Women have it easier. Women have it hard. Men have to have game. Men have to be confident. Looks "matter." Looks don't matter. Society today makes it harder for women, or men, I forget.
We go on and on about this kinda stuff.
The thing to remember is:
"Things are as they are."
I don't know if women or men have it better or worse under current conditions out there. But, does it MATTER? We aren't going to CHANGE how it is out there next week. And I'm living in THIS week. We just gotta go out there and deal with what's REAL.
So, I think that a discussion of contemporary social mores is very interesting, and may lead to a deeper understanding of what is really going on, and so such discussion MAY tangentially help us in dealing with women, but it's not gonna actually get you laid, or affect your "game" in any immediate sense.
So as a philosophical and sociological exercise, these discussions are interesting and enlightening, but I have to ask --- are we going out there and doing what it takes in SPITE of a screwed up society?