Don Juan
Dec 30, 2004
Reaction score
I completly agree, this country is a bloody joke, its a shame, because there are still so many good people about, its a small percentage bringing it down.

chavs, or townies/kevs as we call them here in birmingham, or scallies in liverpool are just **** bags that society have created. Firstly, there parents really don't give a ****, and let them get away with trouble from an early age, and secondly, schools and the magistrates are far to easy, we live in such a stupid political correct left wing society, 'its always someone elses fault', no one is prepared to be responsible for their own actions. I can't wait to see the offspring that this generation of **** bags produces in about 12 years time.....

Personally, i think no matter where you come from, you know right from wrong, and you have an individual choice which way your going to act.

I think its got so bad, soon there will be some kind of vigilanty uprising agaisnt it, . I know the fear is worse than the amount of crime, but its still pretty rife, I was in courst last month after witnessing a group of about 8 kids of 16 to 18 attack a bus driver after he threw them off the bus for smashing beer bottles. These kids arent even form that bad an area, a local council estate.

as for gangs and gun crimes, that is pretty out of control 2, especially in a big city like birmingham, every other day you hear of soemone else being shot.

blair says he is cracking down on crime and yob culture, ig uarantee it will be no better, but worse in 5 years time, drastic measures are needed.

Not Quite There

Senior Don Juan
Dec 30, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by blackbirdbeatle

If youre a visitor and are gettign harassed by a few, punch one in the face. It's good because 95% of them are pussies and they'll cry and run off and you'll feel much better. Part of the reason why most peopel don't do anything is because the chavs will come back with 20 more dirty little chavs and get you another day. They may be weak and pathetic but 20 of them will still fvck you up. The good thing about being a visitor is that by the time they get everyone rounded up you're gone, off to another country or city.

I think it should be a tourists duty to punch as many chavs in the face as possible.
haha, nice 1 mate.

gave me an idea, someone should start a package holiday where people can come to the UK and beat up a townie wanker.

Not Quite There

Senior Don Juan
Dec 30, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by WesCottII
Not really. Just this guy is becoming my prime candidate for "soSuave drama queen".
personally, i've travelled a bit in northern america and in europe, and I am yet to come across a place as dangerous on the streets as the UK.

was reading an article the other month in some broadsheet about street crime in london, an english couple and there children had moved back from america. It was funny because all there english friends would say to them 'is it not dangerous in america, with guns/gangs etc' but when they came back to london they could not beleive how much crime there is. There son had bene robbed twice in 5 months by kids his same age.

America is far safer than the UK, london has more street crime than new york nowadays.

Also, some south african guy was saying how SA has the highest murder rate in the world, but he feels much safer there than london where nowhere is safe.

Not Quite There

Senior Don Juan
Dec 30, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Finlay
Yea, crime in Uk is rife, and to be honest it starts from a young age, the main point being that there is absolutely **** all to do for youngsters.

There are no role models for any young people either and its all gunna spiral out iof control pretty soon i agree.
there aresome positive role modles,beckham not a bad one, but it seems nowadays everyones role model is dre/eminem and gay unit.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2004
Reaction score
south west, uk
I think it's the perception of crime and the way the media love to report more and more of these stories, that quite often never got reported in the past.

The other one is Pedos, who the hell wants to know the gory details of what some perv did, the media love it. Years ago these things rarely got reported on TV.

When I was at school a lad got hanged in a tree, someone got him down and that was that. The incident reported has yet to be confirmed, the first reprt was he was like 'swinging' hanging, now that he was found wondering with rope marks round his neck.

In terms of murders, the UK has a low annual total. To compare it to the States or South Africa, it's probably less than 5%.

If you have been a victim of crime though, none of this makes you feel any better.


Don Juan
Feb 5, 2005
Reaction score
Berkshire UK
I try to get my head around the level of violence involved in some crimes and it is really shocking. I think a lot of this has to be drugs related.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2004
Reaction score
south west, uk
Don't take this the wrong way, but alot of violent crimes seem to be from ethnic groups. This could be a perception generated by the media and recent political events, but there does seem something in it.

