And even the protectors of our borders now often fly drones from 5000 miles away. Lol.In a sense. The protectors of perimeters typically... Combatants, warriors, soldiers, etc are who represents alpha virtue in the purest sense. There are only 4 pure tactical alpha virtues of men. Strength, honor (as in trusting the man next to you in combat scenarios), mastery and courage. The rest of this bvll**** is metaphorical and would not exist without the first 4. Ppl say things like... Oh, treating others with dignity, honesty and fairness is alpha and metaphorically, to you it may be, but tell that to King Titus after Romulus stole their wives. As much as we like to call the 911 hijackers cowards, they displayed no less alpha virtue, than the flight 93 passengers. It was just expressed by groups of different religions and beliefs.
And even military personnel are accountable to civil law. They don't get special treatment in the court system.