This question is for Player Supreme. Hear me out on this.
Generally speaking, do you think being black makes it easier to be a pimp? There's a stereotype of the sexually virile black male that gives immediate credibility to your attitude of confidence (in the minds of the girls you hit on, that is).
White guys constantly mimick black guys in style and speech. As Chris Rock said, "Every cool white guy is imitating black guys. Fred Durst, Eminem.....Where have the cool white guys gone? Axl Rose was the last cool white guy."
Do you think that black men can get away with more while still being perceived as "cool" ?
The whiteboy player is much different from the black player. It's a whole different ballgame. The biggest whiteboy pimp I've ever known worked with a kind of innocent playfulness that drove girls nuts. He was charismatic, witty, but not overtly sexual. He had a kind of confident swagger, but was also a bit nerdy, so girls didn't feel threatened by him and maybe even underestimated him at first. I guess people were just drawn to this guy for his charisma.
As a white guy I haven't had success doing the "no challenge/exude sexuality" formula you advocate. I think it works for you because your image is more immediately believable as a Don Juan. Once they buy the fact that you're a Don Juan they can enjoy it.
It's going to sound like complaining, but is it more difficult for a white guy to "sell" himself as a Don Juan? Hate to say this but I attract the most girls when I am being (oh, no!) myself. I can't make my intentions known too soon. Or if I do, it must be as a half-joke, that will sit in a girl's mind and keep her up at night wondering if I was serious.