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Thinking about where I see "game" heading in these coming years.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2020
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@Jesse Pinkman

What you are mentioning has honestly been going on for quite a while now, it's been a growing trend over the past 10 years. There are a lot of stats showing sexlessness amongst young men has been becoming more and more prevalent, ironically starting around 2008 when the recession hit. I personally feel that what started it was not just the recession, but at that time social media and the internet were far more advanced and widely used compared to the previous major recession of the "dot com bubble" that was in the early 2000s. Basically you have a bunch of men that feel disengaged from society and the internet and video games can become a coping mechanism. However, that's not really when we see these issues take off.

There are trends that showed around 2014/2015 is when we begin to see male sexlessness become a huge problem, ironically correlating with the widespread use of dating apps, such as tinder. When even fat and unattractive land whales feel entitled to some dude with bulging biceps you know we have a problem. Anecdotal evidence, but I've heard many men discuss how they felt the game changed around this time period, real life interactions and not posts on the internet.

What ends up happening is you now have a bunch of men that become burnt out by the dating climate for what it is and they just focus on other things in life. When you are getting nothing but rejection or just overall poor experiences, it would be totally logical to step away. These men didn't read some red pill or black pill posts or look up terms like "MGTOW", they literally just gave up due to frustration. The issue is this spiral makes it worse, at it creates even pickier and more insane women which leads to even more men giving up and checking out. I see the current dating market as a hyper competitive game of musical chairs, where you have a drove of men vying for a tiny number of available seats that are actually desirable, with the rest being undateable garbage.

I can understand all of this because I'm one of these men. In my early 30s I have a much stronger understanding of this compared to someone quite a bit younger. I've personally had nothing but bad experiences, in fact quite a few of them were extreme to say the least and I genuinely hope no well intended young man has to go through what I did. However, I've also heard of tons of stories or first hand witnessed some absolutely abysmal behavior from women towards other men. There are a couple cases I can cite where women were openly admitting to leading men on that they had no interest in. One mentioned that she'd go on dates with men, often from OLD but in real life approaches as well, basically just to get free stuff or because she was bored and wanted something to do. Another one mentioned she'd do this to get free dinner and drinks. These women will eventually get what is coming to them and I hope they grow to be old and miserable cat women.
in poorer countries if you are at the button of the barrel then you have the same results as in the west

why would an ugly dude with a sh1t salary should reproduce?

natures way is to evolve , not to stagnate or even worse degrade


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
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in poorer countries if you are at the button of the barrel then you have the same results as in the west

why would an ugly dude with a sh1t salary should reproduce?

natures way is to evolve , not to stagnate or even worse degrade
That's not really the point of what I was getting at with my post. When men do not do well financially, this happens to everyone at some point, it's quite common for them to disengage from society and get a bit depressed. Disregarding finances, many men may become depressed about many things in life, that could be from poor dating experiences or just feeling like you are in some pointless grind where you'll never get ahead.....which is the reality for literally millions of young men. That's why things like video games, drugs, alcohol are so popular.....these things provide an escape from the harsh realities of life. It doesn't help when women, who are just as messed up, are going around telling men they aren't good enough and deeming 80% of men as "unattractive".


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2020
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That's not really the point of what I was getting at with my post. When men do not do well financially, this happens to everyone at some point, it's quite common for them to disengage from society and get a bit depressed. Disregarding finances, many men may become depressed about many things in life, that could be from poor dating experiences or just feeling like you are in some pointless grind where you'll never get ahead.....which is the reality for literally millions of young men. That's why things like video games, drugs, alcohol are so popular.....these things provide an escape from the harsh realities of life. It doesn't help when women, who are just as messed up, are going around telling men they aren't good enough and deeming 80% of men as "unattractive".
ye , but in the same time this 80% men have a choice . Either to improve , either to do drugs or whatever

things are never fixed , but in a continuous change

the problem is that men have an entitled mindset , wanting without putting the effort , and when they do not get what they expect they disengage

it does not work like that unfortunately . To be good in something you have to put a lot of effort in that thing ( career , body , hobby’s , women , etc )


