Tonight, I saw reasoning of why some men DESTROY women for the first time!

The Mad Ghost

Senior Don Juan
Mar 17, 2010
Reaction score
★★★TEAM FAP★★★
I understand why SNOOKIE from Jersey Shore got TKO'd. I will stand that it is FINE to obiliterate some women, if they get out of line. Where is this coming from? I walks up to these three girls, one brunette, one blonde and the other a black girl after the club, I say, "HEY BRUNETTE!, your cute" she is smiling ansd we get in a short convo, before her friend intterupts loudly and says,

"NO thats rude, you don't just come up to people like that, your not some confident black guy" I then show her the hand and move closer to the brunette. Her black friend looks as if she wants to hit me and pulls the brunette away. I'm like WTFFFFFF. She lays into me for about 2 minutes, shouting and cussing. Pulling her friend away. Then the brunette says, "Why are you being like that? OH MY GOSH, HE WAS JUST SAYING HI"

Then the blonde one is looking at her black friend like WTF, whats wrong with you? Even the bouncer outside the club, said she's a bytch and that I should've layed her out, THE BOUNCER SAID THAT. Who has probably seen countless fights involving men and women and had to stop them.

After the blonde and brunette left her, she came back and apologised, but I didn't accept. No wonder, they left her stupid ass. She got into some huge strop over me talking to her friend and she didn't get acknowledged. When I asked her why she was wearing a weave, she said I was being racist? After she accused me of my confidence, trying to be like Black guys, because apparentlky, they have this automatic confidence to them.

Man, on my way home. I was thinking of all things to do to that chick, that wasn't cvckblocking. That was damn well, CROSSING THE LINE. Its not just this incident tonight which ticked me off, girls are trying to be like MEN. Am I the only one that notices this? Girls are drinking like men, puking like men and getting into brawls like men. They're readily quick to engage in violence and abuse than have a normal conversation, like humans if they've had a drink.

I'm so sick of this shyt and my inner-game was getting sooo much better, untill I witnessed these chicks going on like guys tonight. My inner-game told me to not rev it up, but inside I wanted to break her jaw in several places and drag her ass around the street by her weave. No, from of jerk game would've gotten an outcome with her, I don't care if you're a PUA Guru. This chick would've torn you a new ass with her mouth, and they don't expect to get knocked the fvck out? And will play the victim status when said violence occurs?

I understand now, why some guys just break their own fists on girls, I understand ''what'' pushes guys to that limit. I witnessed this bouncer get heckeld by this bytch with an entitlement issue, who wanted to get back in the club, but the doors had shut. She said she was with the VIP DJ guests and that she was MEANT to get back in, so she was shouting and pushing her weight around, she even started crying cos she couldn't get her own way. She accused the bouncer of having a "Power" complex. The guy was just doing his job, he can get sacked for doing stuff like that. I hate some bytches, dude. I honestly do. I just want to fvck the ones I'm attracted to without any noise or confrontation. They're (women) are going to get some much power (or think they do) where its going to get men to a point of riots, murders, rapes and mass assaults. They're going to regret this and be punished by their own actions for those whom they discarded and riduculed.

I smell armaggeddon more than anything now. :trouble:


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
Reaction score
You're an idiot, man. Instead of showing your fist and stepping up to her, you should have just said you weren't talking to her or some such statement.

Honestly this woman sounds like a huge loser that's not worth getting so wound up about that you feel the need to punch her lights out. If this chick physically attacked you it would be a different story, but she didn't. There is no need to even feel the need to resort to violence over something as petty as getting c0ckblocked. Sh!t happens, deal with it and don't let it ruin your night.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2010
Reaction score
ok lets not call this guy an idiot. I can see why he would want to back hand this chick. And I agree with these women thinking they have this sense of entitlement. But you know what? Its us guys fault for letting sexy women have whatever they want.

I dont know if it will ever be fixed. Pretty people always seem to have or think they have a golden ticket through life.

The Mad Ghost

Senior Don Juan
Mar 17, 2010
Reaction score
★★★TEAM FAP★★★
SharinganUser said:
You're an idiot, man. Instead of showing your fist and stepping up to her, you should have just said you weren't talking to her or some such statement
Thats crap and same old regurgitated bullcrap. I showed her my HAND, not fist and turned my back towards her. I did say I wasn't speaking to her, I said, "Well let your friend decide if thats rude" Did the Black girl even give her a chance to speak? Nope. She got into this 2 minute rant, basically showed ALL her insecurities in life in 2 minutes flat. I was so stunned, and you're calling me out for an idiot? Her friends LEFT her, what part of this fvcking story don't you get, like you wouldn't want to punch her lights out for disrepsecting you, even after you didn't say anything to her infront of people. YOUR the idiot.

