Correct assesment. No you shouldn't come onto a site like this and blindly accept all advice. Normally, you will get conflicting opinions anyway. Then, not all advice has value.
Correct in your assesment of
@soulforge too......here you have a 43 year old guy who last year was writing thread after thread about this 50 year old milf who was going out bar hopping without him. He was crying as he wanted their relationship to work.
The bathroom selfie says it all, doesn't it? Bear in mind, the guy is 5'5" so yeah he is compensating.
Knowing were he was with the 50 year old milf this time last year, you'd think he'd be a little more understanding and humble, no? But everyone wants to jump to mastery stage without climbing the ladder of applied knowledge........
.....internet cartoon alphas.
He's wrote 3 replies to you slamming you fpr not taking his advice.....calling you a beta in the process.......
....he's showing all the signs of a hysterical, codependent beta.
You're right to ignore this muppet's advice.