UFOS disabling nuclear weapons - national security threat

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May 23, 2006
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Do a search on any search engine, link 'UFOS' and 'NUCLEAR WEAPONS', and you'll read about a few incidents of UFO's hovering over nuclear weapon's facilities and disabling the weapons or doing some mischief to our arms. I do no not believe in this nonsence, but I find that it's intreging, that some of our most powerful weapons of mass destruction may be vulnerable by objects of unknown ariel origin.

Do you think this threat is real or is it hog-wash. UFO sightings have dramatically increased every since the advent of nuclear technology, being in the 40's, 50's, etc..... In terms of National Security threat assessment - it's established that such UFO's are an indirect threat to national security.

However, based on the Brooklyn's report and George Orwell's Halloween 1938 War of the Worlds (radio broadcast creating mass hysteria with rumours of a Martian invasion), it's in the government's interest to avoid mass hysteria of all of this through secrecy.


Don Juan
Mar 3, 2007
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And you are doing this instead of improving your game why?


Don Juan
Mar 3, 2007
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I bet that'll be one of Viper's excuses some day.
"Guys, I would have approached...but she might have been that chick from Species!"

Fred Da Head

Master Don Juan
Jul 21, 2002
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Even if it were aliens, chances are the side-effects are not intended. I remember seeing a study they did years ago about some of the possible energy and propulsion sources, and they did weird things to electronics--including operating radios that had been turned off and frying some electronics.

As for the sightings going up, there has been a popularization of "little green men" (later little gray men) in the mass media, resulting in it's inclusion in the collective subconscious (or, at least, in the subconscious of most people in the West). Same as people in the Middle Ages thought they saw angels, today we think we see UFOs.

EdHunter, you really ought to get your head out of your behind and change your attitude. If you only do things so they can "improve your game," you will end up one hell of a loser. What about having a life and interests besides learning new routines? Doesn't that improve your game? Oh, right, you're probably one of those who want to be social robots, right?


Mar 19, 2007
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Falkland Islands, Florida
It is possible, simply because none can prove it impossible.

Think UFO equals a source of sevear EMG, be it an alient space craft, or perhaps a natural atmospheric phenomenon. (we don't have enough science about either one of those)

A nucular weapon will have electronics, along with two separate parts of plutonium, conventional explosives to combine those two parts, and mechanisms to enable nuclear weapon, all that will have a lot of electronics, from drivers to detonate the weapon, height sensors, computer hardware, firmware, and software to make it all work. A nucular weapon is a fancy (but older model) version of modern PC.

Is it possible to destroy PC's electronics with EMG? Of course. Get a pulse powerful enough and you can light out the whole city.

Is it possible for a UFO to disable a nuclear weapon? Of course.

BUT...... Aren't cylos suppose to withstand a direct nuclear strike? That is what advertised by both dominant governments. Maybe they can do that, but who knows in what condition those missiles will be, and those operators, after a direct blast. This factor is as much of unknown as the definition or idea of a UFO. We can guess, however, Russia does not have as many cylos. Russia places a lot of their nuclear technology into mobile ICBMs. Perhaps it is because mobile targets are harder to find and hit, or perhaps that stationary targets are easy to find, hit, and destroy.

What is UFO? That name carries mystery and presumption within it. Unidentified is very mysterious. Object assumes that it's a thing. But nobody knows what it is because it is unidentified. The only thing for sure about UFOs is that they are flying in the air.

UFOs are just as likely to be natural atmospheric phenomenon, perhaps an electromagnetic phenomenon, as an alient space craft, or any number of million other things. Nobody knows for sure.

However, any educated person could make an educated assuption that UFOs are not weather balloons. Images and ideas of UFOs are achient and can be found through out the world, through out many different and long gone civilizations. UFOs are also universal today. It is impossible for so many people to mistake weather balloons for something else, just as it is impossible for weather balloons to exists before 20th century.

Fred Da Head

Master Don Juan
Jul 21, 2002
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I'm not going to bother replying because your text is barely readable and I don't want you to feel all superior because I don't refute each point because it's impossible to make out what you're saying... But what the hell is "achient"? I looked it up in the dictionary but it doesn't seem to exist.

And to think, you're probably one of those who snorts at Bush when he pronounces "nuclear" wrong, and you can't even spell it...


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
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Well, UFO sightings really went through the roof after we nuked Japan in WWII.

And in fact, Roswell happened in the 40s near the Los Alamos nuke testing facility. Sheer coincidence? I think not...

So, there very well may be a correlation here. Nukes damage both the environment as well as our DNA. Which many of these aliens both use as natural resources and thus don't want damaged. They have vested interests here that they want to protect.


Don Juan
Mar 3, 2007
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Fred Da Head said:
Even if it were aliens, chances are the side-effects are not intended. I remember seeing a study they did years ago about some of the possible energy and propulsion sources, and they did weird things to electronics--including operating radios that had been turned off and frying some electronics.

As for the sightings going up, there has been a popularization of "little green men" (later little gray men) in the mass media, resulting in it's inclusion in the collective subconscious (or, at least, in the subconscious of most people in the West). Same as people in the Middle Ages thought they saw angels, today we think we see UFOs.

EdHunter, you really ought to get your head out of your behind and change your attitude. If you only do things so they can "improve your game," you will end up one hell of a loser. What about having a life and interests besides learning new routines? Doesn't that improve your game? Oh, right, you're probably one of those who want to be social robots, right?
Geez Louise, I was just teasing him buddy. Actually, I do have quite a bit of a life and interests...back off.