If a guy had done that, I would call him a dyckhead. You would expect a guy to do stuff like this, but I've lost all remnants of what a brawl is these days. Now, it's wondering if I'm going to get into a 20minute arguement with a group of self-entitled bytches. She didn't even give me two words, her friends were embarrassed, they left in a taxi. The bouncer himself, said I should've. There are some fvcking faggts on this site, honestly.

Chromeo said:
I dont know if it will ever be fixed. Pretty people always seem to have or think they have a golden ticket through life.
YOU seem to get it. Dude, the chicks weren't even hot. The Black chick difently wasn't hot, not even average. She just had an ass. Easily tell her real hair wasn't there. Its not the PRETTY GIRLS!!!! Its the BELOW AVERAGE GIRLS!!! that are fvking things up, I love HB9s and 10s, they have insurance to act the way they do for the sheer number of chumps that approach them. So why in the hell are fvcking medicre girls acting like them and worse? There will be a solution, and there is an ending to everything. Its not even me, I saw this guy come out of the club, saying he hates women. Infront of like, 20 girls, watching. Tons of guys, are just getting pyssed off. Its something thats happening on a regular occurance. I'm sure this wasn't happening before mobile phones started being manufactured?

I want you guys, to observe how many guys are on their phone to how many women are on their phone, or acting like they're extremely busy doing something, like they have a CEO propersition interview. I remember when a chick would give me her house number, this was before mobile phones where in the market. I saw alot more respect in women then and I'm not the only one that thinks that.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
Reaction score
Chromeo said:
ok lets not call this guy an idiot. I can see why he would want to back hand this chick.
He is an idiot. He's an idiot for letting one random ***** ruin his night. He's an idiot for trying to intimidate this ***** instead of handling it like someone with self-respect would handle it.

Chromeo said:
And I agree with these women thinking they have this sense of entitlement. But you know what? Its us guys fault for letting sexy women have whatever they want.
Lot's of women are like this, and I do agree (to some extent) that it is man's fault for letting these women get this way. But that doesn't mean you should use threatening body language to show that you are a man. You put them in their place verbally, and if they are still to stupid to get that, you quit wasting your time and go find some women that aren't acting like stupid ****s.

The Mad Ghost

Senior Don Juan
Mar 17, 2010
Reaction score
★★★TEAM FAP★★★
SharinganUser said:
He is an idiot. He's an idiot for letting one random ***** ruin his night. He's an idiot for trying to intimidate this ***** instead of handling it like someone with self-respect would handle it.
Can somebody ban this piece of shyt? This paragraph is a joke. I don't want to explain myself or the situation to this girl, talking out her ass. Why do you think her friends where siding with me? If I had showed threatning body languiage or having a higher tone than her, they would've acknowleged, that maybe she was right for ranting at me, anyway. But they didn't, they were embarrassed, you simpleton. Gooch.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 17, 2007
Reaction score
I may be wrong but I think what happened was the black chick simply had her ego bruised when she saw you talking to her friend. Their could have been some bitterness/inferiority complex on her part when she saw you, a black man, choosing her white friend over her.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of time always have the whole group of girls engaged. Don't immediately go for the target. Even if she has demonstrated interest in you, you run the risk of getting ****blocked by her friends if they feel like they aren't getting some level of attention from you.

Remember, her friends want attention from guys also so throw them some kind of bone, even if you arent interested, to keep them at bay while you focus on the girl you want.

The Mad Ghost

Senior Don Juan
Mar 17, 2010
Reaction score
★★★TEAM FAP★★★
FutureSpartan said:
I may be wrong but I think what happened was the black chick simply had her ego bruised when she saw you talking to her friend. Their could have been some bitterness/inferiority complex on her part when she saw you, a black man, choosing her white friend over her.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of time always have the whole group of girls engaged. Don't immediately go for the target. Even if she has demonstrated interest in you, you run the risk of getting ****blocked by her friends if they feel like they aren't getting some level of attention from you.

Remember, her friends want attention from guys also so throw them some kind of bone, even if you arent interested, to keep them at bay while you focus on the girl you want.
You're right, but I'm not Black so I was abit shocked that she would attack me in such a manner and call me racist, when I said she had a weave. She accused me of trying to ACT black, like a wigger. I dress skaterish. I don't speak or show any flattery, My black skater friends where there too, and I could feel how embarrassed they where. LOL, dude, I didn't even get a chance to shake anyones hand, she totally ripped into me before I could engage everyone. I wasn't even gaming, I was just socialising.