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
From Now till 2030

We are currently dealing with unprecedented global crises.
Covid-19, war (ukraine vs Russia which is affecting the whole global markets), shaky stock and crypto market, food shortage, a 2023 famine, and more

Let's not forget that women's standards due to social media (particularly Instagram) has made them pickier and narcissistic. The dating game is brutal especially for regular guys

10 years ago all you needed was to look decent, solid game, and you were good

Now if you wanna date upper echelon women you need looks, status, game and money or two of the four if not you will be dating average or below average women (depending on what you find attractive) covid19 basically killed nightlife or what's left of it. The number of sexless men has tripled in 10 years

This is why you see so much frustration with incels and red pillers most guys are not getting laid or not as much as they like.

By 2030 the "Chad's" will be guys who have a warm plate of food. I have a friend who works in the food supply industry and the shortage is a of worse than people think. The real effects won't hit until winter this year and could last up to a decade. Let that sink in, but isn't odd to you that all these food plants have been on fire? and cows randomly dying? So yeah if you have food you will get the hottest chick but good luck finding food unless you're a farmer or have stocked up

The rise of lonely men will continue but I do see a resurgence of the church and God. When there is despair God always shows up. The question is will modern people humble themselves to give their lives to the Lord?

Let me also add:
I think this generation of men is soft,they rather meet women through swiping apps don't approach. I'm an old man now I guess but I remember there was time you earned your stripes in the field. Now everyone is swiping. If I was 25 years old and not working 12 hours a day I would kill it in the field there so many women in groups just bored and wanting to talk to someone. Last time I went out to a fashion event I had 3 different women vyying for my attention and I'm far from Tyrone or Chad
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Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
I think there's going to be a major counter action happening due to all the guys not having mates. You can't expect men to live lonely lives with no women and just chug along happy....
What do you think will happen? an exodus of dating?
I agree I think there will be a big counter action and a lot of women are gonna have to straighten up this economic crises and worse then people think


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2018
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Shocked and flattered. But I’m not really a ‘big gun’. Plenty of guys on here game-mog me to Jupiter & back. However, I’ll try & collect my thoughts put my 2€ in.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2020
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I'm not sure.... Just can't see how men not having their needs met on a mass scale wouldn't have a reaction. If guys go mgtow, then what do they focus on now, instead of getting pusssy? They'll focus on government, morality, religion, corruption etc. They are already pisssed and frustrated with opting out, so they'll turn that energy towards where they land on those other issues.
and have the same results as they have with women

look at all this leftist movement, hating the big corporations and the wealthy men

they hate them because they want what they have for themselves , not because those guys are evil

being envious is a female trait , not a manly one


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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I think this generation of men is soft,they rather meet women through swiping apps don't approach. I'm an old man now I guess but I remember there was time you earned your stripes in the field. Now everyone is swiping. If I was 25 years old and not working 12 hours a day I would kill it in the field there so many women in groups just bored and wanting to talk to someone. Last time I went out to a fashion event I had 3 different women vyying for my attention and I'm far from Tyrone or Chad
Millennials and Gen Z definitely don't have the patience to grind it out on the streets with cold approach. There is a lot of wasted effort in night game, with many nights out at the bar resulting in some level of intoxication and no poontang. Non-bar approaching is also a rather unpleasant experience. Most women in non-bar venues are not receptive to being approached. Millennials haven't wanted to deal with that shiit. Millennials would rather have the illusion of efficiency and effectiveness of swiping and texting while sitting at home in their underwear.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2020
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However, I do start to wonder where "game" itself is heading in the coming years.

My verdict?

I think that young men growing up today and men in general have every reason and every avenue to be negative, pessimistic, bitter, and upset. There is so much out there (black pill, incel groups, MGTOW etc.) to offer young men a community where they can collectively complain and find comfort in that. I feel like with so many Pickup guys getting cancelled and most major Pickup programs largely gone, men do not have the same direction they would have had back in the day when the vibe was more positive.