I couldn't believe one the other week, some kiddie was tortured and nearly drowned in a river.

Turns out the family (from Africa) thought she was a witch:rolleyes:

Let's face it many parts of the world have a different take on the worth of human life, pain and suffering of others.

That one in Reading, have they caught anyone for that yet, there's more to that than meets the eye.

Not Quite There

Senior Don Juan
Dec 30, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Alpine
I think it's the perception of crime and the way the media love to report more and more of these stories, that quite often never got reported in the past.

The other one is Pedos, who the hell wants to know the gory details of what some perv did, the media love it. Years ago these things rarely got reported on TV.

When I was at school a lad got hanged in a tree, someone got him down and that was that. The incident reported has yet to be confirmed, the first reprt was he was like 'swinging' hanging, now that he was found wondering with rope marks round his neck.

In terms of murders, the UK has a low annual total. To compare it to the States or South Africa, it's probably less than 5%.

If you have been a victim of crime though, none of this makes you feel any better.
i do agree that the media sensationalise everything!

but, you don't need to watch/read the media to work out there is far more crime committed nowadays on the streets, just got to any town centre and you will most likely see it....

Not Quite There

Senior Don Juan
Dec 30, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Alpine
Don't take this the wrong way, but alot of violent crimes seem to be from ethnic groups. This could be a perception generated by the media and recent political events, but there does seem something in it.

I couldn't believe one the other week, some kiddie was tortured and nearly drowned in a river.

Turns out the family (from Africa) thought she was a witch:rolleyes:

Let's face it many parts of the world have a different take on the worth of human life, pain and suffering of others.

That one in Reading, have they caught anyone for that yet, there's more to that than meets the eye.
I was going to make a similar point, but i thought best not to open a can of worms.

but with the amount of different nationalities/races that have come to the UK in the past 40 years, its no surprise you have so many crimes, you can't really expect everyone to get on perfectly.

People of all colours and nationality commit crime, but it seems nowadays, that the police can't even arrest anyone who is not white in fear of them being accused of being racist. living ian city liek birmingham, a lot of the racism is against white people.


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2004
Reaction score
i have to be sincere: i have never heard anywhere apart from this thread that England is such a dangerous place. i also been there some years ago and it looked far more peaceful and calm than some places in italy. maybe, you are simply becoming a poorer country and becoming more and more similar to italy and portugal:)

anyway, i'm almost sure that there are far more dangerous streets in LA and Detroit than in Birmingham and Liverpool...


Don Juan
Feb 5, 2005
Reaction score
Berkshire UK
there was a CNN report on this a number of years back, here is a link to info about this

Not Quite There

Senior Don Juan
Dec 30, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Jay-X
i have to be sincere: i have never heard anywhere apart from this thread that England is such a dangerous place. i also been there some years ago and it looked far more peaceful and calm than some places in italy. maybe, you are simply becoming a poorer country and becoming more and more similar to italy and portugal:)

anyway, i'm almost sure that there are far more dangerous streets in LA and Detroit than in Birmingham and Liverpool...

hmm, maybe there are 'streets' but as far as cities go, american cities are far safer.

I've just spent my past year at uni in liverpool, and i've never seen a city with so many flash cars (jags, porsches, hummers, range rover estates and bentleys!) and considering its part of the 'deprived north' where does this money come from? DRUGS, liverpool is a port and is full of gang activity, its quite a 'white' city compared to toher UK cities, because the gangs wont let anyone else live there! Don't get me wrong, its not totally dangerous, but some areas are total ****, and you don't want to go there.

I'm from birmingham, and there are some nice areas, but even the nice areas are full of crime, there are some notorious gangs here, who have been all over national news for killing soem teenage girls a few years back.

ok, we probably are making england sound a total know go area, as long as you have your wits about you, your unlikely to get trouble of chavs, your unlikely to get in trouble witha gang, stay out of the bad areas and you should be Ok, but even in my area which is one of the nicest, you still run a high risk of being beaten up my some drunken yobs at night time!