If thats the case, why didn't the blonde friend feel any inferority? I said "Hey BRUNETTE!", heck, is she going to rip into me because I prefer Brunettes? No, she didn't. Infact, she felt so bad, she came up to me and said "Sorry" for her friend and kept walking around me, nervously, when she saw I was pally with the bouncers.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
Reaction score
The Mad Ghost said:
Can somebody ban this piece of shyt? This paragraph is a joke. I don't want to explain myself or the situation to this girl, talking out her ass. Why do you think her friends where siding with me? If I had showed threatning body languiage or having a higher tone than her, they would've acknowleged, that maybe she was right for ranting at me, anyway. But they didn't, they were embarrassed, you simpleton. Gooch.

Awe, I am so sorry sally, did I upset you? Are you going to show my your hand? :crackup:

I just can't take people seriously who keep track of Jersey Shore.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
Reaction score
FutureSpartan said:
I may be wrong but I think what happened was the black chick simply had her ego bruised when she saw you talking to her friend. Their could have been some bitterness/inferiority complex on her part when she saw you, a black man, choosing her white friend over her.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of time always have the whole group of girls engaged. Don't immediately go for the target. Even if she has demonstrated interest in you, you run the risk of getting ****blocked by her friends if they feel like they aren't getting some level of attention from you.

Remember, her friends want attention from guys also so throw them some kind of bone, even if you arent interested, to keep them at bay while you focus on the girl you want.

This is good advice and how should have been handled right from the start.

The Mad Ghost

Senior Don Juan
Mar 17, 2010
Reaction score
★★★TEAM FAP★★★
SharinganUser said:
Awe, I am so sorry sally, did I upset you? Are you going to show my your hand? :crackup:

I just can't take people seriously who keep track of Jersey Shore.
Nah your just talking out of your ass, on shyt you don't know. Assuming I showed threatning body language and such, now you're backpedalling with the time-wasting antics, simply. Click Don Juan Discussion Forum, back out and stay out. Notice the different replies except for your attempt? GTFO with that cheap humour. Fvcking gimp. You don't even get laid, took you 1,000 posts to get a lay. I'd fck you.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 17, 2007
Reaction score
The Mad Ghost said:
You're right, but I'm not Black so I was abit shocked that she would attack me in such a manner and I dress skaterish. My black skater friends where there too, and I could feel how embarrassed they where. LOL, dude, I didn't even get a chance to shake anyones hand, she totally ripped into me.

If thats the case, why didn't the blonde friend feel any inferority? I said "Hey BRUNETTE!", heck, is she going to rip into me because I prefer Brunettes? No, she didn't. Infact, she felt so bad, she came up to me and said "Sorry" for her friend and kept walking around me, nervously, when she saw I was pally with the bouncers.
Yeah....that sux you got unlucky running into a crazy b*tch. But thats just part of life... you will encounter some people who have no respect for others. At least her blonde friend had the courtesy to apologize, and everyone else who saw it agreed she was out of line. I'm glad you didn't hit her....regardless of what she said or did....its your a*s thats gonna be charged with assault, just like that dude from jersey shore.

Good thing is, if you are constantly approaching different women, this kind of thing rarely happens; so don't get discouraged by one bad experience. Best of luck to you.


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2007
Reaction score
SharinganUser said:
You're an idiot, man. Instead of showing your fist and stepping up to her, you should have just said you weren't talking to her or some such statement.

Honestly this woman sounds like a huge loser that's not worth getting so wound up about that you feel the need to punch her lights out. If this chick physically attacked you it would be a different story, but she didn't. There is no need to even feel the need to resort to violence over something as petty as getting c0ckblocked. Sh!t happens, deal with it and don't let it ruin your night.
2nded. While I wouldn't call you an idiot, I think you need to take a step back and look at the situation objectively for a better perspective. I don't believe you recognize how your social clumsiness lead towards the situation that arised.

Asking a (black) girl why she wears a weave is like asking a guy why he stuffs a sock in his underwear, or why a woman wears so much makeup or even why a chick pads her bra. There is a OBVIOUS insecurity being masked for the public eye and by you bringing attention to it publicly you are bringing their shortcomings to light and should expect to be met with resistance. Perhaps you were attempting a neg hit? Whatever, I don't think we will ever know why you considered the girl's fake hair as a conversational topic in a bar setting.

Second, we all agree that the chick was b!tch but she came back and apologized and you rejected her apology? D1ck move.

