I've been seeing this guy pop up on the POF forums and it seems he's got a lot going for him. If you go to page 9 of
THIS thread...
(You can go back a few more pages to see his responses)
HawkingJr posts how he's been on the site for 10 years and nary had a date from it, (maybe a response here and there, but nothing came of them) He's also sent 10,000 first contact messages. He typically blames his appearance at 5'4" and a mix race (black and white) for his lack of ability to attract women.
As you can tell from the photos he cleans up pretty nice and works out. But if you check his "history" (see under his avatar/photo) You'll see he'll have some well written out diatribes of his online dating situation. He's a script writer/researcher by the way, so his writing is impeccable as opposed to the lame brained
text speakers.
He's said he's tried it all, including having constantly changing the write-up of his profile and pics through the suggestion of friends both online and off.
In person, when out and about...women "think of him as a friend" but nothing more. So at least he's got that going for him?
As you can see at the conclusion of Hawking's post:
Trust me: I am the ultimate student of OLD strategy. I’ve read almost every article and study that exists on the subject and participate in studies myself. But apparently sometimes something is so broken it can’t be fixed and should just be thrown away. But it’s very difficult to just throw yourself away.
So what do say to a guy that's exhausted all options, taken all the advice, etc.?
I do tend to concur that if you "lift", but are 5'4"...chances are you will struggle with women. I don't meet too many men that are THAT short to be quite honest. I think I knew of one back in my college days. The best he could do is those toy-sized Filipino chicks probably.
He surmised that no matter what you scribed up in your dating profile....the physical is an easy way to weed men out of the tons of emails she's already getting.