Advice from the old lady:
Wanted to comment on several things in this thread.
1. Promiscuous behavior absolutely screws up bonding ability in men. It also creates a FOMO illusion. Sure for awhile a playboy can get laid ad nauseum but by whom? Demanding insecure crazy chicks that become clingy and psycho? Yeah after awhile any playboy with a shred of humanity will get tired of that. It becomes meaningless. Pursuing that path further a man becomes Nihilistic. Exhibit A:
@Pan87 (no offense intended my dear)…as it strips him of virtually all his bonding ability and leaves him empty. He can slay all the pvssy in the world and come up with a gnawing emptiness that conquest does not satisfy. His humanity and human needs are bereft and left wanting.
Not a good place to end up.
As to the points made by
@oldmanofthesea and @Barrister….
1. Men who are very sexually experienced themselves are not going to be compatible in many instances with a virgin or inexperienced woman. It takes tremendous patience, kindness and reassurance to teach an inexperienced woman how to be great in bed. It can be a frustrating process. How much simpler to choose a woman who is already up to speed who you can enjoy from the start. A woman with sexual confidence and knowledge. Many very promiscuous men also strip out emotional depth. A virgin requires the emotional depth to give her the reassurance that she is loved, that the sexual union is emotionally fulfilling (and reassuring). For a seriously promiscuous man this requires the patience of Job and a reconnection to his own emotion as well as the recusing himself from other available pvssy. That boys is a tall order. Not impossible but difficult.
2. Truly committed men do give out the not thirsty vibe and women do want what is forbidden. So. If OP continues to place himself in tempting environments then chances are high he will succumb to some vixen he cares nothing about and lose his quality girlfriend. It takes extraordinary character not to partake of pvssy offered up on a platter.
Obviously OP is flattered and validated externally by the attention. Who doesn’t enjoy being desirable? I know I do.
The greater reward is in saying no and staying loyal to your relationship (exhibiting solid character in the face of temptation) and knowing you are doing right by your partner. This is very difficult to do in the modern dating landscape without character. I assure you that a quality 23 year old woman who is smart and beautiful gets hit on All. The. Time. I do to this day. In my 50s.
Guess what the first thing is that I say to men who hit on me? I tell them I am taken. Very taken. Then I chat about my BF. I am loyal. I have strong character. Guess what then happens? My BF hears from others about my loyalty, how he is the first thing I mention when I get approached. As a result he trusts me.
Can your girlfriend trust you to be loyal no matter how sexy the chick hitting you up? Even if you could get away with deceiving her? Does it give you a sense of pride to be loyal?
Character my friend is what you are made of when nobody is looking. Same goes for her.
Give that a think.