IMO, a lot of guys are going to voluntarily take themselves out of the game. I think men have way too many comfortable avenues to even bother with putting int the effort to learn game and invest in a lot of self-improvement.
I personally think Sosuave will be filled with much more trolls than it has now.

Trolls such as the OP.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2020
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I personally think Sosuave will be filled with much more trolls than it has now.

Trolls such as the OP.
unfortunately public spaces are full with trolls

women are not more different than they were 2k years ago , the only difference is that most men were dying in wars so everyone took for granted that women are in a particular way

but as an idea , nature is all about evolving .

also , if powerful men are seeking goof looking women to reproduce , it kinda means that being good looking is a pre - selection and that is why good looking dudes are picked first for mating
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Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
Millennials and Gen Z definitely don't have the patience to grind it out on the streets with cold approach. There is a lot of wasted effort in night game, with many nights out at the bar resulting in some level of intoxication and no poontang. Non-bar approaching is also a rather unpleasant experience. Most women in non-bar venues are not receptive to being approached. Millennials haven't wanted to deal with that shiit. Millennials would rather have the illusion of efficiency and effectiveness of swiping and texting while sitting at home in their underwear.
I befriend young blood. Guy is modern day archer. Roided out of his mind. Does decent OLD. Cannot approach. Had a melt down due to AA. Gen Z fellas are frail. Saw another gym cel. Landed a gf. Stopped lifting. Started talking like he's a playboy and he got cucked. Stopped lifting. Gf found a new guy.

As a man gets older he needs to go find younger hungrier lions. Young blood. Fellas on their come up. Many of the OGS from our generation are retired or whatever it is they do now isn't game. In fairness it's been a pua apocalypse. I don't want to lose my edge but I'm aware energy is finite. It's not the best use of time to club regularly nor a good use of money.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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As a man gets older he needs to go find younger hungrier lions.
For men who are unattached or tend to have shorter relationships without commitments and children (under 2-3 years), the social dynamics become interesting as you age. For most men, somewhere between ages 26-34, there will be a flurry of weddings in his social circle. The married men will drop/significantly scale back their interactions with unattached or marginally attached men. Same goes for the unmarried, cohabiting LTR guys. An unattached/marginally attached guy on his 35th birthday and beyond will find himself as a bit of a lone wolf. He can't rely on the friends he made a long time ago. They don't relate to him anymore. There aren't a lot of men 35+ who are childless, never married/not married, and not cohabiting with some woman. Befriending younger males is a good effort to have male friends.


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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For men who are unattached or tend to have shorter relationships without commitments and children (under 2-3 years), the social dynamics become interesting as you age. For most men, somewhere between ages 26-34, there will be a flurry of weddings in his social circle. The married men will drop/significantly scale back their interactions with unattached or marginally attached men. Same goes for the unmarried, cohabiting LTR guys. An unattached/marginally attached guy on his 35th birthday and beyond will find himself as a bit of a lone wolf. He can't rely on the friends he made a long time ago. They don't relate to him anymore. There aren't a lot of men 35+ who are childless, never married/not married, and not cohabiting with some woman. Befriending younger males is a good effort to have male friends.
This is definitely, but I suspect these phenomena are more pronounced in people coming from Catholic cultures.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
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For men who are unattached or tend to have shorter relationships without commitments and children (under 2-3 years), the social dynamics become interesting as you age. For most men, somewhere between ages 26-34, there will be a flurry of weddings in his social circle. The married men will drop/significantly scale back their interactions with unattached or marginally attached men. Same goes for the unmarried, cohabiting LTR guys. An unattached/marginally attached guy on his 35th birthday and beyond will find himself as a bit of a lone wolf. He can't rely on the friends he made a long time ago. They don't relate to him anymore. There aren't a lot of men 35+ who are childless, never married/not married, and not cohabiting with some woman. Befriending younger males is a good effort to have male friends.
I highly recommend it. They got the fire still. Where they lack in calibration, they make up for it with energy and effort. Alternatively, you see a huge gap in a variety of different things. Most men don't approach. Gen Z men seem terrified of approaching and are far too keen in giving free attention. I see guys at the gym lingering around women at the gym for HOURS. I see young Gen Z following around busted older women. It's clown world.

