Tip: Lower Your Standards


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Francisco d'Anconia
Would'ya eat a Big Mac if the meat was a green but the bun was alright?
I would if i hadn't had a thing to eat in erhm...4 months!! :D

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Originally posted by \O/
I would if i hadn't had a thing to eat in erhm...4 months!! :D
It's been that long, huh? :p


Senior Don Juan
Apr 20, 2005
Reaction score
By BrotherAP:
If you're defining attractive by what they wear - here's a tip for you. The really hot girls, deserving of the highest ratings, are the ones who look good no matter what they wear, how their hair is done or how much makeup they've put on. Girls slut themselves out knowing that guys respond to this. Makeup is meant to impair your ability to judge a girl. Don't fall for it.
Right on.
It's one thing to see a girl in sweats and a hoodie (for example) where the pocket is torn/the hole in the knee/grass stain ect., versus the girl who has pride enough in herself to at least not look like a slob while out, even if dressed all the way down. Same goes for makeup - lots of girls when "taking a day off", don't wear makeup, but still look damn good. Just wait until you see that same girl when she has put some time into fixing herself up for you.............


Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
h2o, i applaud your post, you make a valid point.

Some guys at a point in their lives were once picky, hell even i used to be...But if it gets to a point where you're using that as an excuse not to date or have a gf, then its a bad thing.

2 of my friends who barely have any dating experience ARE looking for perfection (and they are also using that as an excuse not to go for the ones that do like them), they think that if they catch a HB10 they'll be set for life. No matter if you find the HB10 there will always be external forces out to destroy the relationship, and nothing lasts forever.

As i keep telling my friends, looks isnt everything. What if you find that HB10 and find out she's a nasty *****? But that's how they are, they just use girls' looks (average girl) as an excuse not to know them just cuz they dont meet their standards (the hb9).
And when they do meet a HB9, they have no balls to talk to them.

The interesting thing is that girls are already doing this. THEY want to be in relationships, they WANt to settle down. And the fact is that whatever comes along as a great catch (at the moment) they will go for him. No way they're going to wait 5 or 10 years for their ideal perfect man (unless those fantasy driven type of girls). And the thing is a lot of do (and should) take advantage of opportunities presented to them.

There's more to life than just fulfilling sexual desires. There are a lot of girls out there who make themselves available to you that have so much to offer with their personalities. Who cares if they dont have a model face and model body, no body's perfect in this world.

I tend to notice that inexperienced guys and girls are picky, which is a paradox.

Take risks, and be rewarded.


Senior Don Juan
May 15, 2005
Reaction score
It's true, you should all lower your standards. Most of you want this hot girl to be your gf, but it's a pipe dream. Show me what you got. A lot of guys are single because of the simple concept of supply and demand. You are on the supply curve and you're way up on it. The demand curve slopes downward. That gap is the reason why you're single.

Life is like a job interview, as was stated earlier by h20. If it's a hot girl, then it's a lucrative job, one person gets it, the rest fail. You now have 3 choices left: go out with the fat walruses, go out with the skinny curve-less skeletons, or go out with the plain janes.