Truth From Solomon


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
As a man, you need to lead. Lead her to fame or folly

But as long as you're leading, she will follow

Dudes talk about needing money to get women. Nope, just frame

Dudes act mad when guys with no money pull women. I'd bet they held the frame lol

That's what game is. Tighten up or don't. Nobody cares but you
The problem is guys who lack money think it will make up for their lack of game, looks, status or something else. As a guy who use to be broke as a joke I can tell you I was getting more women when I was broke then now, why? cause I had more time!!! I was doing night game 2-4 times a week, doing online game every day. I don't have the time nor the energy to be doing night game 2-4 times a week now (nor would I)sure money changed my options but that's cause it also helped with my social status (social circle)

The reality is that if you're struggling now with women and being social money isn't gonna make you more attractive if you don't have game or understand the niche where you excel at(i.e. social circle, niche gaming etc) A lot of men who think money will change their circumstances don't understand money cause they don't have it

Plain and simple

Vending Machine Veteran

Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2024
Reaction score
The problem is guys who lack money think it will make up for their lack of game, looks, status or something else. As a guy who use to be broke as a joke I can tell you I was getting more women when I was broke then now, why? cause I had more time!!! I was doing night game 2-4 times a week, doing online game every day. I don't have the time nor the energy to be doing night game 2-4 times a week now (nor would I)sure money changed my options but that's cause it also helped with my social status (social circle)

The reality is that if you're struggling now with women and being social money isn't gonna make you more attractive if you don't have game or understand the niche where you excel at(i.e. social circle, niche gaming etc) A lot of men who think money will change their circumstances don't understand money cause they don't have it

Plain and simple
The game changes when you start looking old.

I have a young face, but I'm bald and have greys in my beard.

I can't pull college chicks like I once could. It's a sobering reality.

Doesn't scare me, though. I'm not attracted to young women the way I used to be. I honestly prefer older women now. No cope