I don't think I've ever seen the level of hate directed at one politician as I've seen directed at Trump.
He has earned that because of his rhetoric and treatment of other people who are not his base or who are not white.
If you punch someone in the face, and someone punches you back then the person punching you doesn't have the same level of hate say as someone stabbing you in the back because you are annoyance to them and they can get away with it. Don't you think?
Obama had more hate directed him for issues not related to his work, but because of his race.
zekko said:
It wouldn't surprise me at all to see Trump lose the upcoming election. But then again, I didn't think he had any chance of winning the last one, because I had never seen the polls be so wrong in the modern era. Obviously I was dead wrong there.
You think the white supremacist corrupt USA system will allow Trump to lose an election? Police will probably make up false bogus crimes against innocent Blacks to upset the voting numbers. See if there is a spike of police harassment and arrest leading up to the election.
Danger can cry any conspiracy nonsense he wants, but if the military arm of the state, being the police force, can lock you up over made up crimes (i.e. like other dictatorship countries do), then that's worst than any conspiracy theory he can come up with as that would be a violent suppression of voting.
If you think I'm making up stuff, I'll include this article from the news about a Black lady who got locked up for 5 years for voting where she did so innocently - and ask yourself - would that happen to a white person who is voting:
Crystal Mason, the black Texas woman sentenced to five years in prison for casting a provisional ballot in the 2016 presidential election, said Felicity Huffman’s 14-day jail sentence in…
Or police stopped a bus of elderly Black voters:
Voting rights advocates are accusing local officials of voter intimidation after the incident.
Again, can google search "black senior police bus removal".
See, people like Danger don't have to worry about getting arrested by the police for exercising their right to vote so he has no real right to claim there is any conspiracy theory if he doesn't have to worry about his state coming down on him for exercising his right to vote.