muscleman said:
Oh and backbreaker ... you suggesting people taking a break from women and all this other stuff to like who you see in the mirror - isn't that going against where you're currently at? I remember you in other threads discussing how your job from home means you don't really have many friends, want more, etc.
I"m not perfect but alot of **** in my life I have together. I'm very well off financially, I have a body 99.8% of america would kill for, I have no debt, I do what I love for a living, I am a very talanted jazz musican....
you are reading into one post and trying to get a glipse of my life. you can't do that.
If you want to know the god's honest truth, my probelm is that AA had become my social life. The problems that come with that, the people as a whole just aren't that healthy.
I was trying to make people be something they weren't, and then when I try to use common sense and say **** this, people would tell me "just keep cming back".. i'm done putting my hand back ont he stove. I know it's hot.
My issue was was pretty unique. It's not that I can't meet people, the AA culture... well.. you have tob e in AA. it's very cultish. My problem without coming out and saying it wasn't that i can't meet friends but really was more so of what type of friends do I meet. AA or non AA friends. anyway i dont' want to steal your post.
Read back over my (long) history heire. i came here when i was 19. i'm 26. I grew up here. from the time i was 18 to i was 21 i ddin't go on a date, didn't do anything beucase I put every dime and every amount of energy I had into my company at the time and it paid off. not just financially, but it tought me something at an early age that you people twice my age dont' get sometime; women dont' make you happy.
women can ADD to your level of happiness. But what makes me happy is not women. it's setting goals, being the best person I can be as cliche as it can be
the dfiference between me and alot of posters, not all but alot, is I don't pretend to be a perfect DJ. I am very open about my flaws, that way I can address them and fix them. i don't come here to show off., brag or talk down to people or show people I dont' know how cool I am. I come here to improve and give back.
read this, this is probably the best I have made to date. I did this, honestly did it, and it changed my life.
I read your post about you being confused about life and what not. I strongly recommend you do the 100 day checlist I did. Sit down, take a week, brainstorm the person you want to be.
the closer you are to the person you want to be, the happier you are. it has nothing to do with how much ass you get or how fine the woman who you are poking is.