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2004
Reaction score
but almost everywhere it's like that... in italy, if you go alone to the suburbs of every medium-big city by night, you are likely to be raped (if you are a woman) or assaulted (if you are a guy). that's normal. there are not absolutely safe areas, neither in the inner city, since you can meet some guys who have come there from the suburbs just to make some confusion...

anyhow, why the hell should you go alone to desert and bad areas of your city? everybody here keeps themselves by the most popular areas, like pubs, discos and squares... it's not that difficult

Not Quite There

Senior Don Juan
Dec 30, 2004
Reaction score
maybe everywhere is rough.... but its just seems differen't in the UK i think, i can't talk for italy though as i havent been there, and i know you have a lot of mafia problems. As we have discussed we have organised crime & gangs, but also its KIDS that are doign **** nowadays, today on the news 4 11 year old kids are being charged with attempted murder!

in barcelona, you get a lot of trouble with north african immigrants trying to rob you, but they jsut try and pick pocket you, if you catch them you can scare them off, where as in the UK people straight up pull a knife out to mug you/beat you up for no reason but the fun of it.


Don Juan
Aug 21, 2004
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia

that statistics website seems bunk.

I live on the coast of australia, brisbane and its virtually crime free. I say hi to strangers on the streets early in the morning, i walk the city unarmed late at night and i never feel like my safetys in danger.

Ive been to sydney though and that was worse


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Not Quite There
maybe everywhere is rough.... but its just seems differen't in the UK i think, i can't talk for italy though as i havent been there, and i know you have a lot of mafia problems. As we have discussed we have organised crime & gangs, but also its KIDS that are doign **** nowadays, today on the news 4 11 year old kids are being charged with attempted murder!

in barcelona, you get a lot of trouble with north african immigrants trying to rob you, but they jsut try and pick pocket you, if you catch them you can scare them off, where as in the UK people straight up pull a knife out to mug you/beat you up for no reason but the fun of it.

actually, mafia is the smallest problem here... it's not a big deal anymore (except for southern italy) and i have never met someone who had been in contact/injuried/threatened by the mafia...

i live in florence (which is one of the richest and safest cities in italy) and yet i don't know anybody who would go alone by night to some places... i'm not just talkin about poorer areas in the suburbs, but even in the inner city, where all the richest people live. there's plenty of african and albanian immigrants that will rob any girl/boy who walk there by himself at night. a month ago, i saw a 20-yr-old girl who had been stabbed to the stomach by an albanian guy (maybe due to jealousy, i don't know) and she couldn't even manage to cry for help...

some weeks ago, i was in a pub with my friends. a friend of mine heard a noise and thought that his girlfriend had just blurped so he started to laugh. then, some guys (16-18 year old) asked what the problem was. they got off the bar. my friend (a bit scared, i guess) said that he felt bad and went home. i found myself, my girlfriend and three friends to argue against those guys who we met again a hour later... they wanted to beat the **** out of us and i wanted to (i was completely drunk). luckily, there were some policemen by, so they went away.

some time ago, a girl and a boy (both 15 year old) became famous for killing her mother and her brother with a knife (60 stabs)

3 girls (14 year old) stabbed a nun to death, vowing her death to satan

lots of young mothers kill their babies in horrible ways...

and though, i never hear anybody complaining about crime in italy, since it has been going this way for decades... you UKers will adjust to it
May 28, 2003
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Nodferatu's Lair
start a milita that is supported by city officials(eg. mayor, king, queen) or the parliment. Oh wait, you guys are in the UK. You guys dont have the right to bear arms. tsk tsk tsk


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2004
Reaction score
south west, uk
We don't want guns thanks.

We want people to respect each other and persistent Crims need to be put some were out of the way (France preferably) until they promise to be good little citizen.

Saw some horrible unearthed footage yesterday of Serbs doing a mass killing of some Muslims.

When you think about it, people get on here from certain places must think we are very lucky.

The Stanz, Turkey, China, most of Africa, some of south america, lots of asia and middle east all have terrible goverment human rights, wars and violent crime far beyond what we could imagine.