There are some young blood who are good guys, got promise, and take action. I think similar to you, I am naturally lone wolf. While naturally a extrovert, I enjoy solitude. I enjoyed the pandemic a great deal with more quiet. The volume turned down. More meditation. More time in nature.

I'd say I reinvented myself and components of my life as well as my game. I also reflected on a new path and contemplated a great deal.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
For men who are unattached or tend to have shorter relationships without commitments and children (under 2-3 years), the social dynamics become interesting as you age. For most men, somewhere between ages 26-34, there will be a flurry of weddings in his social circle. The married men will drop/significantly scale back their interactions with unattached or marginally attached men. Same goes for the unmarried, cohabiting LTR guys. An unattached/marginally attached guy on his 35th birthday and beyond will find himself as a bit of a lone wolf. He can't rely on the friends he made a long time ago. They don't relate to him anymore. There aren't a lot of men 35+ who are childless, never married/not married, and not cohabiting with some woman. Befriending younger males is a good effort to have male friends.
Be careful dealing with younger men, I've seen scenarios were they get jealous if you have more success than them with younger women. I've also been on the flipside hanging with a guy your age or older, if you don't vet him properly they will try to "infringe" on girls you're dealing wiht too

Personally, I don't go to bars/clubs anymore I found the scene to superficial and never could have the type of convo I wanted due to loud music and such. Brunch/Day parties are nie but once agian my scene is more Fashion events now a days


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
Be careful dealing with younger men, I've seen scenarios were they get jealous if you have more success than them with younger women. I've also been on the flipside hanging with a guy your age or older, if you don't vet him properly they will try to "infringe" on girls you're dealing wiht too

Personally, I don't go to bars/clubs anymore I found the scene to superficial and never could have the type of convo I wanted due to loud music and such. Brunch/Day parties are nie but once agian my scene is more Fashion events now a days
I haven't made any younger single friends since I've been 35+. I've still been friends with the guys who were once unattached and unmarried. Since they've gotten married or cohabited with their girlfriends, I've seen less of them. Some have also moved to other cities. I have one 35+ guy friend who has never married and not had kids and we get along great.

I think guys 35+ who live the unattached/marginally attached lifestyle do end up as a bit of lone wolves to some extent. These guys aren't a part of social circles because social circles tend to be centered around established couples in one's 30s/40s.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
I haven't made any younger single friends since I've been 35+. I've still been friends with the guys who were once unattached and unmarried. Since they've gotten married or cohabited with their girlfriends, I've seen less of them. Some have also moved to other cities. I have one 35+ guy friend who has never married and not had kids and we get along great.

I think guys 35+ who live the unattached/marginally attached lifestyle do end up as a bit of lone wolves to some extent. These guys aren't a part of social circles because social circles tend to be centered around established couples in one's 30s/40s.
Yup I'm a lone wolf too almost 40, I tend to find more success going to Fashion events, art festivals, food festivals etc. Women seem more approachable and the ratio also tends to favor men at fashion events (2 woment to 1 man) so meeting women at those events seems more ogranic and they tend to be more open than at a bar or club where they expect to get hit on


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
Yup I'm a lone wolf too almost 40, I tend to find more success going to Fashion events, art festivals, food festivals etc. Women seem more approachable and the ratio also tends to favor men at fashion events (2 woment to 1 man) so meeting women at those events seems more ogranic and they tend to be more open than at a bar or club where they expect to get hit on
I've done less with organized events than you have. I've often liked going to fitness classes, which have a similar ratio than the ratios you describe at your fashion events, art festivals, and food festivals. I've done more outdoor walking path and park type approaches too in more recent times.


Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2017
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Like most things, ROI dictates actions.

If a guy has to move mountains to get a partner, he will back out. The upside is, more time to spend on activities which actually produce a result eg. goals money etc.

As someone said earlier, guys getting success in the game rarely take themselves out of the game. The downside being, comfort leading to loss of money, ambitions dreams etc.

Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, weak men create hard times.

Things will balance out with time, don’t worry folks. Just focus on yourself and those who care about you.