Gdupm6 said:
Just wanted to update here about what recently happened.... Thursday was her day off and in the morning she had texted me her usual good morning hope u have a great day blah blah blah, and we went back and forth, the last thing she texted me was " hope your having a good day" and i replied hope you are also.. I did not hear from her for 2 days since then... Saturday i texted her asking whats going on i havent heard form u for 2 days, is everytihng ok? She hits me with this bull****... " hi whats up im good, just been busy, how about u? This happened abruptly... which kind of threw me off..
Boss, that sounds too clingy, man. It's only been two days. You asking her
what's going on after a mere 48 hours doesn't look too cool on your part. Not a tragedy, but a little too chumpish. What makes it worse is that, from my understanding, you texted her last... Wait for her to text you back, man. If she really cared, within the next few days to a week, your phone will have chimed, and a message alert will have splashed onto your screen with her name displaying. Girls are patient. Two days isn't a big deal to her. She probably could've waited longer before deciding to reply to you.
As I tell anyone who I reply to, I'll NEVER tell you anything beyond my experience. EVER. If I hadnt gone through something, you'll never hear me giving advice on the topic... You're case? Been in your position too many times to be considered healthy. So, straight way, let me tell you, the:
just been busy...
Can justly be considered B.S. Of course, You or me will never
truly know if she was or wasn't, but you disclosed that you two give morning messages, I'll assume upon waking up, or some hour after.. Can't imagine anyone be severely busy immediately upon pressing off of their pillow, and making their way to a bowl of cereal. Texting isn't difficult at all. Most can do it without looking at their key pad now. Busy just isn't an excuse I accept for not typing a few letters, slamming the send button, and being about your day.
That response sounds exactly like a girl I was in your position with. If I'm correct, You probably hold similar questions I've held at the time I was dealing:
If I didn't text her, would she have ever even texted me back??
At some point during my experience, I did the same as you.. In fact, I did worse.. About an hour passed with no reply from her, and, due to anxiety, I threw this girl
THREE text messages. Needless to say, she then had the power, and a large consumption of my self-respect. If I'm correct once more, you also probably don't like how she's making it sound like everything's okay; like she doesn't
know Ignoring your message would flare disappointment. When in actually, she knew full d-mn well..
Take it easy when she doesn't hit you back immediately, man. Once again, if she really cared, you'll get a reply-----eventually.