Thyme to get serious - My Journal


Don Juan
Apr 25, 2009
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This will be my official journal, as i have been told that if you want to be serious about growing as a person and benefiting the most from the b/c, you have to make a journal.

and i dont care if no one ever reads this - it is mostly for me to stay involved and continue growing as a social person.

anyways. it hit me today. i have always tricked myself into believing that i am good with women... and by believing this, it meant that i didnt have to do any work to get better. but that is not the truth at all - i am quite bad with women. Not necessarily horrendous, but on the borderline. The breaking point that made me realize how afraid of contact i am was today at a burger king. I was eating by myself and there were 3 cute girls sitting at a table across the way. i could tell they were curious about me... every time i glanced over, i caught them checking me out a bit. i know that, had i just made the first move, i could have gotten a phone number - maybe even met a future gf. but instead i just sat there.

Let me tell you a little bit about myself. i am 18, involved and successful in athletics (namely baseball), very school oriented (top 10 in graduating class, class president, student rep on the school board, leadership crap up the ying yang, and going to a great college), and i consider myself pretty good looking. i am small however (135 lbs and 5 10) and its something that has i think has been a limiting factor to my social growth, but not a big factor. i know i have potential for being great at this stuff... i have spurts sometimes where i could get anyone i wanted. but stress makes me a moody person so i can have the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. honestly... getting passed the women stuff, i would be perfectly happy being like my dad who is just very good at being social - literally he goes up to anyone and everyone and starts fun conversations. multiple times he has called a wrong number and gotten into a 20 minute conversation. he is a pilot so he goes everywhere, and i would say on average he meets/has conversations with over 80 people a week.

so i would like to state some goals i have for myself, both short term and longterm.

short term -

i want to feel completely comfortable approaching guys/older people and comfortable starting up a convo with them.

i want to get rid of the anxiety i have with approaching/meeting new women (i dont have to be completely comfortable, but atleast funcionable).

i want to get through a whole bootcamp

long term -
i want to take situations that to many are considered awkward and make them normal and fun

i want to be able to meet people anywhere, in any situation, and i want them to remember me as being fun, outgoing, and chill

i want to date multiple women so i can get a grasp of what my 'type' really is.

i want to have the process of meeting women all the way to being intimate with them as second nature and not a big deal.

anyways these are my goals and they are subject to change... but i definately will be keeping in touch with my journal.

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
sounds like a good journal thyme and pretty good goals to stick 2 too. I will add it to the list on the main thread. Hope to see some field reports in it soon dude.


Don Juan
Apr 25, 2009
Reaction score
thanks man

and i want to quick recap of bootcamp week 1 for me -
(week 1)
it was VERY difficult for me... maybe even harder than week 2. the eye contact wasnt too terrible. i did however find it very hard to keep my eye contact 1 second after they looked away. it seemed like people would see me looking and then they wouldnt freaking look away - so i always caved and i ended up being the one looking away. but the most brutal part for me was the hi's. the only group of people i didnt have trouble saying hi to was old men. every other group was incredibly awkward for me. im still working on the intricacies of the eye contact and the hi's - ill get there eventually.

(5/24 - week 2 day 3)

i might as well begin... today was a free day for me so i wanted to get a jump on the 2nd bootcamp week. i went first to burger king, which got me pissed off as described above. then i went to the library wrote up the whole journal thing and went off this huge mall close to me. i wanted to mix some more of the eye contact and hi's in with week two (i plan on, for my own little thing, trying to put some of the prior weeks activities in every week so i dont forget anything).

anyways the mall trip was pretty successful. in total i had 6 (5-7 minute long) conversations with strangers, about 15 short convos (like 1-2 minutes), and got about 4 hi's in sporatically. i was there for a LONG time though... because i was only looking for a perfect situation to start a convo.

