To quote Morpheus: (like someone else did before me, I just wanna state the point further)
think you are,
know you are."
Of course if you do everything wrong, as much as you know you are the prize, you won't be it. But if you're doing them even half good (say you aren't gifted in the looks department, or you're just not funny, but you still try to look your best and you learn some funny stuff) and you
truly believe, as hard as islamists believe killing themselves will change something and get them to heaven,
you my friend, yes! You. will. be. the MAN.
Ragnar - we don't have to think before we do. Personally, I have a lot more success when I'm NOT thinking about what I'm doing.
Master Of The World - Yeah, but most of the AFCs are losers as well. Many jerks I know aren't losers. It's just a question of priorities.
You cannot *think* you are the prize when all outward appearances (as well as your own inner sense of self), clearly demonstrate that you are not.
I digress. You can still think it, and even act like it. The only problem is having other people believe it too. It's sortof like the bully believing he's the strongest, meanest, etc, until he sees other bullies. He can still think he'd kick all their butts, and might even provoke them, but the other bully will see, after a while, that he's not that bad.
Most of your statements are on the money tho, good job.