Originally posted by MVP
The story of Jesus was copied from previous religions.
Examples of stories that all PRE-DATE Jesus:
The story of Mithra: born from virgin on Dec 25, attended by shepherds bearing gifts, considered great traveling teacher, had 12 disciples, followers promised heaven, performed miracles, sacrificed himself, buried in a tomb and 3 days rose again, , considered "Savior", sacred day was Sunday (hundreds of years before appearance of the story of christ), and is quoted as saying "He who shall not eat of my body nor drink of my blood so that he may be one with me and I with him, shall not be saved."
The story of Attis: born Dec 25, considered savior, his body as bread was eaten by worshippers, was both the divine Son and Father, crucified on a tree, after 3 days was resurrected
The story of Dionysus: born on Dec 25 to a virgin, traveling teacher, rose from the dead, identified with the lamb
There are many others, including Horus, which is considered the biggest "influence" on the story of Jesus.