i met a few interesting people - one guy was a trucker from montana who wanted gas prices to go back up because he would make more money that way haha. another person i met had studied in the same city of mexico that i studied at (which is pretty small so it was a big coincidence). i met people from kansas city who gave me advice if i ever wanted to travel there. oh and there was this cool guy i met who was in an underground college poker team type of thing and the way he described it, it was pretty similar to the movie 21 except with poker, which is cool.

i struggled with quickly coming up with openers. i had read somewhere, and i plan on implementing it, that a 'drill' for this is to walk around and in your head come up with a specific opener for everyone you see.

i noticed that sometimes after the conversation i would feel hot and uncomfortable... but i think that will leave in time. oh and another thing i noticed was after a while of doing the bootcamp, my body was really uptight and my eyes were sore. it felt like i wasnt relaxed and flowing really... i was high strung - ill work on it


Don Juan
Apr 25, 2009
Reaction score
(5/24 week 2 day 3)

today has been a great day so far. i went to the casino with my dad and we talked a lot about my new bartending job and how to the trick to making them like you (and tip you) is to find common ground with them and to give them a reason to tip you. i swear he is a social genius and could write a book. in the past i have never really bothered to listen to all of his advice but now that i am getting into self improvement i am seeing how true everything he says is.

anyways after going to the casino i went on an errand for my mom to menards getting some mulch. on the way there i called up a few girls i had met a long time ago but had spoke to in a while - and i ended up getting an invite to a local party... nice! anyways i got to menards and they said all the mulch was sold out - so i had some time to burn. i decided to go with the whole social thing and just walk around and have some conversations... and it went really good. i got a couple of hi's and some head nod acknowledgments from older guys. then i talked with this guy who was making a patio with bricks and had a nice convo - haha i made up a whole story about a couple summers ago and how i made a patio back then. making up **** is something my dad recommended to me today and i was doubtful at first but it was really fun when i actually did it. i had to be quick witted and observational - to make it seem like i actually made the patio i read a 'do it yourself' sign above the guy and he totally bought it!

yea 'ole pops said if you wanna have some fun with yourself and enjoy being social, try and make up a few aliases that each have a unique personality and an interesting history. then decide which alias you will be for the next conversation and just go with it. it could be anyone - from a northeastern horse jockey to a treasure hunter from down south who is close to finding a hidden treasure. and (kinda related) sometime i want to dress up as a walmart employee and just screw with people lol.

on my way back from menards i stopped in good old mcdonalds and bullshted with the cashier for a bit. she wasnt really attractive but i could tell i made her day a little bit better, which was nice. while i was waiting for my food, a table of about 4 guys my age were talking about some of the mcd's food and i nonchalantly asked one of them what they thought about this brownie thing (which id never had before). they were nice guys and after a couple minutes of chatting i found out that they knew an old buddy of mine from middle school. we bs'ed a bit about him and it was cool.

the only objective with this is to have fun, and i think it really is.

anyways i think today i really felt like i opened up a bit and a little light bulb popped up in my head. i certainly dont expect to feel this great at the end of every day, but its nice knowing that im making some progress.
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Don Juan
Apr 25, 2009
Reaction score
(5/25 week 2 day 4)

quick update for today... not much happened but i did manage to get about 2-3 more conversations in today during the parade and ceremony thing after.

but what i wanted to talk about was this movie that i think correlates with what we do and the bootcamp - "yes man" - it is an AWESOME movie!!

i watched it for the second time tonight, and (as im doing the b/c now) it was making connections left and right. what does the b/c do? it forces us to do something were not used to doing - so that we can grow from it and eventually be happier and more social. what does the yes man program do? the exact same thing. once im done with this b/c i plan on coming up with some variation of the yes man challenge and trying it out for a month or so and see what happens.

oh and the things that carrey said in the movie were right along the 'neg' theory and i thought they were golden. i def plan on using the "well you should have warned me about the length of your story... it kinda dragged on a bit." i laughed my a*s off.


