I went to this guys birthday shindig thur nite:
He is the taller cueball head. Poor bro has no game. The ugly tall girl jumped on my ass to get in the picture...I tried to hook my boy up with her...his game she left.
Some goofy itialian guy keep saying I look like warren zap. the poor guy was pathetic. He kept telling this one girl he had a big one and he wanted to eat her rich his dad was and blah blah blah...I hope nobody on this board is that stupid with their game... She wispered in my ear that he was cute untill he opened his mouth.
I took her number (the one with dark hair). Idiot boy is the fool in back. He kept buying me vodka tonics to keep me around to help his game.
When you roll you gotta pick your road dogs carefully. Fools with no game will ruin your chances to connect.
Of course you guys know I'm the one with the big assed jaw bone
and the game face in tact.
some fools may look like they have game but when they open their mouths they get all nervous trying to talk to girls.
I have found that when you look like a player, alot of women are drawn to you:
I got 2 numbers that night but I haven't called any of them. I couldn't find a picture of the other one.
All in all the evening was fun except for too much alcohol ingested..which I rarely do. You can't talk your game when your drunk. You may think your looking good but you don't realize that you look like the itialian fool in the above picture looked.
He is the taller cueball head. Poor bro has no game. The ugly tall girl jumped on my ass to get in the picture...I tried to hook my boy up with her...his game she left.
Some goofy itialian guy keep saying I look like warren zap. the poor guy was pathetic. He kept telling this one girl he had a big one and he wanted to eat her rich his dad was and blah blah blah...I hope nobody on this board is that stupid with their game... She wispered in my ear that he was cute untill he opened his mouth.
I took her number (the one with dark hair). Idiot boy is the fool in back. He kept buying me vodka tonics to keep me around to help his game.
When you roll you gotta pick your road dogs carefully. Fools with no game will ruin your chances to connect.
Of course you guys know I'm the one with the big assed jaw bone
and the game face in tact.
some fools may look like they have game but when they open their mouths they get all nervous trying to talk to girls.
I have found that when you look like a player, alot of women are drawn to you:
I got 2 numbers that night but I haven't called any of them. I couldn't find a picture of the other one.
All in all the evening was fun except for too much alcohol ingested..which I rarely do. You can't talk your game when your drunk. You may think your looking good but you don't realize that you look like the itialian fool in the above picture looked.