in poorer countries if you are at the button of the barrel then you have the same results as in the west@Jesse Pinkman
What you are mentioning has honestly been going on for quite a while now, it's been a growing trend over the past 10 years. There are a lot of stats showing sexlessness amongst young men has been becoming more and more prevalent, ironically starting around 2008 when the recession hit. I personally feel that what started it was not just the recession, but at that time social media and the internet were far more advanced and widely used compared to the previous major recession of the "dot com bubble" that was in the early 2000s. Basically you have a bunch of men that feel disengaged from society and the internet and video games can become a coping mechanism. However, that's not really when we see these issues take off.
There are trends that showed around 2014/2015 is when we begin to see male sexlessness become a huge problem, ironically correlating with the widespread use of dating apps, such as tinder. When even fat and unattractive land whales feel entitled to some dude with bulging biceps you know we have a problem. Anecdotal evidence, but I've heard many men discuss how they felt the game changed around this time period, real life interactions and not posts on the internet.
What ends up happening is you now have a bunch of men that become burnt out by the dating climate for what it is and they just focus on other things in life. When you are getting nothing but rejection or just overall poor experiences, it would be totally logical to step away. These men didn't read some red pill or black pill posts or look up terms like "MGTOW", they literally just gave up due to frustration. The issue is this spiral makes it worse, at it creates even pickier and more insane women which leads to even more men giving up and checking out. I see the current dating market as a hyper competitive game of musical chairs, where you have a drove of men vying for a tiny number of available seats that are actually desirable, with the rest being undateable garbage.
I can understand all of this because I'm one of these men. In my early 30s I have a much stronger understanding of this compared to someone quite a bit younger. I've personally had nothing but bad experiences, in fact quite a few of them were extreme to say the least and I genuinely hope no well intended young man has to go through what I did. However, I've also heard of tons of stories or first hand witnessed some absolutely abysmal behavior from women towards other men. There are a couple cases I can cite where women were openly admitting to leading men on that they had no interest in. One mentioned that she'd go on dates with men, often from OLD but in real life approaches as well, basically just to get free stuff or because she was bored and wanted something to do. Another one mentioned she'd do this to get free dinner and drinks. These women will eventually get what is coming to them and I hope they grow to be old and miserable cat women.
why would an ugly dude with a sh1t salary should reproduce?
natures way is to evolve , not to stagnate or even worse degrade