Don Juan
Apr 25, 2009
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so the past couple of days havent been too eventful... i did get 3 random convos in here and there. two of them were in the park with these families who had dogs. i swear, it is the easiest way to open a set if there is a dog there and you guys go up and say "oh what a nice little pup" or something like that and start to pet it. another one i said was "do you mind if i meet your dog" and i say it like i couldnt care less about you but the dog seems worth my time. lol so i plan on using that on a good looking chic - it will be a playful neg.

(5/28 week 2 day 7)

anyways tonight was kinda interesting n i want to tell you guys about it. so there is this chick who has lived on my block for my entire life... and she was always dec looking maybe a 6.5 but this year i dont know what hit her but she is an easy 8 - very good looking IMO. so just today at our senior get-together thing i talk a bit with her... she seems kinda interested/kinda not but at the same time i was kinda not interested either and was messin with her friends more. now she never has never really been into me in the past but tonight she texted me
"THYME!!! what are you doin?! lol"
and we ended up going to a mini party thing. long drive out there like 20 minutes atleast but the convos were good it was never awkward. anyways we come back at about 2:30 a.m. together and there is this sign with removable letters at the edge of our street that literally the whole town sees. we made it say "porn art - stop in" and it was a blast. we were laughing the whole time and it was kinda rebel/kinda creative at the same time...

but i really cant tell if this chic is in to me or not... she would give me an IOI or two and then a IOD. but whatev im not worried about it because it was a fun night all in all.


ps i want to start using the backpack bit.
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Master Don Juan
May 18, 2003
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Oh, i thought this thread was going to be about using common cooking herbs and seasonings to seduce women. What a letdown.


Don Juan
Apr 25, 2009
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(week 3 day 1)
tonight was a freaking AWESOME night for me. i went out with my buddies and we just hopped all over the town and in the country. i dont really have any specifics, but i was just the alpha male basically all night, and even though i knew everyone and they were good friends of mine, they are usually in frame control and are in 'more power' so to speak than i am. but tonight was totally different (maybe because of the b/c?!) - i was makin the chics laugh and the guys jealous.

so this didnt really help me out that much with this weeks tasks, but its still a confidence booster and i enjoyed myself. i plan on getting most of it done in 2 or 3 days... and im not that worried about this week to be honest (next week - i will be scared)

-- oh and an update on the last chic - she was textin me quite a bit tonight about meeting up. i didnt end up being able to see her bcz i was hvin so much fun with my other buds. (not a bad problem at all IMO)


Don Juan
Apr 25, 2009
Reaction score
(week 3 day 3)

well i have been looking in my everyday life for talking opportunities, but i havent really found any so far this week. but i plan on getting the bulk (if not all) of them done at my college orientation this wednesday through friday. i am going down to my college with all of the other incoming freshman... so it should be a perfect opportunity to DJ. i also plan on going to grad parties of people i know from other towns. that way i will meet girls my age but i wont know them (not the case in grad parties in my own town).

... still pretty worried about this week - should be interesting


also i graduated yesterday so its officially summer for me - which means i have a bit more time on my hands. i want to create some physical goals that will supplement my bootcamp/DJing goals.

main goal - i want to put time and effort into making my appearance all around better.
i will do this by...
-starting a diet geared towards gaining somewhat healthy weight (but not necessarily all lean weight)
- i want to eat 5-6 decently big sized meals everyday with 2x supplementation daily. hopefully hit 3500 cals or more
-working out 3 times a week with workouts that wont stunt growth (i know its controversial, but i am about to enter in a growth spurt that i am looking forward to and i dont want to risk it)
-getting enough sun to not be considered 'white' or 'pasty'...even on my body (this will be difficult).
-using crest white strips.
-when i go out to the mall and stuff to DJ, i want to take in all of the styles and stay somewhat up to date in clothing.
-getting atleast 8 hours of sleep every night.