Third, your actions are completely different from the theory you use. If the girls did not deserve to be high and mighty coz they weren't cute then why where you even talking to them? The fact is a lot of guys would rather hit on the average looking girls because they think they stand a better chance than with the 9s and 10s. Just because they are less attractive doesn't mean you can walk up and make them feel insecure and sleep with them instantly. I'm sure you realize this now.

Fourth, If your confidence and inner game is tight then this stuff rolls off your back and you move to the next girl. If a fat chick insults me, i smile and move to someone whose opinions I care about. Actually, I take that back, I don't really care about a random chicks opinion but I will at least fake it to get what I want with a cute girl. Why does this chick get under your skin so much?

Fifth your whole post reads as a bitter guy angry at women in general. I say you take a step back, get some perspective and then start going after women with a fresh mind

The Mad Ghost

Senior Don Juan
Mar 17, 2010
Reaction score
★★★TEAM FAP★★★
macallik said:
2nded. While I wouldn't call you an idiot, I think you need to take a step back and look at the situation objectively for a better perspective. I don't believe you recognize how your social clumsiness lead towards the situation that arised.
No, you got the story mixed up. After she got into my ass, I asked her why she was wearing a weave, AFTER. Not out in the open in the initial opening sequence. I asked her this, AFTER she ripped into me. Then, I thought about digging in to her some more, but it was just the teresterone.

And, while the post may sound bitter. IDC, I'm not the only guy pyssed off. So thats fine, also, I didn't know bitter guys get laid, and what makes a guy "like" women? Because he's surrounded by them and has sex with them? Everything is regarded "bitter" on this site when a guy is "P1SSED" off. I'd be writing up a thread if a bunch of AMOG's did the samething, but whatever.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
Reaction score
The Mad Ghost said:
Nah your just talking out of your ass, on shyt you don't know. Assuming I showed threatning body language and such, now you're backpedalling with the time-wasting antics, simply. Click Don Juan Discussion Forum, back out and stay out. Notice the different replies except for your attempt? GTFO with that cheap humour. Fvcking gimp. You don't even get laid, took you 1,000 posts to get a lay. I'd fck you.

Sorry Sally you're not my type. You let one random ***** on the street upset you and you moan about it on the internet. Now you are getting your panties in a knot because a stranger over the internet called you an idiot.

You had a bad experience with this pick up, get over it, worse things happen in life. The girl was a ***** and a loser, that much we can agree upon, now just quit wasting your time and energy on them. They aren't worth getting upset over the next day.

The Mad Ghost

Senior Don Juan
Mar 17, 2010
Reaction score
★★★TEAM FAP★★★
SharinganUser said:
Sorry Sally you're not my type. You let one random ***** on the street upset you and you moan about it on the internet. Now you are getting your panties in a knot because a stranger over the internet called you an idiot.

You had a bad experience with this pick up, get over it, worse things happen in life. The girl was a ***** and a loser, that much we can agree upon, now just quit wasting your time and energy on them. They aren't worth getting upset over the next day.
This is not the first time, I've gotten into it with some chick. If that was the case, you would be seeing this same thread every other week. It was anew observation and something which didn't exactly ruin my night, but which was blatently out of order. People would be crying for blood, if a guy had did that or said certain racist epitaphs.

Sally? Why not, Suzie or Annie? Your actually bugging me moreso than the girl, because I know you don't get laid and it really frustrates me than anything more int he world, when a celibate internet user who has come back here after 6 months, talks out of his ass. I'd actually bait-rape you in RL. Fvck your new observation on arguements and welcome back.


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2007
Reaction score
The Mad Ghost said:
No, you got the story mixed up. After she got into my ass, I asked her why she was wearing a weave, AFTER. Not out in the open in the initial opening sequence. I asked her this, AFTER she ripped into me. Then, I thought about digging in to her some more, but it was just the teresterone.

And, while the post may sound bitter. IDC, I'm not the only guy pyssed off. So thats fine, also, I didn't know bitter guys get laid, and what makes a guy "like" women? Because he's surrounded by them and has sex with them? Everything is regarded "bitter" on this site when a guy is "P1SSED" off. I'd be writing up a thread if a bunch of AMOG's did the samething, but whatever.
1) I don't quite get what you are trying to say in the last post. Just because others are bitter doesn't make it any more acceptable. Bitter guys get laid and bitter guys can be 'successful' with women, but they never get to enjoy it because they are always waiting for the other shoe to drop, for things to go wrong or whatever. If they actually do fall for a girl, they tend to overdo it and scare her away by not knowing how to handle being optimistic within reason and then revert even moreso to being bitter after breaking up with the girl.

2) The way you approached is direct to an extent. If you go in direct, you have to be ready to be challenged with the whole, "this is not how you talk to a woman" spiel. Just a basic sh!t test, and you failed.

