too many good-looking tall dudes at clubs


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2008
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mrRuckus said:
Stop blowing these sex differences up to epic proportions.

Women aren't super duper better at reading emotions or body language. They don't have a 360 degree field of vision. They have no idea what you are thinking. They aren't speaking telepathically while you grunt.

Women are CLUELESS. I don't know where you guys get the idea that they have any idea what's going on. Go read any message board relationship garbage for women and it will be full of stupid women who have no idea or worse, THINK they have some idea.
Women DO have better peripheral vision than men. That's a scientific fact. Men's vision is more forward focused because males are hunters. No one is suggesting women have 360 degree vision but it is a proven fact that women can see side to side better than men. Women can sometimes see you from the corner of their eyes when you think they can't.

Women also do have better emotional intelligence. I'm not suggesting they can read anyone's mind. But they are more in tune to non-verbal cues and body language than most men. Men on the other hand are far better at spatial reasoning, quantitative thinking and math.


Feb 10, 2005
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mrRuckus said:
Stop blowing these sex differences up to epic proportions.

Women aren't super duper better at reading emotions or body language. They don't have a 360 degree field of vision. They have no idea what you are thinking. They aren't speaking telepathically while you grunt.

Women are CLUELESS. I don't know where you guys get the idea that they have any idea what's going on. Go read any message board relationship garbage for women and it will be full of stupid women who have no idea or worse, THINK they have some idea.
I agree. Women just focus on and put more importance on obvious body language signs, but they are no more accurate nor able to read people than a guy is. Women really are clueless. They don't understand each other or even themselves, let alone understand men. Women are simply prone to judgemental and jump to erroneous conclusions. That's not being clued in.


Don Juan
Apr 21, 2009
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Women do have an advantage over the average guy, while we were playing football or dodge ball they were playing house. They have been preparing for the dating world since birth. Women are clueless to the minority of guys who are either naturals or some sort of community guy, if you are in those two categories women find you unpredictable and you are essentially invulnerable to her tests.
Oct 22, 2008
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MillenniumMike said:
Women do have an advantage over the average guy, while we were playing football or dodge ball they were playing house. They have been preparing for the dating world since birth. Women are clueless to the minority of guys who are either naturals or some sort of community guy, if you are in those two categories women find you unpredictable and you are essentially invulnerable to her tests.
:eek: :eek: :eek: Holy sh!t. Ive been mind fvcked! Its, true woman don't know what to do when a natural comes, around, they get all flustered, shy, innocent eyes, and weak voice, boy do i love that!

Tall club guys are like big trees, and im the dark knight on the black horse, being the bad guy that, is having fun kidnapping the princess.

Cry For Love

Senior Don Juan
Nov 24, 2007
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social proof is the most important factor in determining attraction, PERIOD. all the other stuff, wealth, looks, muscles, height are a factor of a magnitude less important, other than by how much they influence the social proof.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2008
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Cry For Love said:
social proof is the most important factor in determining attraction, PERIOD. all the other stuff, wealth, looks, muscles, height are a factor of a magnitude less important, other than by how much they influence the social proof.
I'm going to seriously disagree with you on that one. Its a combination of things that makes the attraction. You can't be a limbless retard with Pam Anderson on your arm and expect to attract any females. Everything has to be present in the right proportions for attraction to take place.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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Snowman23 said:
I don't care how much confidence I think I have, I'm good-looking and 5'8", and am dwarfed by these douches. I walk by girls and most don't even look at me, the ones that do just keep going. and it really sucks because I'm not bad looking.
Yes, you are bad looking. Shortness is just another form of ugly. But at 5'8", you are not that ugly (I am 5'5", so I am even more uglier than you.)


Don Juan
Aug 21, 2008
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Daydream Engineer said:
Tall club guys are like big trees, and im the dark knight on the black horse, being the bad guy that, is having fun kidnapping the princess.
hahaha I really like that quote. Im going to add it to my list of quotes that I should read every now and then.