anyways i think this covers pretty much everything it takes to better yourself physically. i have always (hypocritically, mind you) wondered why all girls dont go on diets to lean up, workout frequently, and tan/etc - because it makes them look so much better. lol at the very same time i wasnt doing anything to make myself look better... what a hypocrite. but not anymore.

it seems like every summer i make goals like these physicall ones... but they never get done. hindsight 20/20, i think the reason is because i didnt set aside time every day to actually address the goals. and i always felt like there wasnt enough structure in summer life to get things done. so what would happen is i would push back my goals to the school year... then those wouldnt get done and they would be pushed back to summer... what a sad cycle.

so now i am trying to brainstorm ways to get everything done with my goals. idk its not easy. there is a TON of stuff going on with summer. i work thursdays through sundays about 3 o clock to midnight. the other nights i will want to go out with my buddies. so my nights (9 o clock on'ish) are pretty much all gone. i have big chore projects with my parents i have to do... like 3, full day long, projects. then there are the grad parties which are every weekend during the day. so my weekends are gone. it will def be hard. i just need to be organized and maybe the night before come up with an approx schedule for whats going on the next day and make sure there is time for my goals.
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Dec 6, 2008
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nice you are raising to the top, thats one thing I've learned is inside of me always trying to talk to females, how about i learn to talk to any and everyone about anything,


Don Juan
Apr 25, 2009
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(week 3 day 4)

i went out today but i had ABSOLUTELY no luck whatsoever. litteraly i went to common places with lots of people (target, subway, best buy, big library, ) but i didnt see even ONE girl my age much less someone i would consider dating.

there is good news though - tommorow i will have opportunities galore. i will just have to figure out a way to work around the parents that will be attached to them at orientation.


Don Juan
Apr 25, 2009
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wow what a crazzzy day. i had all ten of them to do today as i had a very hard time finding girls i was attracted to ( today made it a lot easier bcz it was my college orientation). so yea i got all of them done in one day!!

i will go through the ones that i remember decently... but wow what an experience. it felt like a met a ton of woman even though it was just 10. at one point in time i was gaming about 4 good looking HB 7.5s all at once and they were really into me. my social value was higher than it has probably ever been with people i didnt know. even though i havent number closed any of them yet, i feel like i could definately get any one of their numbers and maybe even date 2-3 succesfully. what an amazing feeling!

ok here it goes - the first girl i met was an 8.5 - super good looking and amazing legs. she was sitting by herself on a bench type thing and i pulled away from my buddies to sit next to her and talk. it was hilarious to watch everyone observe me (guys, that is). my buddies jelously watched and eventually used me as an excuse to come over and sit with us. the convo was pretty basic. we talked about the school and testing and whatnot. she was really receptive and fun. i was kinda suprised that she was so willing to talk but whatever... im not complainin.

about 15 minutes later was when i gamed about 4 girls at once. but i only counted it as 2 convos bcz i only seriously talked with about 2 of the girls. i used the tic tac toe opener and it worked perfectly. i had them laughing and it seemed like they thought i was a cool guy (what i am going for this early in the stages). i showed them some corny calculator tricks (we were testing for college) and they seemed to love it. i would jump about the girls and do a little cat and mouse thing which worked pretty well.

another one was a good looking HB 8 party type girl (had a boyfriend), but she was really outgoing so it was easy to talk with her. we kinda walked with eachother throughout an entire tour and talked for atleast a half an hour - nice.

then i met this HB 7, but she was really my type so it was nice. i swear it took a while for her to warm up to me but she was really nice and kinda strangely turned me on for some reason. she reminded me of the girl from yes man looks-wise and a little bit personality-wise.

another one i met later in the day was kinda chubby (typically not my type) 7.5 but for whatever reason i was into her. she reminded me of this chick in my school who has unbelievable social proof. so that was probably part of it. the convo went great at first, but then died down a bit and we ended up just walking away with a little goodbye.

hmmm i know there were quite a few more ( i got 12 convos total) but those were the ones that stood out to me. again... it was an awesome day no doubt!