3) Women from the city and nitty-gritty environments get hit on excessively and as a result have huge b!tch shields. Expect resistance and some fight from jump for the edgier chicks and factor it into your approach and reactions.


Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
East Chicago
The Mad Ghost said:
I understand why SNOOKIE from Jersey Shore got TKO'd. I will stand that it is FINE to obiliterate some women, if they get out of line. Where is this coming from? I walks up to these three girls, one brunette, one blonde and the other a black girl after the club, I say, "HEY BRUNETTE!, your cute" she is smiling ansd we get in a short convo, before her friend intterupts loudly and says,

"NO thats rude, you don't just come up to people like that, your not some confident black guy" I then show her the hand and move closer to the brunette. Her black friend looks as if she wants to hit me and pulls the brunette away. I'm like WTFFFFFF. She lays into me for about 2 minutes, shouting and cussing. Pulling her friend away. Then the brunette says, "Why are you being like that? OH MY GOSH, HE WAS JUST SAYING HI"

Then the blonde one is looking at her black friend like WTF, whats wrong with you? Even the bouncer outside the club, said she's a bytch and that I should've layed her out, THE BOUNCER SAID THAT. Who has probably seen countless fights involving men and women and had to stop them.

After the blonde and brunette left her, she came back and apologised, but I didn't accept. No wonder, they left her stupid ass. She got into some huge strop over me talking to her friend and she didn't get acknowledged. When I asked her why she was wearing a weave, she said I was being racist? After she accused me of my confidence, trying to be like Black guys, because apparentlky, they have this automatic confidence to them.

Man, on my way home. I was thinking of all things to do to that chick, that wasn't cvckblocking. That was damn well, CROSSING THE LINE. Its not just this incident tonight which ticked me off, girls are trying to be like MEN. Am I the only one that notices this? Girls are drinking like men, puking like men and getting into brawls like men. They're readily quick to engage in violence and abuse than have a normal conversation, like humans if they've had a drink.

I'm so sick of this shyt and my inner-game was getting sooo much better, untill I witnessed these chicks going on like guys tonight. My inner-game told me to not rev it up, but inside I wanted to break her jaw in several places and drag her ass around the street by her weave. No, from of jerk game would've gotten an outcome with her, I don't care if you're a PUA Guru. This chick would've torn you a new ass with her mouth, and they don't expect to get knocked the fvck out? And will play the victim status when said violence occurs?

I understand now, why some guys just break their own fists on girls, I understand ''what'' pushes guys to that limit. I witnessed this bouncer get heckeld by this bytch with an entitlement issue, who wanted to get back in the club, but the doors had shut. She said she was with the VIP DJ guests and that she was MEANT to get back in, so she was shouting and pushing her weight around, she even started crying cos she couldn't get her own way. She accused the bouncer of having a "Power" complex. The guy was just doing his job, he can get sacked for doing stuff like that. I hate some bytches, dude. I honestly do. I just want to fvck the ones I'm attracted to without any noise or confrontation. They're (women) are going to get some much power (or think they do) where its going to get men to a point of riots, murders, rapes and mass assaults. They're going to regret this and be punished by their own actions for those whom they discarded and riduculed.

I smell armaggeddon more than anything now. :trouble:
I agree with the bouncer. Honestly I do.

J. Darko

Senior Don Juan
Nov 11, 2009
Reaction score
she's not a loser. You are a loser. She did her job as a girl. You didn't do your job as a man. You've been here for months and you still don't know how to walk away. You're still a whiny little girl complaining about other girls because you don't have any succes with them. Maybe things get better after you finished elementary school, if not, at least you will have grown some pubic hair to help your manhood.

Good luck.


Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2009
Reaction score
All you guys saying he's a loser, like this:

J. Darko said:
she's not a loser. You are a loser. She did her job as a girl. You didn't do your job as a man. You've been here for months and you still don't know how to walk away. You're still a whiny little girl complaining about other girls because you don't have any succes with them. Maybe things get better after you finished elementary school, if not, at least you will have grown some pubic hair to help your manhood.

Good luck.
Need to stfu.

I'm feeling you on this. I'm sick of fighting the urge to backhand a ***** on a night out. The thing i can't stand is when a girl pulls a move like pushing you or insulting/talking bs. The kind of move that when a guy pulls, a fight is guarenteed to ensue. But they have the security that nothing will happen and can **** with any guy they see, and they will just take it and apologize.

The thing that just tops it all off, is when you say 'What the **** are you doing?' to the girl, a captain save a hoe comes out of the background and tries to pick a fight for the sluts honour.