You’re mistaken, IT IS MY OBLIGATION as a believer to tell you these truths if you like it or not. God doesn't need your money, and I don't need you, you are just another person in the billions of the lost. It is expected that you took offense of my
message. It’s not my responsibility for you to believe in the truth of bible scriptures. It’s your decision alone, and you only. Like I made my decision to take a step of faith to not go to hell.
Apparently you didn't read many times in the bible where the people were about to stone Jesus Christ and kill him, even people who were receptive to his message.
You’re mistaken again; I don't belong to a religion. I’m a believer in Christ, and Christ said who he is, and it went down in history and you will just have to accept what he said about himself.
Seduction has a hidden agenda, to use tricks, tactic's for your own self-centered pleasure.
And you know what Senor Fingers; I don’t need your tactics or tricks or your years of experience in seduction to reveal the Good News of God. The bible can handle itself real well, and doesn’t need your help never has, never will.
Let me be simple for a minute.
Problem= ME, YOU, mankind, imperfect, all sinners, death, eternal death.
Answer= God, Jesus Christ, Son of God, Perfect, paid with he's own sinless blood, risen and lives today
Buddha, Mohammad, Confucius... where are they. The grave, and there’s no denying it. But Christ, He lives today, and if you accept the answer, you can also live.
Romans 3:10
"As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one"
Ephesians 2:8-9
"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast."
You don't need years of experience and boot camps and conferences and thousands of dollars or a forum to learn these simple truths.