Don Juan
Apr 25, 2009
Reaction score
(week 4 day 2)

well i was exhausted yesterday from the three day orientation and the thursday mad rush of meeting attractive girls. i thought i was going to have a quiet night at home until i got a text from the girl (going to start calling her 'frustrating') - she has been texting me a lot lately - saying "beach tonight?? lol". this was referring to numerous times saying she wanted to go skinnydipping with me (and other people too, unfortunately :mad: ) but really she just wanted to do something crazy like the last night we had. so we txtd for a little bit and eventually i said "i have an idea, but i need to know if your a wuss or not"... of course she said "haha im no wuss! lets hear it". my idea which we ended up doing was watching a really scary movie and then taking a walk through the cemetary at night. it was a lot of fun. during the movie we kinda snuggled up a bit under the blankets and held hands during the scary part... but nothing blatently sexual - it could have been interpreted as just friends. the walk went good. i had her experiencing all different kinds of emotions - laughing, scared ****less, etc. but all said and done nothing happened - not even a kiss - ugghhh. i was going to go for it at the end of the night when we walked up to her house, but she just said goodbye and quickly ran to her house. oh "frustrating" you are so frustrating. i honestly dont know at this point if she is interested in me beyond the friendship line. she txts me quite a bit but never gives any obvious clues that she is into me. i have a strong enough frame to move the conversations where i want them, but not yet strong enough to go into kissing/etc. so from here i guess i dont know where to go... i dont want to be just friends with her but i dont know how to see what her intentions are. i am considering coming straight out and saying it some night "i have a thing for you" and just seeing her reactions... but idk. it has been a lot of fun hanging out with her and i dont want to stop doing spontaneous fun things (she is the only girl i would do stuff like this with).


Don Juan
Apr 25, 2009
Reaction score
week 4 day 3)

wow. what a crappy night until it turned into an epic night. i was with girl frustrating and my only goal for the night was to get out of the friend zone by way of subtle kino and continued negs. i never knew the power of kino, and i was always afraid of using it. but its really not as scary as i made it out to be. the most important part is not making it obvious... almost like putting ourselves in a situation where she has to initiate the kino. i used the keep away kino, the reading palms, and the best of all the massage - she was completely on top of me and she was trying to make me feel good - nice. anyways i def think i am out of the friend zone and she is almost happy with contact it seems... but now i am on to my next roadblock - setting up for a kiss. i kinda get the feeling that she wants to kiss but it is VERY subtle and i could be misinterpreting. i dont care though im going for it anyways the next time we meet and its just us two. i just dont know how to get into a situation where it turns from playful to intimate... because i always have her giggly and not serious. im sure it wont be too difficult to set up, ill just have to do a little research and take er for a test drive :D


Don Juan
Apr 25, 2009
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wow i went out for about three hours today to a mall and it was absolutely HORRIBLE. i thought htis week was going to be one of the easiest for me after my showing at the college. but i was making excuse after excuse and at one point i wanted to drop the bootcamp alltogether and pick it back up at the start of my college career. but i would lose soooo much. right now this bootcamp has been the center of my life and i have been loving it.

so... i am NOT giving up just yet. i still have all ten rejections to go. it will probably be the hardest thing i have done in a long time. thursday i have to work so that leaves me with tomorrow alone... i hope i step up.


