So I was thinking today....and I've finally figured out a definite routine/schedule for my work outs, after trying a bit of everything. I'm going to combine powerlifting, bodybuilding, and olympic lifts with a bit of stuff reminiscent of crossfit.
Day 1(was today)
- body weight oriented circuit
*50 squats @225 lbs
*50 pull ups
*50 push ups
*50 ab rollouts
*50 dips
Day 2(will be tomorrow)
- bodybuilding and powerlifting oriented
*bench press, barbell and dumbbell
*military press
*incline/decline bench
*all types of rows
*dropset curls/skullcrushers
*any other push/pull types of lifts
*jump rope at the end
Day 3
- body weight oriented circuit
Day 4
- olympic/powerlifts
*squats (heavy)
*power/hang cleans (heavy)
*sumo/reg deadlifts
*jump rope at the end
And back to day 1. So far the way I've been doing the body weight circuits is as follows: 10 squats, 10 pull ups, 10 push ups, 10 rollouts, 10 dips, rinse and repeat x5. As I progress I'll look to up the reps each round to 12 or 15, keeping the # of rounds at 5.
As for the bodybuilding day.....there is a ton of volume with everything I have listed..too much actually so I'll have to split that into A and B workouts.
The body weight oriented workouts will be more for muscular endurance and overall fitness, bodybuilding day will be for volume, and oly/power day will be to build strength. I'm gonna give this a go for awhile and see how it goes..I'm pretty excited now that I have an actual plan, and a plan that I came up with myself no less.
So there's my custom split. 4-5 days per week probably. 3 out of the last 4 weeks I've lifted 5 days and 1 of the 4 weeks I did 4 days, so we'll see. Weekends are rest days.