Fred Da Head

Master Don Juan
Jul 21, 2002
Reaction score
EdHunter said:
Geez Louise, I was just teasing him buddy. Actually, I do have quite a bit of a life and interests...back off.
There are so many retards around who actually believe what you said in jest, it's hard to keep track of who has a life and who is a social robot with no life or interests or feelings.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
Reaction score
You didn't even mention your mothers "thought antenna" and how she can figure out when you're lying to her. Which is one of the reasons you don't want to have sex... right? That and you're a very devout Catholic and pre-marital sex is a big NO NO.

Just like using condoms. Big NO NO there too.

Didn't hear any of that.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
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Create Reality said:
Actually have you ever heard of an EMP missile? I could believe one of them could disable the solenoids in an ICBM. (that means it would crash or wouldn't even take off, maybe not even detonate)

You can magnetically shield systems like this.

Tinfoil works wonders. Although they use a more specialized kind made of alloys.

EM-Shielding just like for speakers and CD-ROM drives.

Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
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I am soooooooo tempted to squash UFOs and demonstrate how they are nothing more than balloons, aircraft, meteors / natural atmospheric phenomena, misjudgements of distance and speed, hoaxes, and hallucinations, but I'm too busy at work working for the government to have time for nonsense. I guess I'm now part of the conspiracy, heh.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
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Deep Dish said:
I am soooooooo tempted to squash UFOs and demonstrate how they are nothing more than balloons, aircraft, meteors / natural atmospheric phenomena, misjudgements of distance and speed, hoaxes, and hallucinations, but I'm too busy at work working for the government to have time for nonsense. I guess I'm now part of the conspiracy, heh.
No. You're simply the good little skeptic. Plogrammed to regurgitate what the government tells you. Everything else MUST be bullsh*t. If it doesn't come from an official source, it MUSt be a lie.

Not that I agree with the conspiracy nuts, they're crazy. But then again, so are you. For exactly the opposite reason. You're at the other end of the extreme.

Fred Da Head

Master Don Juan
Jul 21, 2002
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Call_Me_Daddy said:
No. You're simply the good little skeptic. Plogrammed to regurgitate what the government tells you. Everything else MUST be bullsh*t. If it doesn't come from an official source, it MUSt be a lie.

Not that I agree with the conspiracy nuts, they're crazy. But then again, so are you. For exactly the opposite reason. You're at the other end of the extreme.
I work for The Man, too, so you'll probably think I'm just a skeptic and blah blah blah.

Anyway, I tend to believe whoever gives me the best explanation for whatever it is they're blabbering about. So far, there's very little credible information/materials/ideas going around the "the aliens have landed!" crowd. On the other hand, some specialists along with the government have good explanations for most of them, if not all.

The thing is, the biggest "proof" the nuts say they have is that the government classifies things. Thing is, they classify a LOT of stuff, and most of it isn't related to UFOs at all, it's just stuff that shouldn't be known by the general masses. Does it mean that the government also has battlemechs? After all, if I ask my superiors about it, and send a letter to the government, they'll tell me battlemechs don't exist and they're all imagined. So the government DOES have battlemechs, right?

I'll agree that this argument is stupid, but it's as stupid as the nuts' argument that because the government has classified things, there is obviously something going on.

So, like I said, I believe whoever has the best explanation. So far, the conspiracy nuts haven't given me anything credible. When they do, I'll believe. For the record, however, I'll say that I used to "believe." I wouldn't say I was a conspiracy nut, but I thought the government was hiding things and blah blah blah, like the nuts do. Then I grew up.

Create Reality

Master Don Juan
Sep 29, 2002
Reaction score
Fred Da Head said:
I work for The Man, too, so you'll probably think I'm just a skeptic and blah blah blah.

Anyway, I tend to believe whoever gives me the best explanation for whatever it is they're blabbering about. So far, there's very little credible information/materials/ideas going around the "the aliens have landed!" crowd. On the other hand, some specialists along with the government have good explanations for most of them, if not all.

The thing is, the biggest "proof" the nuts say they have is that the government classifies things. Thing is, they classify a LOT of stuff, and most of it isn't related to UFOs at all, it's just stuff that shouldn't be known by the general masses. Does it mean that the government also has battlemechs? After all, if I ask my superiors about it, and send a letter to the government, they'll tell me battlemechs don't exist and they're all imagined. So the government DOES have battlemechs, right?

I'll agree that this argument is stupid, but it's as stupid as the nuts' argument that because the government has classified things, there is obviously something going on.

So, like I said, I believe whoever has the best explanation. So far, the conspiracy nuts haven't given me anything credible. When they do, I'll believe. For the record, however, I'll say that I used to "believe." I wouldn't say I was a conspiracy nut, but I thought the government was hiding things and blah blah blah, like the nuts do. Then I grew up.
FREEZE, Thought Police!

Sir, please step out of the matrix, and put your hands in the air!

Fred Da Head

Master Don Juan
Jul 21, 2002
Reaction score
Create Reality said:
FREEZE, Thought Police!

Sir, please step out of the matrix, and put your hands in the air!
I'm not quite sure I get what you mean. Just because I don't believe what the nutjobs are saying, doesn't mean I'm in the matrix. It just means I don't have that kneejerk reaction of thinking the government lies and hides everything to its people.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
Luke you need to quit wasting so much time at Toshi's Station and find a pilot (Correlian?) and a lying old wizard and go save the princess.
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