Don Juan
Apr 25, 2009
Reaction score
well... i made a good run but i fell quite a bit short. today i went out for about 5 hours and in total got 4 rejections and 4 number closes (3 of which are promising). it takes a really long time for me because i live in a small town. there is no way i would be able to do it in town, nor would i want to... so i hav to drive about an hour to get to the closest useable location. and even then, i really dont see too many people that are A) my age, B) girls, and C) attractive enough for me to date.

so i definately think that college will provide more opportunities, and if i do fail, it will be because of lack of guts and not lack of opportunities.

am i making an excuse - yes, absolutely. if i had approached every single good looking girl about my age that i saw today and yesterday i would have been probably done... but i was a big ***** about this week for some reason.

well i will start with my rejections: most of them didnt even let me get to the phone number part haha -

-a 2 set and we chatted for about a minute when they just turned around and walked away.
-i went up to very cute 8.5 at target and she didnt even let me say hi. she saw me coming towards her and gave me the instant cold shoulder.
-another 2 set in a weird store and the small talk wasnt interesting enough for them so they ignored me and walked out.
-"i dont give my number to strangers"

now for the successful number closes (4):
it should be noted they were both 2 sets, so would that be 4 number closes or 2 number closes? o well i will round up.

-two sisters (didnt know this at the time) 16/21 years old were eating at the food court. i had a water in my hand and flat out asked them if i could sit with them. i told them i had moved up from florida and was asking their opinions on fun things around the area - it is a good convo starter, pretending your not from the area (plus its funny to here what people say about the stuff you already know). believe it or not, the 21 year old was really into me. she was def the better looking of the two and she seemed interested! (im 18 btw)

- was in some weird store and saw a couple cute girls. i use the same convo as last time, and they were immediately into me (well atleast one was and she brought the other with her). the one really into me was a cute/borderline hot 8/17 years old/ but one of the fast talking annoying types. her friend was a very cute red head, 8, and her persona made me more attracted to her than the other.

its funny because of those two girls, the first was like the AFC and the redhead was like the DJ. the AFC was talking nonstop and seemed needy because of it. while the DJ redhead chose her words wisely and she even made me laugh with some wit. its cool to be able to recognize this stuff in the real world.

another kinda funny side note is that i was basically offered a job. when i was talking with the second set, the guy behind the desk was watching and he seemed impressed with my social skills so he was asking me questions until i told him i already have a job. fun stuff

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
Don't give up, i got 6 left too the same as u. It is not over yet not by a long shot. I gave my word i won't go out this week and i will prove that tommorow. If i can do it i know u can do it too. This is the path that will change ur life forever, ur life will make a dramatic change tommorow if u like it or now. So if there is anything ur going to do right in ur life make sure it is this right now.

U can look back on this and say "yeh i did that".


Don Juan
Apr 25, 2009
Reaction score
WHAT THE F*CK!!!!!!!! D:( MN it!!!!

so i have been really hittin it up with frustrating (now im going to call her really frustrating)... and i have been finding out some of the reasons behind her weirdness. weirdness number one - why she doesnt want to makeout - she had mono like a month ago (i am appreciative now). weirdness number two - why she is flat out weird sometimes - tonight (while we were having the most intimate night ever) she tries to subtly ask me what i would say if she hypothetically 'went both ways'. my mouth dropped like five feet and i had no ****ing clue what to say. she read my despair and quickly recovered saying stuff like 'obviously im not, but'... so i am a good 80% sure that she does go both ways. it kinda goes with her personality (in some ways) - she is extremely adventurous and daring, her best friend is the biggest hick redneck in the school (i think hes awesome him but thats ok, im a guy), she doesnt really do much makeup and nails like other chics, but thats not a big deal. so those would be the things that explain her 'guy genes' - things that actually kinda made me like her more ironically enough. and she still has the girl genes like trying to look cute and being a natural babe (she isnt butchy at all).

so i guess i really have no freaking clue what to do from here... she is into me. she is hot. and honestly, aside from it being weird to think about her possibly being a dike, her boyish qualities arent all that bad.


