blueline said:
So, she texts me today saying she's sorry she didn't get back to me yesterday, she was on a family trip. I ask her out to go to the local tea shop tomorrow at 4 and she gives me some BS about having a paper due the next day and that we should do it another day this week. So, then I say "OK how about Tuesday at 6?" She responds with "Can I get back to you Tuesday morning? I might have too much work.
What I don't understand about this exchange you had right here is
WHY after all the flaking and excuses you've gotten from this girl....
WHY did you just go right back to doing the same thing all over again,ESPECIALLY after getting that excellent advice from Chickfight?
I mean you yourself even said that his suggestion was "very good",so why did you ignore it and continue with the status quo?
In reply #25 you said that you're willing to hear what the forum has to say. So you get advice that
YOU SAID was "very good",then the first opportunity you get to use that advice,you go right back to doing what has gotten you zero results?
I know my name is "Igetit!",but dude....I don't get this.
Pipe007 was right on the money. This girl has NO ATTRACTION for you whatsoever. How can she? You don't take the time to build any. Every interaction you have with her is you asking her out.
No busting on her,no teasing,no complimenting her (the right way),no sexual talk or inuuendos,no NOTHING. It's just "Hi",then "let's go get coffee tomorrow. No? Then how about the next day? Can't make it then? Well how about the day after that?.....and on and on and on.
All you're doing is showing desperation and boosting her ego,
AND if this continues,
YOU WILL CREATE an attention wh0re in her towards
YOU. If she happens to go 2 or 3 days without any male attention and starts to feel unattractive or unwanted,she can simply send a text to "ole' reliabe,ole'trusty" Blueline who will in a instant ask her out and make her feel wanted again.
Then once she feels desirable again,she'll set you off to the side once more until she needs another "fix" of attention. And while ALL THIS is going on
with you,she'll ACTIVELY be open and receptive to
ANY OTHER GUY who creates attraction in her.
But you know what though? Despite allll may
still have a chance with her. Imo,as long as you're not friendzoned,there's hope,BUT you need to change course QUICKLY.
You need to stop that "grab coffee/smarty pants" nonsense and get romantic/sexual. I didn't say vulgar or profane,I said
sexual. You're playful,but your playfulness has no "ummmf",no "pow!",no "spark" to it.
Instead of talking to her like a MAN,you speak to her like you're in junior high or something. Stop tiptoeing and tap dancing around with that "you're fun to talk to" crap and TURN HER ON.
If you don't do this,all she'll do is go find someone who will.