The Problem.
It should be CLEARLY evident that because you posted it on SoSuave, that complimenting is a no go. And here's why...
You're trying to use it as a tip, or a tool, as if COMPLIMENTING will garner some approval for her. OR, it's being manipulated. Why do you pay a compliment? When do you pay it? When you give one, why are you giving it? How do you feel when you give it?
See...don't remove the context from this. Many times we freely, clearly, and directly give a compliment. There isn't timing. There isn't thought. There's emotion and the moment. A person doesn't think "Gee, I should pay her a compliment, what can I observe about her to compliment??"
That would negate the very definition of A COMPLIMENT!! Right?
When people compliment me, it isn't something that's's given the moment is felt, and thought, and given without attachments. Whether it should or should not be given is not even an issue in dating. Seriously. A girl would only find a guy weak who does this consciously, planned out, and so often as to water down ALL previous compliments. Capice??
Bottom line is...there's no right or wrong answer. A compliment is a compliment...and its crazy to think that you can't give one or else your weak. Or an AFC. Please...
If you aspire to be a DJ or whatever...a man can give freely a compliment without worry of consequences and be secure himself that he is ok, and so are you. Paying the compliment is only the obvious, and what makes it special is something you notice and appreciate. What makes a girl truly your girl, is the things you notice and appreciate that nobody else does. The way most women are, so promiscuous, so open, so nude, what was once private no longer is. And to be YOUR GIRL, she must be unique to you in some ways. Special, otherwise she is merely a public GF, who flaunts her sexuality. Yet, this is not very healthy in a relationship, public displays of sexuality.