Don Juan
Apr 25, 2009
Reaction score
wow this chick is sooo freakin frustrating its not even funny...

really long story short... we hang out again yesterday and she says she needs to tell me something. she is too shy at first and says she has a hard time telling her feelings... says "last night i was thinking alot about how much we have been hanging out with eachother and i realized that i have been really enjoying it... and that i ilke you". so i tell her straight up that i have a thing for her too (we both already knew this but now we admitted it) and blah blah blah. but then like five or ten minutes later she says something like "i have to be honest though, if it got out that we are together i would be worried how my ex would react..." and something like "my last boyfriend hit me pretty hard emotionally... i dont think i could do it again."

so im sitting there thinking WTF!!!!!!! one minute she admits that she likes me (and she txts me ALL the time too) yet the next minute she is saying that she doesnt want a relationship.

so in my eyes there are two ways of interpreting this:

1) she doesnt want to have me as a romantic friend at all, but just a friend zoned chump (i honestly wouldnt be all too dissappointed if i got friend zoned here, bcz she really isnt all that great and i wouldnt have to worry about continuing into the dating portion of the bootcamp).

and 2) she does want me as a romantic friend, but she just wants to keep it on the DL so that we dont have to deal with all the baggage in her ex (he is a cool guy, but a nut with her - he calls/txt all the time and she says it drives her nuts but doesnt want to be mean).

so i know that its basically down to those two patterns of thinking that she is going through... i just have no idea which one it is.

what i will have to figure out then is this - do i straight up come out and ask her what her intentions are (seems AFC'ish to me, bcz its putting it in her hands) or do i test her with kino and **** and see if she acts uncomfortable?


Don Juan
Apr 25, 2009
Reaction score
i just stumbled upon a couple of fun readings that i enjoyed so much i wanted to put htem up on here.

first one by handle about how to be fun in college

"Be unpredictable... Join random ****, talk to everyone, etc etc

This guy I know dominated from the second he walked into the dorms. He'd be coming home wearing the most ridiculous **** from salvation army, holding out his camera near his crotch taking surprise pictures of everyone ("crotch-eye-view") going to 5$ shows just because the band name sounded cool, accessorizing with "bling bling" from the dollar store, etc etc

The thing that will set you apart will be your role as a "doer." For some reason when you get a bunch of freshmen together they're scared of this new situation, being surrounded by hundreds of new people. Everyone will be trying to define themselves through words -- telling everyone what their interests are, looking for people who like the same bands, etc etc... Desperately trying to get a sense of identity. F that. Lead people, do things, don't just talk."

another about just being fun to be around and being playfull

>>> Tell her a story & if she gets into it stop halfway through and not tell her the rest.

>>> When walking with her if things are sticking out that you know she will have to dodge or move closer to your in a few feet to miss it slightly nudge her towards it a few feet away. She will get what you are doing and it is funny. Keep doing this the whole time but wait till a little bit sooner each time so she never knows when you are going to do it. It makes you unpredictable!

>>> If she is following right behind you start walking in circles

>>> Make up a fantasy world with just you guys. I will tell girls how we should just drop out of school and make a doughnut shop because that would be way more fun. And then say how we should also sell drugs in our doughnut shop at the same time and we can put it in the foods etc, they get really into it. They will face book me or call me a few days later asking when we are going to make our business lol.

>>> Imitate her with beer bottles/saltshakers/anyhting: Grab two and have one be you and act very cool and have her be like a whiney/biatch/geekey girl, change your voices for each one and just give her crap! They love it.

>>> Exaggerate the obvious/be playful

>>> Create mental puzzles for the girls to solve when you are not there. Tell them you have an awesome/scandalous story to tell them, but you have to tell them in person. All day they will be wondering wtf the story is about.

>>> Leave them a voicemail:"Hey ____ uhm I think you have a confession to make call me back"
When they call back make up some ridiculous story about how last night when you were home watching a movie you thought you saw her creeping outside your place stalking you last night when you were watching a movie.

>>> Be mysterious: Take her out on a date but don?t tell her where you are going/doing, just tell her what to wear. They go ape **** over this in a good way with excitement.